SoldPORSCHE 2x bevel shaft for Carrera engine, probablyPORSCHE 2x bevel shaft for Carrera engine, probably 1500/1600, along with it 2 x short shaft/wave, all labeled with 316 together with the suitable replacement parts German Description PORSCHE 2x KöniSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE mixed lot of 6 replacement parts for PorschePORSCHE mixed lot of 6 replacement parts for Porsche type 356 Carrera engine, probably 1500/1600, long and short bevel shaft, all labeled with E35 belonging to it German Description PORSCHE Konv. 6 ErSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE/BOSCH, 2x ignition distributor, early version, PORSCHE/BOSCH, 2x ignition distributor, early version, for 1500 Carrera engines (VJS4L2) for a 550 Spyder German Description PORSCHE/BOSCH 2x Zündverteiler, frühe Ausführung, für 1500 Carrera MotoSee Sold Price
SoldGama, 2x Feuerwehr, Porsche Carrera + HelikopterGama, 2x Fire Engine, Porsche Carrera + Helicopter, W.-Germany, original boxes, mostly very good conditionSee Sold Price
PORSCHE/MAHLE 4 piston and cylinders for a Porsche 356PORSCHE/MAHLE 4 piston and cylinders for a Porsche 356 GT or Carrera 1700ccm engine with master shaft, NOS German Description PORSCHE/MAHLE 4 Kolben und Zylinder für einen Porsche 356 GT oder CarreraSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE mixed lot of 2x anchor plates for Porsche 356PORSCHE mixed lot of 2x anchor plates for Porsche 356 Carrera GT, not restored, paint was probably touched up German Description PORSCHE Konv. 2x Ankerplatten für Porsche 356 Carrera GT, unrestaurierSee Sold Price
Porsche Engine block for type Carrera GTPart number: 9801011012R, block was probably never usedSee Sold Price
Porsche MFI engine for 911 Carrera 2.7 litresEngine number 6640148. The engine was overhauled in 2017. The following parts were renewed: main bearing, intermediate shafts, timing chains, piston rings, valve seats processed, ignition system, V-beSee Sold Price
Porsche MFI engine for 911 Carrera 2.7 litresEngine number 6640148. The engine was overhauled in 2017. The following parts were renewed: main bearing, intermediate shafts, timing chains, piston rings, valve seats processed, ignition system, V-beSee Sold Price
PORSCHE 12 pages engine, coupling control gear, drivePORSCHE 12 pages engine, coupling control gear, drive shaft and drive from 1973 with glued in photos, probably for internal use, with 1 folder "Stand der Technik, Schaltgetriebe" from 1973, 27 pages,See Sold Price
PORSCHE 12 pages engine coupling, control gear, drivePORSCHE 12 pages engine coupling, control gear, drive shaft and drive from 1973, with glued in photos, probably for internal use, with 1 folder "Stand der Technik, Schaltgetriebe" from 1973, 27 pages,See Sold Price
Porsche / Ahag Albert Hirth AG Folder engine type 527 A forProbably Le Mans version, extremely rare folder with 46 engineering drawing, the plans are written for example Hirth Racing-shaft, driver screw, rod bushing, connecting rod, winder bols, clamping bolsSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE desk model Porsche bevel shaft (miniature)PORSCHE desk model Porsche bevel shaft (miniature) mounted on a wood base, with badge "356 Jahrestreffen Bonn 1997", length 31 cm German Description PORSCHE Schreibtischmodell Porsche Königswelle (MiSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE 2x engine tin, piece number 93010686201, NOS,PORSCHE 2x engine tin, piece number 93010686201, NOS, slight traces of storage, German Description PORSCHE 2x Motorblech, Teilenummer 93010686201, NOS, leichte Lagerspuren,See Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE mixed lot of 3 original company photos, Porsche 356 Carrera GT model 1958, with two photos,PORSCHE mixed lot of 3 original company photos, Porsche 356 Carrera GT model 1958, with two photos, Porsche Carrera engine type 1500 GS, version 110 HP for vehicles Gran Turismo, 13x18cm German DescriSee Sold Price
PORSCHE alternator tower for Porsche 356 Carrera,PORSCHE alternator tower for Porsche Carrera engine 1500ccma, number 54701109, reproduction German Description PORSCHE Lichtmaschinenturm für Porsche Carrera Motor 1500ccm, Nummer 54701109, ReproduktSee Sold Price
PORSCHE, Great Britain 1959, assembly instructionPORSCHE, Great Britain 1959, assembly instruction Porsche Carrera engine type 1600 GS, 74 pages, loosely content, with traces of usage German Description PORSCHE Großbritannien 1959, MontageanleituSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE, Germany 1956, assembly instruction PorschePORSCHE, Germany 1956, assembly instruction Porsche Carrera engine type 1500 GS, 54 pages, punched, content is loosely, with traces of usage German Description PORSCHE Deutschland 1956, MontageanleituSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE, Germany 1959, assembly instruction PorschePORSCHE, Germany 1959, assembly instruction Porsche Carrera engine type 1600 GS, 76 pages, loosely content, with traces of usage German Description PORSCHE Deutschland 1959, Montageanleitung Porsche CSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE mixed lot with 2 company photos, No. 1: factoryPORSCHE mixed lot with 2 company photos, No. 1: factory photo Porsche Carrera engine type 160 GS, No. 2: Porsche Carrera GT model 1958, both are originals German Description PORSCHE Konv. 2 WerksfotosSee Sold Price
PORSCHE mixed lot of 2 intake manifolds for PorschePORSCHE mixed lot of 2 intake manifolds for Porsche Carrera engines (Weber 40DMC1/40DCNF), rare German Description PORSCHE Konv. 2 Ansaugstutzen für Porsche Carrera Motoren (Weber 40DMC1/40DCNF), selSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE/BOSCH Mixed lot with 2 ignition contacts forPORSCHE/BOSCH Mixed lot with 2 ignition contacts for Porsche Carrera engines, 2 litre German Description PORSCHE/BOSCH Konv. 2 Zündkontakte für Porsche Carrera Motoren, 2 LiterSee Sold Price
CANE WITH WALRUS IVORY LOOP HANDLE 19th Century Length 36".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Tag Heuer Carrera Porsche Limited Edition Steel Mens Watch CBN2A1M UnwornGolden Gate Auctioneer4.1(275)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Tag Heuer Carrera Chronosprint X Porsche Special Edition Steel Mens Watch CBS2011 UnwornGolden Gate Auctioneer4.1(275)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Tag Heuer Carrera Chronosprint X Porsche Special Edition Steel Mens WatchGolden Gate Auctioneer4.1(275)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Tag Heuer Carrera Porsche Special Edition Steel MensPacific Global Auction3.9(274)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Tag Heuer Carrera Chronosprint X Porsche Special Edition Steel MensPacific Global Auction3.9(274)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024