Pair of Lewis Mittman Incorporated Custom Upholstered Swivel ArmchairsNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pair of Mid Century Modern Barrel back ArmchairsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Pair of Sherrill Upholstered Swivel ArmchairsNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Vintage Woodmark Originals Inc., Mary Webb Wood, 1976, Wing Back Arm Chairs, PairNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Finn Juhl (1912-1989), Model 136 armchair for France & Sons, mid-20th century; DenmarkJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Pair of Meyer Gunther and Martini New York Louis XV Style ArmchairsNadeau's Auction Gallery4.7(405)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pair of Louis XV Style Chintz Slipcovered Swivel Armchairs with a Fringed SkirtSTAIR4.6(288)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
PR OF VERY FINE HEPPLEWHITE ARMCHAIRS, CIRCA 1780Lewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Ricardo Fasanello, Esfera lounge armchairs, pairLos Angeles Modern Auctions4.4(24)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Eames x Miller Soft Pad Aluminum Executive ChairAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
Finn Juhl (1912-1989), Model 138 armchair for France & Sons, mid-20th century; DenmarkJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldPair of Continental Oak ArmchairsPair of Continental Oak Armchairs, 18th century, in the Gothic taste, each with a central finial and side heraldic lion finials above a tall narrow back with piercings and carvings in the Gothic tasteSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Continental Oak ArmchairsPair of Continental Oak Armchairs, late 19th century, each with a foliate helmet-carved crest above a padded needlework back flanked by barley-twist uprights, joined by padded arms to the like seat, rSee Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF CONTINENTAL OAK ARM CHAIRS WITH RAMSPAIR OF CONTINENTAL OAK ARM CHAIRS WITH RAMS HEADS AND HOOFED FEET. H: 45" W: 24" D: 23" *Condition: Good *Est. Sale Time: 12:22 PM Eastern *Kamelot handles shipping arrangements for those bidders unaSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Unusual Continental Oak ArmchairsPair of Unusual Continental Oak Armchairs, late 19th century, each with a deeply carved face for a crest, above a back carved to simulate a spine, with downswept arms, the wooden seat raised on turnedSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Continental Baroque Oak ArmchairsPair of Continental Baroque Oak Armchairs Each rectangular tooled leather backrest continuing to turned arms and a padded seat, raised on turned legs joined by a similar stretcher.See Sold Price
SoldPAIR LARGE ANTIQUE CONTINENTAL OAK ARMCHAIRSScrolling foliate stiles cap the square padded backs, over the matching seats, with foliate carved scrolling arm rests, on plain square front legs ending with animal form feet. Height 54, width 27 in.See Sold Price
SoldPair CONTINENTAL FIGURAL CARVED OAK ARM CHAIRS w/ LIONSCarved oak with rope turned columns, lions and dog heads. Tapestry upholstery. 51"h. x 26 1/2"w. x 28"d.See Sold Price
SoldPAIR SUPERB CONTINENTAL FIGURAL CARVED ARM CHAIRS(pair) Superb Continental carved oak arm chairs, c. 1890, each substantial chair having a pierced foliate crest centered by the mask of a beauty, padded arm rests terminate in carved female demi-figurSee Sold Price
A PAIR OF CONTINENTAL CARVED OAK OPEN ARMCHAIRSA PAIR OF CONTINENTAL CARVED OAK OPEN ARMCHAIRS Each chair having an everted crest rail over the upholstered back and stuff-over seat within open scrolled arms, above the carved apron, raised on acantSee Sold Price
SoldPair of 19th century Continental Oak ArmchairsARMCHAIRS. Pair of 19th century Continental hand carved oak armchairs with upholstered seats. 35.5" h x 24" w x 24" d, in good condition with fraying to upholstery on seats.See Sold Price
