Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., GoudaPlateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Flower pot, 1919. H. 23.8 cm; Diameter 35 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze. Marked: Yearmark, 8, 121, Gouda, gate of Lazarus, Holland, P.See Sold Price
SoldTable clock, 1898Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Table clock, 1898. H. 28 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze. Clock of brass, dial face with white enamel. Marked: A, gate of Lazarus, EK, ZUID-HOLSee Sold Price
SoldWandteller Plateelbakkerij 'Zuid Holland', E. EstiWandteller Plateelbakkerij 'Zuid Holland', E. Estié & Co. Gouda, um 1900. - Blumen - Heller Steingutscherben, glasiert. Polychrome bemalt. Craquelé. Unter dem Boden bez.: Madein Gebäude DV Zuid HolSee Sold Price
SoldVaseVase Plateelbakkerij ''Zuid Holland'', E. Estié & Co, 20er Jahre Steingut. Bunter Unterglasurdekor aus Kornblumen und Insekten auf weißgrauem Fond mit Craquelée. In Unterglasurschwarz bez.: MADE INSee Sold Price
SoldEARLY 20TH C. DUTCH HAND-PAINTED POTTERY VASEPlateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. bulbous stick vase, made circa 1904-12. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze by Pieter Woerlee. Coastal landscape with chruch steeple and sailboats. IncSee Sold Price
SoldGroße Vase, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estié & Co., Gouda. Large vase, 1906-17. H. 47.2 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze, floral pattern. Marked: Made in Z Holland, gate of Lazarus, J. H., 4´5006. TwoSee Sold Price
SoldVasenpaarVasenpaar Vasenpaar Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estié & Co., Gouda, um 1910 Porzellanfayence, polychrome Unterglasurbemalung auf schwarzem Grund. Bez.: 136 T, TALOS, GOUDA HOLLAND, H (schwarz, geSee Sold Price
Tall vase, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Tall vase, 1906-17. H. 42 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze with flowers. Marked: Made in Holland, Lazarus gate, TR (?), 128. Residue of a red stSee Sold Price
Four vases, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Four vases, 1906-17. H. 5.5-16.2 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze. Marked as follows: ZUID-HOLLAND, 94, Lazarus gate, T, GOUDA; ZUID-HOLLAND, LaSee Sold Price
Tall vase, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Tall vase, 1906-17. H. 41.2 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze. Flowers. Marked: MADE IN ZUID HOLLAND, Lazarus gate, 211.See Sold Price
Four vases, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Four vases, 1906-17. H. 5.5-16.2 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze. Marked as follows: ZUID-HOLLAND, 94, Lazarus gate, T, GOUDA; ZUID-HOLLAND, LaSee Sold Price
Kanne mit VögelnKanne mit Vögeln Kanne mit Vögeln Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estié & Co., Gouda, um 1906 Auf Sichtseite Kanarienvögel im Geäst. Heller Steingutscherben, matte, polychrome Glasurmalerei auf ESee Sold Price
SoldVase with handles, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Vase with handles, 1906-17. H. 25.9 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze, clematis pattern. Marked: MADE IN ZUID HOLLAND, Lazarus gate, P/B, E. D. (See Sold Price
Tall vase, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Tall vase, 1906-17. H. 41.2 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze. Flowers. Marked: MADE IN ZUID HOLLAND, Lazarus gate, 211.See Sold Price
Vase with handles, 1901-03Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Vase with handles, 1901-03. H. 35.2 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze by Cornelis Jacobus van Muijen. Branches. Marked: MADE IN ZUID-HOLLAND (...See Sold Price
Tall vase, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Tall vase, 1906-17. H. 39 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze. Thistles. Marked: ZUID-HOLLAND, 3/9/244, Lazarus gate, NS, Gouda.See Sold Price
Decorative plate, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Decorative plate, 1906-17. D. 38.1 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze. Different kinds of flowers. Marked: Zuid-Holland, 7, Lazarus gate, A. B., GSee Sold Price
Vase, 1906-10Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Vase, 1906-10. H. 25.9 cm. Faience, polychromatic glaze probably by David van der Kellen. Flowers on dark ground. Marked: MADE IN ZUID HOLLAND, LazaSee Sold Price
SoldDecorative plate, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Decorative plate, 1906-17. D. 18.3 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze with flowers. Marked: Z. HOLLAND, Lazarus gate, vJH, Gouda, 1/243, 1.See Sold Price
Vase with handles, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Vase with handles, 1906-17. H. 37.5 cm. Earthenware, matt polychromatic glaze. Bird sitting on a branch. Marked: ZUID-HOLLAND, 311, Lazarus gate, A.See Sold Price
Tall vase, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Tall vase, 1906-17. H. 39 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze. Thistles. Marked: ZUID-HOLLAND, 3/9/244, Lazarus gate, NS, Gouda.See Sold Price
Small vase, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Small vase, 1906-17. H. 16.5 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze on dark ground. Flowers. Marked: Made in, Lazarustor, H. H., 59.See Sold Price
Vase, 1906-10Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Vase, 1906-10. H. 25.9 cm. Faience, polychromatic glaze probably by David van der Kellen. Flowers on dark ground. Marked: MADE IN ZUID HOLLAND, LazaSee Sold Price
Vase with handles, 1906-17Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland E. Estie & Co., Gouda. Vase with handles, 1906-17. H. 28 cm. Earthenware, polychromatic glaze on dark ground. Tulips. Marked: Made in Holland, Lazarus gate, d. V., 21.See Sold Price
Large Wooden Fitted Box for Silver - J E Caldwell & Co Philadelphia 9.25 in. x 22.5 in. x 14.5 in.Donny Malone Auctions4.4(1.8k)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
E INGRAHAM & CO DOMINO Vintage Wooden Mantel ClockThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
WW2 WWII Named 101st airborne 506th PIR GroupingEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Assorted Vintage Souvenir and Commemorative SpoonsRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Lrg C.E. Muller & Co Flower Geissler Tube, BaseTom Hall Auctions Inc.4.4(113)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024