SoldChimu Blackware Whistling Stirrup - Bird HeadPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 1470 to 1532 CE. A blackware double-chambered whistling vessel comprised of two mold-made bottles, the rear one with a conical spout, the other with a blindSee Sold Price
Chimu Blackware Whistling Jar with Bird HeadPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Chimu, ca. 1470 to 1532 CE. A blackware double-chambered whistling vessel comprised of two mold-made bottles, the rear one with a conical spout, the other with a blindSee Sold Price
SoldFine Mayan Terracotta Ball Game FigurePre-Columbian, Mayan, ca. 600 to 850 CE. Mold-made pottery standing figure with outstretched arms, knotted yoke, protruding elbow attachments. He wears a helmet depicting a bird head with large hook bSee Sold Price
SoldMoche Fine Line Pottery Vessel - Long Necked BirdsPre-Columbian, North Coast Peru, Late Moche V, ca. 600 to 700 CE. A lovely mold-made terracotta vessel decorated with a beautiful fine line bi-chrome painted program depicting seven bird heads extendiSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Bird Blackware Jar, Bird FormPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Chimu culture, ca. 1300-1400 CE. Beautiful mold-made blackware bottle in form of bird, with head, wings, and tail modeled on body. Â At base of spout is a narrow band witSee Sold Price
TWELVE PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY FRAGMENTS,TWELVE PRE-COLUMBIAN POTTERY FRAGMENTS, circa 6th century B.C. Eight heads, two figures, a mold, a bird, and a greek figure of a horse, boeotia (14) - Largest: 4 1/4 in. high.See Sold Price
SoldMaya Pottery Figural Whistle - Bird ManPre-Columbian, Southern Mexico to Guatemala, Maya, Late Classic Period, ca. 550 to 900 CE. A mold-formed pottery whistle figure standing on stocky legs. The figure has an avian-style head with featureSee Sold Price
SoldChimu Blackware Jar - Bird FormPre-Columbian, Northern Peru, Chimu culture, ca. 1100 to 1470 CE. A beautiful mold-made blackware vessel in a characteristic avian form, with a flat and stable base, broad head, large protruding beak,See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Bird Mace HeadPre-columbian stone mace head, Costa Rica, circa 1000 A.D. Stone mace head in the shape of a bird. White stone with abstract head of bird, high relief with eyes, beak and mouth. Round mace head with rSee Sold Price
Pre-columbian Chavin Bird Head VesselPre-columbian Chavin Bird Head Vessel from Peru, ca. 800-400 B.C. Grayware terracotta bottle with a barrel shaped bottle, the top surmounted with a bird's head that has a short beak, a central plume sSee Sold Price
SoldPRECOLUMBIAN TAINO BIRD HEAD COHOBA INHALERTrain Bird head Cohoba. Made from a basalt like stone. Originally from the Dominican Republic and dating ca 1000-1500AD. Measures approximately 4.5 inches by .75 inches by 2.5 inches. In very good conSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Bird Mace HeadA Costa Rica, Guanacaste-Nicoya Culture stone bird mace head, ca. 200 B.C. - 600 A.D., a yellow stone ceremonial mace head in the form of a bird with a centrally pierced shaft hole. Large peaked, protSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Stone Bird Mace Head, Carved Brown StonePre-Columbian Stone Bird Mace Head, Carved Brown Stone Avian Mace, Origin: Nicoya Costa Rica, Age: 300-800 A.D.See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Stone Bird Mace Head, Green Stone MacePre-Columbian Stone Bird Mace Head, Green Stone Mace Head, Detailed Carving of Avian, Mineral Deposits and Sign of Erosion, Origin: Costa Rica, Age: 500-800 A.D.See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Aztec Figural Birds Head Tripod Redware Pottery BowlThis is a Pre-Columbian redware pottery bowl resting on three figural bird's head feet. Purchased 5/18/1988 Sotheby's NY Lot 318 sale 5715. This item is described in a certified insurance appraisal daSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Pre Columbian Chimu Chambered Bird Head VesselAncient Pre Columbian Chimu Chambered Bird Headed Vessel, Circa 800 AD. Nice globe attached at center with bridge handle. Size 7-1/4 in L x 4 "H. Provenance: Ex NY DR. Collection.See Sold Price
Sold3 Pre-Columbian Style Terracotta Bird Heads.A group of three Pre-Columbian style terracotta bird heads. Mesoamerica. 20th century.++ Large bird head. 6" x 5" x 7". ++ Bird head with long beak. ++ Small bird head. 2" x 1 1/4" x 1".See Sold Price
SoldSouth American Cloth DollSouth American Cloth Doll, 20th century item. Made of cloth, the item measures approx. 4 1/2" x 13". South American. Cloth doll made with some old pre-Columbian fragments. Bird on head. Condition: GooSee Sold Price
SoldChavin Bird Ceramic Stirrup Vessel 7''x8.5''. PreChavin Bird Ceramic Stirrup Vessel 7''x8.5''. Pre Columbian pot with figural bird head and stylized feathers. Slight chipping to tail, otherwise excellent condition. Peru, 1200 to 500 CE.See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Pottery BowlBOWL. Pre-columbian pottery bowl having bird head form double handles and black and red pigment decoration, 8 1/2"h. In good condition, wear and fading to pigment.See Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Smiling Face HeadPre-Columbian 'Smiling Face' head, hollow (mold made) tan clay, Napiloa site, Veracruz, Mexico, Classic period circa 600 AD, 6" H. Provenance: La Jolla, California collection.See Sold Price
SoldPolychrome Effigy Vessel, possibly pre-Columbian, dePolychrome Effigy Vessel, possibly pre-Columbian, depicting two birds with heads in relief, (cracks), ht. 9 1/4 in.See Sold Price
1.3/4" Pre Columbian Head, Pottery, South AmericaHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Stunning Mace Head, Pre Columbian, Mayan Culture, Found in Guatemala. 4.1/4" DiameterHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pottery Effigy Head, Pre Columbian, 4" Tall.Heartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1 1/2" Pre Columbian Pottery Face Effigy Head Mayan Aztec found in South AmericaHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Moche III Condor Bird Terra Cotta Pre-Columbian VesselHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Pre Columbian Style Male Carved Stone SculptureHill Auction Gallery 4.7(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Ancient Pre-Columbian Tlatilco Pottery Masks, 2Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 07, 2024
Moche Figural Poporo - Male Carrying Bird in BasketArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
4 5/8" Pre-Colombian Bird Effigy Mace HeadHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024