SoldPair of German wind up toys, alligator and catfisPair of German wind up toys, alligator and catfish Dimensions: Posted on PhotosSee Sold Price
SoldA PAIR OF GERMAN WIND UP TOYS of a bird and acrobA PAIR OF GERMAN WIND UP TOYS of a bird and acrobatic mouse. Estimate $50-$75See Sold Price
Sold2-GERMAN TIN windup MERCEDES BENZ CARSNice pair of German tin windup Mercedes Benz toy cars. The windups work, and both are restored. 9 1/2", Very Good-ExcellentSee Sold Price
Sold2- GERMAN Tin Windup NICKEL SWING TOYSPair of German tin windup Nickel Swing Toys. Both all complete and work. 4 1/2" ExcellentSee Sold Price
Soldpair of german tin toy car wind up/frictongermany/ us zone no keys red is missing flip switch on trunk both in good condition both for one bid see pics 5 1/2" long appxSee Sold Price
SoldGerman tin litho alligator wind up toy 7 1/2"German tin litho alligator wind up toy 7 1/2"See Sold Price
SoldGerman Tin Alligators GamaTwo Tin alligator toys. Gama wind up and another German maker. Measure 6 1/2 inches long.See Sold Price
SoldGERMAN WINDUP DANCING PORCELAIN DOLLSPair of German windup Dolls with porcelain heads. Boys head marked 1907 DEP R19, Girls head has no marking. Windup works. 6 1/2" ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldSIX TIN WIND-UPS AND FRICTION TOYSSIX TIN WIND-UPS AND FRICTION TOYS. Comprising two Lehmann "Western Germany" friction seals, a pair of German key wind pecking birds, a key wind French Joustra Gigi penguin, and a key wind tailspin OSee Sold Price
SoldSIX TIN WIND-UPS AND FRICTION TOYSSIX TIN WIND-UPS AND FRICTION TOYS. Comprising two Lehmann "Western Germany" friction seals, a pair of German key wind pecking birds, a key wind French Joustra Gigi penguin, and a key winSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF 2: PRE-WAR GERMAN TIN LITHO WIND-UP TOYS.First is a Lehmann Quack-Quack, which depicts an adult duck walking, pulling three little baby ducks which move up and down when toy is in motion. Second is a possibly Dissler pair of fighting roosterSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Alligator Wind-Up Toys.Description German. Includes one tin lithographed toy and one hand-painted tin toy. Both are marked "Made in Germany" on the bottom and roll on wheels. When wound, arms, tails, and legs move on hand-pSee Sold Price
SoldWINDUP ALLIGATOR & HAND TOY ALLIGATORWINDUP ALLIGATOR & HAND TOY ALLIGATOR - both ar German made toys circa 1935 they are both in VF to EX condition and work well; toys are 14 1/2" and 10 1/2" long respectivelySee Sold Price
SoldTin Lehmann Alligator Wind-Up Toy.Description German. Working. Marked "DRGM" on right arm with Lehmann mark on left arm and "442" on back right leg with patent date on back left leg. When wound, arms, legs, and tail go back and forthSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Lehmann Circus Chariot Key-Wind Toys.Pair of Lehmann Circus Chariot Key-Wind Toys. Antique German toy, lithographed tin, fabric, and other materials, depicting clowns with hand-painted facial features led by a donkeys. The rider yanks fuSee Sold Price
Sold2-GERMAN JNF TIN windup CONDOR ROADSTERSPair of German JNF tin windup roadsters. Boh wind, but the red car did not release with gear shift. Both toys have been rstored and display nicely. 7", Very GoodSee Sold Price
Sold3 GERMAN TIN TOYSIncludes windup alligator, penny toy train, and windup clown in race car. Very Good-ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF EARLY TO MID 20TH CENTURY TIN HENS.PAIR OF EARLY TO MID 20TH CENTURY TIN HENS. Hens lay marble eggs. Manufactured by Wyandotte Toys. Along with two wind-up toys and one German mouse Hens: 7.5" x 8" *Condition: Fair *Est. Sale Time: 2:2See Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF GERMAN TIN PENNY TOYSPAIR OF GERMAN TIN PENNY TOYS. Comprising a tin litho key wind roundabout swing, each with rider, in good condition and fully operable. Height 6.5 inches. Together with an ingenious painted tin airplSee Sold Price
SoldTen Tin Wind-Up ToysWest German Duck with propeller hat riding tricycle, 2 cats, 3 birds, 2 mice and U.S. Zone Germany Pig, and alligator, tallest 9"See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Tin Litho Fighting Wind-Up Toys.German. Circa 1920s. Working. One with bull and matador with original sword and cape and one with a pair of roosters. Both are on platforms and when wound they simulate a fighting action. Size: Each:See Sold Price
SoldLot of 4: Tin Litho Alligator Toys.Description German. Working. All are marked "Germany" and one was made in US Zone. Includes three wind-up and one handheld squeeze toy. Moderate overall wear. Condition (Very Good - Excellent). Size ASee Sold Price
SoldLot of 3: Tin Litho & Hand-Painted Alligator ToysDescription German. Working. One marked "Made in Germany" on side. Includes one push and two wind-up toys. Moderate paint loss and wear to one of the hand-painted toys, especially on top. Condition (VSee Sold Price
SoldLot of 7: Misc. Wind-Up & Friction Toys.Includes a German alligator, a Lehmann Susi turtle, two German birds, one Lehmann Aha seal, an English Minic truck and a Japanese tin bike, missing celluloid rider. Condition (Very Good). Size LargestSee Sold Price
2- GERMAN TIN WINDUP TOYS, BING CAR & HANSOM CABMilestone Auctions4.7(1.7k)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Pair of US Zone Germany tin windup toy carsBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024