SoldPILLAR-MOLDED AND NOTCH CUT CELERY GLASS, honey aPILLAR-MOLDED AND NOTCH CUT CELERY GLASS, honey amber, factory polished eight-scallop rim above eight ribs, each cut with two notches, applied short plain stem and star-cut foot. Second half 19th centSee Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT VASE OR CELERY GLASSPILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT VASE OR CELERY GLASS, brilliant canary yellow, heavy deep bowl with eight pronounced notch-cut ribs and a gauffered, cut and polished rim, raised on a compressed-knop stem and ciSee Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT CELERY GLASS, colorless, ePILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT CELERY GLASS, colorless, eight ribs each cut with three notches, boldly flared slightly scalloped rim, applied compressed baluster stem and circular foot with polished pontil marSee Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED CUT GLASS CELERY GLASS / VASEPILLAR-MOLDED CUT GLASS CELERY GLASS / VASE, bright canary yellow (reacts under black light), deep cylindrical bowl with eight pronounced ribs, each having two cut notches, factory-cut and polished scSee Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT GLASS CELERY VASEPILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT GLASS CELERY VASE, colorless lead glass, deep bowl with eight vertical ribs and a wide and thin point rim, cut-panelled waisted stem and applied circular foot with a rayed base.See Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT QUART DECANTERPILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT QUART DECANTER, colorless lead glass, petticoat form with eight pronounced ribs with cut notches, cut-panelled shoulder and band of cut ovals to the neck, original stopper with cSee Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT QUART DECANTERPILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT QUART DECANTER, colorless lead glass, petticoat form with eight pronounced ribs with cut notches, cut-panelled shoulder and band of cut ovals to the neck, original stopper with cSee Sold Price
SoldVARIOUS GLASS CELERY VASES, LOT OF SIXVARIOUS GLASS CELERY VASES, LOT OF SIX, colorless, including a twisted pillar-molded example, two examples with elaborate engraving and hollow stems, and an example cut in the EAPG Laverne pattern. SeSee Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVEPILLAR-MOLDED GLASS ARTICLES, LOT OF FIVE, colorless, comprising a creamer, quart decanter lacking stopper, celery vase with swirling toward the rim, wine rinser with cut punties, and an open compote.See Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS, opaque white, eightPILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS, opaque white, eight pronounced ribs, flaring gauffered and tooled rim, applied plain stem and circular foot with rough pontil mark. Possibly Pittsburgh. Mid 19th century. 9See Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS, colorless, eight proPILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS, colorless, eight pronounced ribs, flaring plain rim, applied baluster stem and circular foot with rough pontil mark. Possibly Pittsburgh. Second quarter 19th century. 10" hSee Sold Price
SoldDRAPE AND PILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS / VASEDRAPE AND PILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS / VASE, colorless, deep bowl with six alternating drape panels and ribs, boldly gauffered eight-petal rim, raised on a hollow baluster-form stem and circular footSee Sold Price
SoldRIDGED PILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS / VASERIDGED PILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS / VASE, colorless, deep bowl with eight triple ribs, each having a protruding central ridge, and plain rim, raised on a hollow baluster-form stem and circular foot wiSee Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS OR VASEPILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS OR VASE, colorless with a gray tint, waisted deep bowl with eight pronounced ribs and flared rim, raised on a compressed baluster-form stem and broad sloping foot with a rouSee Sold Price
SoldRIDGED PILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS / VASERIDGED PILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS / VASE, colorless, deep bowl with eight triple ribs, each having a protruding central ridge, and flaring rim, raised on a solid baluster-form stem and circular foot wSee Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS OR VASEPILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASS OR VASE, colorless with a gray tint, waisted deep bowl with eight pronounced ribs and flared rim, raised on a compressed baluster-form stem and broad circular foot with a roSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASSES / VASES, LOT OFASSORTED PILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASSES / VASES, LOT OF TWO, colorless, comprising a waisted-bowl example with ten light ribs slightly swirled to the right, and a conical example with 12 ribs sharply swSee Sold Price
SoldDRAPE AND PILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASSES / VASES, LOT OFDRAPE AND PILLAR-MOLDED CELERY GLASSES / VASES, LOT OF TWO, colorless and cased ruby, each deep bowl with six drape panels divided by ribs and gauffered rim, the colorless example with eight rim petalSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT GLASS DECANTERS, LOT OFASSORTED PILLAR-MOLDED AND CUT GLASS DECANTERS, LOT OF THREE, colorless, comprising a pint Strawberry Diamonds and Fans with cut-facet neck rings and incorrect stopper, a quart Starbursts and DiamondSee Sold Price
SoldScarce Sandwich Citron Pliiar Molded Celery Scarce Sandwich Citron Pliiar Molded Celery American. Lot of two includes a scarce Sandwich citron colored pillar molded and cut celery vase and a colorless Pittsburgh cruet and stopper; vase htSee Sold Price
SoldSWIRLED PILLAR-MOLDED VASE OR CELERY GLASSSWIRLED PILLAR-MOLDED VASE OR CELERY GLASS, colorless, deep bowl with eight ribs swirled to the right below the plain rim, raised on a knop stem and circular foot with a polished pontil mark. ProbablySee Sold Price
SoldUNUSUAL DECORATED PILLAR-MOLDED VASE OR CELERY GLASSUNUSUAL DECORATED PILLAR-MOLDED VASE OR CELERY GLASS, colorless, deep bowl with eight pronounced ribs and a gauffered rim, engraved Vintage decoration filling each panel, raised on a compressed balustSee Sold Price
SoldPILLAR-MOLDED VASE OR CELERY GLASSPILLAR-MOLDED VASE OR CELERY GLASS, medium amber, deep bowl with eight pronounced ribs and a boldly gauffered rim, raised on an applied solid baluster-form stem stepped to a slightly conical circularSee Sold Price
SoldSWIRLED PILLAR-MOLDED VASE OR CELERY GLASSSWIRLED PILLAR-MOLDED VASE OR CELERY GLASS, colorless lead glass, deep bowl with 12 ribs tightly swirled to the right at the plain rim, raised on an applied baluster-form stem and circular foot with aSee Sold Price
RARE COVENTRY GLASS WORKS MASONIC FLASKJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
GERMAN HENNIGER SILVERPLATE & CUT GLASS EPERGNE CENTERPIECEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Vintage Lidded German Cut Glass Punchbowl, Ladle and Eleven CupsBasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Covered Jar, Brilliant Period Cut Glass, Solid Two ColorWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Folded Celery Tray, ABCG, Venetian Pattern By StrausWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Rare Pair of American Classical Cut Glass Mounted and Gilt Stenciled Burlwood Pier TablesBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Celery Tray, ABCG, Signed Tuthill Rosemere PatternWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024