SoldPITTSBURGH BEADED DRAPE PARLOR LAMPPITTSBURGH BEADED DRAPE PARLOR LAMP, green (uranium) satin, with matching pattern ball-form shade, cast-iron base embossed "895," cast-iron decorative font crown with double handles, appropriate brassSee Sold Price
SoldPITTSBURGH BEADED DRAPE PARLOR LAMPPITTSBURGH BEADED DRAPE PARLOR LAMP, ruby satin, with matching pattern ball-form shade, cast-iron base embossed "895," cast-iron decorative font crown with double handles, appropriate brass drop-in foSee Sold Price
SoldPITTSBURGH BEADED DRAPE PARLOR / GONE WITH THE WINDPITTSBURGH BEADED DRAPE PARLOR / GONE WITH THE WIND LAMP, red (Cardinal) with satin finish to drape pattern, matching pattern ball-form shade; elongated-form font vase with cast-metal spill ring and aSee Sold Price
SoldPITTSBURGH BEADED DRAPE KEROSENE GONE WITH THE WIND /PITTSBURGH BEADED DRAPE KEROSENE GONE WITH THE WIND / PARLOR LAMP, Green satin, matching pattern ball-form shade, elongated-form font vase with cast-metal spill ring and attached double handles, cast-See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED GONE WITH THE WIND KEROSENE PARLOR LAMP BASES,ASSORTED GONE WITH THE WIND KEROSENE PARLOR LAMP BASES, LOT OF THREE, comprising a ruby satin Fostoria Acanthus, a Pittsburgh Beaded Drape, a Consolidated Fish Net Cartouche. Together with a VictorianSee Sold Price
SoldRED "BEADED DRAPE" VICTORIAN PARLOR LAMPA RED “BEADED DRAPE” SATIN GLASS VICTORIAN PARLOR LAMP, CIRCA 1900, PROBABLY BY PITTSBURG. Later electrified. Height 24.25 inches (61.6 cm). SHIPPING NOTICE:Jackson’s is your sole and only sourSee Sold Price
SoldRARE SIZE SATIN BEADED DRAPE GLASS PARLOR LAMPBrass base with clear frosted satin glass beaded drape pattern font and shade. Fitted with a No. 2 Queen Anne Burner. Stands 17 inches high.See Sold Price
SoldPITTSBURGH SQUARE BASE DRAPE KEROSENE PARLOR LAMPPITTSBURGH SQUARE BASE DRAPE KEROSENE PARLOR LAMP, ruby satin, with matching pattern ball-form shade, metal base, cast-metal decorative font crown, appropriate brass drop-in font with complete workingSee Sold Price
SoldPittsburgh Lamp Co. "Beaded Drape" GWTW LampPittsburgh Lamp Co. "Beaded Drape" GWTW Lamp: green satin; electrified; with Success burner; iron base; 9 1/2" ball. (This lamp does not have the side handles; they usually come with.) 24" tall All itSee Sold Price
SoldPittsburgh Lamp Co. "Beaded Drape" GWTW LampPittsburgh Lamp Co. "Beaded Drape" GWTW Lamp: red satin; electrified; USA burner; with side handles; iron base; 10" ball. (No cord. The ball shade has several factory blemishes and base rim chips.) 25See Sold Price
SoldBEADED DRAPE COVERED JARS, LOT OF TWOBEADED DRAPE COVERED JARS, LOT OF TWO, blue satin, period quadruple-plated covers. Pittsburgh Lamp, Brass & Glass Co. Circa 1900. 5 1/4" HOA, 3 1/4" H jars.Undamaged with scattered wear. Each having sSee Sold Price
SoldCONSOLIDATED IMPERIAL / DIAMOND DRAPE PARLOR LAMPCONSOLIDATED IMPERIAL / DIAMOND DRAPE PARLOR LAMP, lemon yellow satin, with matching pattern ball-form shade, cast-spelter base embossed "152," appropriate brass drop-in font with complete working mecSee Sold Price
SoldA PITTSBURGH PARLOR LAMP 19th century, cast figurA PITTSBURGH PARLOR LAMP 19th century, cast figural dragon handles on bronze urn form base with grotesque masks. Shade absent, embossed P.C. & B. Co. Height 14 inches. Estimate $200-$300See Sold Price
SoldMini Red Satin Beaded Drape Lamp, As IsMini Red Satin Beaded Drape Lamp, As Is: The shade and the base match each other; there is a chimney. 9 1/2" Tall to the top of the shade. (There is a 2" crack and minor rim chips on the shade; the chSee Sold Price
CONSOLIDATED RED SATIN DRAPE PARLOR LAMPRemarkable red satin drape font and shade, cast base with open work, four footed, burner marked "Consolidated" and with 1888-1892 patent dates.See Sold Price
SoldCONSOLIDATED IMPERIAL / DIAMOND DRAPE PARLOR LAMPCONSOLIDATED IMPERIAL / DIAMOND DRAPE PARLOR LAMP, ruby satin, with matching pattern ball-form shade, cast-spelter base, appropriate brass drop-in font with complete working mechanics including an appSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED GLASS MINIATURE LAMPS, LOT OF 11ASSORTED GLASS MINIATURE LAMPS, LOT OF 11, various colors, including two "VAPO/CRESOLENE", a pink Beaded Drape lamp base, and two Smith No. 113 examples. Various makers. Fourth quarter 19th/first quarSee Sold Price
SoldMiniature Red Satin Glass Lamp BaseMiniature Red Satin Glass Beaded Drape Lamp Base: round shape with Acorn burner and clear chimney. No condition problems. 4 1/4" to brass collar topSee Sold Price
SoldDEW DROP / HOBNAIL CYLINDER GLOBEDEW DROP / HOBNAIL CYLINDER GLOBE, cranberry, flanged fitter. Together with a red satin Consolidated Coolidge Drape parlor lamp base lacking mounts. Two pieces total. Fourth quarter 19th century. GlobSee Sold Price
SoldBEADED DRAPE MINIATURE LAMPBEADED DRAPE MINIATURE LAMP, chartreuse green with satin finish, globular-form font, matching patterned ball-form shade, period collar. Fitted with a Plume & Atwood Nutmeg burner with thumbwheel markeSee Sold Price
SoldPITTSBURGH POPPY PARLOR LAMPPITTSBURGH POPPY PARLOR LAMP, green (uranium) satin, with matching pattern ball-form shade, cast-metal base embossed "876," brass decorative font crown, inappropriate Consolidated brass drop-in font wSee Sold Price
SoldRed Satin Beaded Drape GWTW LampRed Satin Beaded Drape GWTW Lamp: has been electrified, no fill cap, filigree base with 2 handled collar with chimney. 25" TSee Sold Price
SoldFOSTORIA NO. 3 / BEADED ACANTHUS PARLOR LAMPFOSTORIA NO. 3 / BEADED ACANTHUS PARLOR LAMP, crystal satin, with matching pattern ball-form shade, cast-iron base embossed "282 FGCO," cast-iron decorative font crown embossed "23," appropriate brassSee Sold Price
Art Deco Bronze and Alabaster Parlor Floor LampPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
19th Century American Walnut Marble Top TablePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Art Deco Pittsburgh Lamp with Green Cased ShadePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Unusual Tiffany Style Parlor Lamp w/ Peacock Design on the Shade. Leaded Shade and BaseSwisher Bros. Auction LLC4.4(251)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Collection French Style Beaded Shades, Lamps and Tea Light Candle HolderRivich Auction4.5(231)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Vintage Amber Glass Frosted Diamond LampshadeRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024