SoldPair of Antique Continental Carved Oak ArmchairsPair of Antique Continental Carved Oak Armchairslate 19th century, relief carved crest rail, with rosette finials, varying upholstery with brass nailhead trim, molded arms with scrolled knuckles, withSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Renaissance Style ArmchairsPair of 19th circa Continental oak armchairs in the Renaissance taste with rectangular upholstered backs cointinuing to spool carved arms supported on similarly carved legs joined by spool and block cSee Sold Price
SoldContinental Baroque Style Oak Armchairs, 2Pair of Continental Baroque Style Oak Armchairs, 20th century, the carved crest with foliate and scroll detail flanked by lobed finials above the upholstered back and seats with flamestitch Ikat fabriSee Sold Price
SoldContinental Baroque Style Oak Armchairs, 2Pair of Continental Baroque Style Oak Armchairs, 20th century, the carved crest with foliate and scroll detail flanked by lobed finials above the upholstered back and seats with flamestitch Ikat fabriSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Continental carved oak high back armchairsPair of Continental carved oak high back armchairs circa 1860, the large form having 17th century Flemish upholstery on seat and back with brass nail head trim, the arms with carved barley twist returSee Sold Price
Sold(2) 19th c. carved oak armchairsPair of mid 19th century Continental carved oak armchairs, the pierce carved backrests with central cabochon crests, with finely carved barley twist frames and stretcher bases, upholstered in dark greSee Sold Price
SoldPR OAK COUNTRY ARMCHAIRSPair of Circa 1800 Continental Oak Rush Seat Armchairs, each with three delicately carved and pierced cross rails centered with quatrefoils, narrow arms, turned front stretcher, 33" high, 21 1/2" x 18See Sold Price
Sold(2) 19th c. carved oak armchairsPair of mid 19th century Continental carved oak armchairs, the pierce carved backrests with central cabochon crests, with finely carved barley twist frames and stretcher bases, upholstered in dark greSee Sold Price
(2) 19th c. carved oak armchairsPair of mid 19th century Continental carved oak armchairs, the pierce carved backrests with central cabochon crests, with finely carved barley twist frames and stretcher bases, upholstered in dark greSee Sold Price
(2) 19th c. carved oak armchairsPair of mid 19th century Continental carved oak armchairs, the pierce carved backrests with central cabochon crests, with finely carved barley twist frames and stretcher bases, upholstered in dark greSee Sold Price
Pair of Continental Arm ChairsPair of antique Italian oak arm chairs, having marquetry inlaid backs, incised decor throughout scalloped form crest with a Northwind face and a stretcher base, splits. 45" H [backs], 18" W [inside arSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Continental Arm ChairsPair of antique Italian oak arm chairs, having marquetry inlaid backs, incised decor throughout scalloped form crest with a Northwind face and a stretcher base, splits. 45" H [backs], 18" W [inside arSee Sold Price
Sold2) CONTINENTAL GRIFFIN TAPESTRY HIGHBACK ARMCHAIRS(lot of 2) Continental carved oak highback arm chairs, 19th c., each surmounted by a pair of winged griffins centering a cartouche, floral tapestry on the back and seat of each, padded armrests terminSee Sold Price
French Louis XV Style Upholstered Oak Armchair, 2Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
(18th c) CONTINENTAL OAK REFRACTORY TABLEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pair Continental 950 Silver Figural Novelty Bear Butt Salt & Pepper ShakersTaylor & Harris4.7(161)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Pair Oak Gothic Revival Craftsman ChairsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Stickley Brothers Mission Oak Arts & Crafts Arm Chairs, PairLiberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Stickley Brothers Mission Oak Arts & Crafts Arm Chairs, PairLiberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Frank Lloyd Wright Style Arts & Crafts Oak and Leather High Back Armchairs, PairLiberty & 33rd Furniture Co.4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Near Pair of Continental Carved Mahogany Gothic Throne Chairs, 19th c., Armchair- H.- 52 3/4 in.,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Fine Pair of George III Carved Mahogany Open ArmchairsBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024