SoldPENNSYLVANIA PIECED DOLL QUILTPENNSYLVANIA PIECED DOLL QUILT, four-block pattern, hand stitched. Fourth quarter 19th century. 21 1/2" SQ. Provenance: Collection of the late Veronica "Ronnie" Riefler Strathmann, Pittsburgh, PA.See Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA PIECED DOLL QUILTPENNSYLVANIA PIECED DOLL QUILT, green and red, comprising 25 blocks with border and green binding attached front to back that was added later. Backed with red print fabric. Hand quilted in a diamond pSee Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA PIECED DOLL QUILTS, LOT OF TWOPENNSYLVANIA PIECED DOLL QUILTS, LOT OF TWO, small quilt has center pattern consisting of blocks joined to form a square set on point in center, enclosed by a blue border attached to binding with prinSee Sold Price
SoldThree Pennsylvania pieced pillow shams, togetherThree Pennsylvania pieced pillow shams, together with a doll quilt, 19th c.See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN "SUNFLOWER" PIECED DOLL QUILTAMERICAN "SUNFLOWER" PIECED DOLL QUILT, hand-stitched, four circular pattern blocks in polka-dotted and plain fabrics on red print fabric, outline quilting in white and brown thread, applied tape bindSee Sold Price
SoldConfluence, Pennsylvania Pieced QuiltConfluence, Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt Ca. 1860's - 1870's, Soloman's Puzzle pattern, graphic red on white, double border with red binding 82"" x 80""See Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA PIECED QUILTPENNSYLVANIA PIECED QUILT, blue and white, cotton, sawtooth-edged square with white central medallion with hand quilted center motif surrounded by floral ring, white backing with blue fabric binding aSee Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA PIECED QUILTPENNSYLVANIA PIECED QUILT, hand-stitched, 72 on-point pattern blocks constructed from printed green and plain white fabrics with double-channeled quilting, alternating with solid on-point blocks havinSee Sold Price
SoldOhio or Pennsylvania Pieced QuiltMid 1800's Whigs Defeat pattern. Rose, green and marigold fabrics on a white field. 82" x 80".See Sold Price
SoldLiqonier, Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt, 1920-1930Liqonier, Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt, 1920-1930 Robert Peter to Pay Paul Pattern, Old Pattern in Freen on White, White Border with Green Binding. 83"" x 76""See Sold Price
SoldColorful Pennsylvania pieced quilt in a variationColorful Pennsylvania pieced quilt in a variation of the Flying Swallow pattern, c.1880. 71”x76”See Sold Price
SoldGettysburg, Pennsylvania, Pieced Quilt, 1860-1870sGettysburg Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt 1860-1870s Log Cabin pattern. Classic pattern in red black yellow green and beige fabrics. Nice condition with no apparent stains. 83""x72""See Sold Price
SoldMARYLAND EIGHT-POINTED STAR PIECED DOLL QUILTMARYLAND EIGHT-POINTED STAR PIECED DOLL QUILT, hand-stitched, nine patterned blocks of eight-pointed stars in yellow and red printed fabrics on white ground, latticed sashing in plaid pink printed fabSee Sold Price
SoldLatrobe, Pennsylvania Pieced QuiltLatrobe, Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt Late 1800's, Mini Bowtie/Hourglass pattern, early fabrics, prints, solids and calicos 83"" x 77""See Sold Price
SoldPittsburg, Pennsylvania Pieced QuiltLate 1800s Geese in the Pond pattern/Ducks Foot in the Mud Nice red and white fabrics. Great old pattern. Victorian era. Great condition with no apparent staining or fading.See Sold Price
SoldWestern Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt, 1860-1870Western Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt, 1860-1870 Rolling Stone Variation Pattern, Early Dark and Green Calico. Red/Black Print and Hand Dyed Red Fabrics, Wide Red Border. Crisp, Bold and Graphic. Home SpuSee Sold Price
SoldPerry Co. Pennsylvania Pieced QuiltPerry Co. Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt Mid 1800's, Twinkling Stars pattern, nice early fabrics with a blue polka dot field, brown/white backing, lots of wear on binding, backing and on some stars 76"" xSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN "LOG CABIN" VARIANT PIECED DOLL QUILTAMERICAN "LOG CABIN" VARIANT PIECED DOLL QUILT, velvet blocks of five color strips, each block placed perpendicular to the other, four blocks across and seven blocks down with gold borders all around.See Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA PIECED QUILT, 19th C.Lincoln's Platform or "Crossroads" design in calicos and homespuns from 1870's and 1880's, 25 squares, plaid homespun verso. 73 x 71. (Some edge abrasion) very good.See Sold Price
SoldButler Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt, 1860-1870Butler Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt, 1860-1870 From Purvis Family in Butler, PA, Indigo and White with Incredible Tinu Stitches of Feather Wreaths and Feather Border, One Light Stain and Light Soiling ArSee Sold Price
SoldGettysburg, Pennsylvania Pieced QuiltGettysburg, Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt Mid 1800's, Ocean Waves pattern, solid red and green fabrics with rose calico, brown and white checked backing, a few small stains and very light fading along folSee Sold Price
SoldPENNSYLVANIA PIECED QUILT AND QUILT TOP, LOT OF TWOPENNSYLVANIA PIECED QUILT AND QUILT TOP, LOT OF TWO, each made up of polychrome pieced approximately 1" squares, quilt having surrounding red and white triangular border and blue printed border with wSee Sold Price
SoldGettysburg, Pennsylvania Pieced QuiltGettysburg, Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt Ca. 1860's - 1870's, Star within a Star pattern, sixteen indigo blue, rose and light blue stars on a dark green background, black and white backing with rose bindSee Sold Price
SoldGreen Co. Pennsylvania Pieced QuiltGreen Co. Pennsylvania Pieced Quilt Ca. 1870's, Autumn Leaf/Clusters of Lilies/Four Crowns/Devil's Claw, red and tan fabrics on white field, triple border 76"" x 68""See Sold Price
2 Vintage Printed Feedsacks - Dolly and Reindeer DollsDana Auctions4.7(144)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
AMERICAN PIECED DOLL QUILT.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
9 pcs Vintage Baby Toy & Clothing Assortment. Teddy Bear. Baby Quilt. Wooden Doll's Bed. See pics.Crawford Family Auctions LLC4.5(119)See Sold PriceMay 25, 2024