SoldPeru, Nazca, c 250-450 AD. Choice kneeling NazcaPeru, Nazca, c 250-450 AD. Choice kneeling Nazca warrior chief. This fine polychrome and detailed vessel depicts Nazca lord with all its symbols of authority and power. It is wonderfully executed showSee Sold Price
SoldA choice Nazca Gourd Bowl with bird motifPeru, Nazca, c. 250 – 450 AD. A deep bowl made from a gourd. Nicely painted on outside with bird motif. Birds are outlined and detailed by black polychrome highlights. Some chipping to rim otherwiseSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, CHOICE "anthropomorphic creature"Peru, Nazca, c. AD 250 - 450. A wonderful double spouted bridge handle polychrome round vessel. This ceramic depicts on one side an anthropomorphic creature hovering above human. Opposite side with aSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. 250 - 450 AD., a lovely double spoPeru, Nazca, c. 250 - 450 AD., a lovely double spouted single strap handle round pot. Two large birds are nicely rendered on opposite sides with smaller sharks painted all around. In choice condition.See Sold Price
SoldNazca Vessel w/ Serpent-like Monster. Choice!Peru, Nazca, c. AD 250 - 450. A double spout bridge handle polychrome round vessel. Beautifully adorned anthropomorphic creature with long necked serpent-like monster extending from whiskers at rightSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. 250-450AD. A wonderful polychromePeru, Nazca, c. 250-450AD. A wonderful polychrome Nazca lady. Vessel shows pregnant female in curious pose with arms in relief and extended holding her bulging stomach also executed in relief.. She isSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. 250 – 450 AD. A rare and wonderfulPeru, Nazca, c. 250 – 450 AD. A rare and wonderful fish polychrome vessel. It measures just under 8 ¾" in length by 4 ½" in height. It depicts large fish with several other smaller ones neatly paiSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. 250 - 450 AD. A bridge handle doubPeru, Nazca, c. 250 - 450 AD. A bridge handle double spout polychrome vessel. Measures approximately 4 ¼" in height. It depicts traditional main feline/bird Nazca deity in flying motion with ceremoniSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. 250 - 450 AD. A large and dramaticPeru, Nazca, c. 250 - 450 AD. A large and dramatic looking pear shaped polychrome trophy head vessel. Cup measures 7 ½" at its widest point by 7 ½" in height. This trophy head cup presents a strikinSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. 250 - 450 AD. A rare and wonderfulPeru, Nazca, c. 250 - 450 AD. A rare and wonderful Nazca "Venus" rattle effigy depicting an interesting fertility symbol, female character portrayed with characteristic teary eyes, executed with blackSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. 250 - 450 AD. A rare and wonderfulPeru, Nazca, c. 250 - 450 AD. A rare and wonderful Nazca "Venus" rattle effigy depicting an interesting fertility symbol, female character portrayed with characteristic teary eyes, executed with blackSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. 250 – 450 AD. A nice red slip sharPeru, Nazca, c. 250 – 450 AD. A nice red slip shark bowl, with deep bottom with 8 nicely painted sharks that swim from left to right all around the outside. Slightly flared rim with horizontal bandSee Sold Price
SoldA charming Nazca Erotic VesselPeru, Nazca, c. 250 – 450 AD. A striking polychrome vessel portrays couple in an erotic embrace arms and genitalia in acute detail and executed in relief. Bowl measures 5.75" in height. Unusual andSee Sold Price
SoldA nice Nazca Peregrine Falcon single spout stirrupPeru, Nazca, c. 250 - 450 AD. A nice Peregrine Falcon single spout stirrup effigy. Vessel decorated in red, cream/white and black paint. Falcons were considered one of the Nazca's main deities. It meaSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. 250-450 AD. A wonderful double spPeru, Nazca, c. 250-450 AD. A wonderful double spouted bridge handle polychrome round vessel. This ceramic depicts on one side an anthropomorphic creature hovering above human. Opposite side with a seSee Sold Price
SoldA Nazca polychrome vessel depicts traditional mainPeru, Nazca, c. 250 – 450 AD. A bridge handle double spout polychrome vessel. Measures approximately 4 ¼" in height. It depicts traditional main feline/bird Nazca deity in flying motion with ceremoSee Sold Price
SoldA beautiful Nazca polychrome double chamber singlePeru, Nazca, c. 250 – 450 AD. A large and strikingly beautiful polychrome double chamber single stirrup vessel. It measures about 10" in length by 7 ¾" in height. Vessel depicts a most probably a lSee Sold Price
SoldA Nazca dramatic looking pear shaped polychrome trPeru, Nazca, c. 250 – 450 AD. A large and dramatic looking pear shaped polychrome trophy head vessel. Cup measures 7 ½" at its widest point by 7 ½" in height. This trophy head cup presents a strikSee Sold Price
SoldA Nazca colorful fringe panelPeru, Nazca, c. 250 – 450 AD. A fringe panel woven in wonderful vivid blue and deep red cochineal colors.See Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, c. AD 250 - 450. A nice bowl with brPeru, Nazca, c. AD 250 - 450. A nice bowl with brown slip inside and dark slip on the outside. Around the outside is a nice decorative avian motif in red, green, yellow and white. Intact with one minoSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, A wonderful double spouted POTPeru, Nazca, c. AD 250 - 450. A wonderful double spouted bridge handle polychrome round vessel. This ceramic depicts on one side an anthropomorphic serpent creature with 2 serpents arising from both sSee Sold Price
SoldPeru, Nazca, A wonderful polychrome Nazca ladyPeru, Nazca, c. AD 250 - 450. A wonderful polychrome Nazca lady. Vessel shows pregnant female in curious pose with arms in relief and extended holding her bulging stomach also executed in relief.. SheSee Sold Price
SoldNAZCA, FELINE SINGLE SPOUTED VESSELPeru, Nazca, c. AD 250 - 450. A large and wonderful Nazca polychrome single spout bridge handle vessel depicting anthropomorphic feline most likely jaguar. Highly stylized sporting sun diadem atop heaSee Sold Price
SoldNAZCA, NICE SINGLE SPOUTED FELINE VESSELPeru, Nazca, c. AD 250 - 450. A nice and stylized Nazca polychrome single spout bridge handle ceramic vessel. It depicts feline with human facial features, tongue hanging down and whiskers spreading oSee Sold Price
C Myron Clark (MA,1858-1925) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
C Winckler (France,19C) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
C Harry Allis (CA,MI,OH,1870-1938) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceMar 31, 2024
CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS ADVERTISING CLOCK W/ AD GLASS PANEL.Dan Morphy Auctions4.2(1.3k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
John C Forbes (Canada,1846-1925) oil painting antiqueBroward Auction Gallery4.8(285)See Sold PriceApr 14, 2024
Western Asiatic Carnelian and Other Bead CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Western Asiatic Carnelian and Other Bead CollectionTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
After Leone Clerici White Carrara Marble Sculpture "Lansdowne Antinous" - (7.9lbs)Weatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Pre-Columbian Mummy Chest Ornament Delantera / PecheraMaterial Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
PARKER LIMITED-EDITION 18KT GOLD SNAKE FOUNTAIN PENAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pre-Columbian, Recuay polychrome figural jarToomey & Co. Auctioneers4.7(391)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Chinese Bronze and Glass Figural Console Table, 20th c., Figures- H.- 36 in., Table- H.- 26 in., W.-Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
FINE 18TH C. BOSTON CHIPPENDALE MAPLE HIGHBOY.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024