10 Arrowheads On Display Board Native American ArtifactCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Group of Very Nice Fine Arrow Points Indian Artifact ArrowheadMike Nichols Auctions4.5(466)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Mask Collection from All Over the World - 31 in TotalKing's Auctions Inc4.1(121)See Sold PriceDec 29, 2024
Native American Archaic / Woodland Projectile PointsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
A Fine Old Kwere Medicine Gourd Ex Karl Zabel CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Carved & Decorated Animal Horn Ex Endicott CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
PAIR FRENCH RELIEF CARVED DOORS LION MASK C.1880A great pair of French relief carved doors having lion mask and floral decoration circa 1880. One door: 102.5" x 26" x 1.5" Other door: 102.5" x 24" x 1.5"See Sold Price
PAIR FRENCH RELIEF CARVED DOORS LION MASK C.1880A great pair of French relief carved doors having lion mask and floral decoration circa 1880. One door: 102.5" x 26" x 1.5" Other door: 102.5" x 24" x 1.5"See Sold Price
PAIR FRENCH RELIEF CARVED DOORS LION MASK C.1880A great pair of French relief carved doors having lion mask and floral decoration circa 1880. One door: 102.5" x 26" x 1.5" Other door: 102.5" x 24" x 1.5"See Sold Price
SoldMid 19th century French carved walnut figural buffetMid 19th century French walnut buffet, having a molded cornice surmounting an arched alcove flanked by relief carved doors and columnar stiles, above a gadrooned frieze with a lion's mask, rising on rSee Sold Price
Mid 19th century French carved walnut figural buffetMid 19th century French walnut buffet, having a molded cornice surmounting an arched alcove flanked by relief carved doors and columnar stiles, above a gadrooned frieze with a lion's mask, rising on rSee Sold Price
(2) 19th c. French walnut chairs w/ custom upholsteryPair of 19th century French carved walnut armchairs, each custom upholstered in crimson paisley inspired jacquard, the backrest with relief carved lions heads surmounting Green Man masks leading to inSee Sold Price
SoldLate 19th c. French Renaissance Revival oak cabinetHighly carved French Renaissance Revival style oak cabinet, late 19th century, having an acanthus carved cornice flanked by lion masks rising on two paneled cabinet doors, relief carved with acanthusSee Sold Price
SoldLate 19th c. French Renaissance Revival oak cabinetHighly carved French Renaissance Revival style oak cabinet, late 19th century, having an acanthus carved cornice flanked by lion masks rising on two paneled cabinet doors, relief carved with acanthusSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH RELIEF CARVED WINGED CHERUB CABINETFrench carved cabinet, 19th c., the shaped top over a pair of Solomonic columns, flanking a single door carved in relief with winged cherub mask and fruited pendant, single drawer below, raised on bunSee Sold Price
Sold19th c. French carved oak bookcase19th century French Renaissance Revival 2-part carved oak bookcase, the two step cornice relief carved with scrolling foliage flanked by lion's masks, the upper cabinet with glass doors flanked by fulSee Sold Price
FRENCH FOLIATE & FIGURAL CARVED SERVERFrench relief carved server, 19thc., the plank rectangular top, over a pair of drawers and foliate carved doors, flanked by cylindrical uprights ending in a figural mask, all on bun feet, later pulls,See Sold Price
SoldFRENCH GOUMAIN FRERES CARVED WALNUT SIDEBOARDFrench Henri II style walnut sideboard, Goumain Freres, late 19th c., molded cornice and frieze, fluted columnar supports, three upper cabinet doors, center door with lion mask in relief, center nicheSee Sold Price
SoldFRENCH RENAISSANCE OAK AND WALNUT DRESSOIR EARLY 17THthe projecting cornice over a carved panel frieze with masks and brackets, above a pair of doors relief carved with saints, divided by figures in architectural niches, above a pair of short drawers wiSee Sold Price
Sold19th c. French carved walnut cabinet on stand, 93"hFrench walnut Renaissance Revival cabinet on stand, 19th century, having a dentilated and gadrooned cornice surmounting two doors with high relief lion masks suspending fruit and flower garlands, openSee Sold Price
19th c. French carved walnut cabinet on stand, 93"hFrench walnut Renaissance Revival cabinet on stand, 19th century, having a dentilated and gadrooned cornice surmounting two doors with high relief lion masks suspending fruit and flower garlands, openSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Henri II Style Carved Oak Buffet a Deux Corps,French Henri II Style Carved Oak Buffet a Deux Corps, 19th c., the arched stag's head carved crest, over a relief lion's mask above two etched glazed cupboard doors within twisted columns, on lion ramSee Sold Price
SoldFrench Louis XIII Style Diminutive Carved OakFrench Louis XIII Style Diminutive Carved Oak Breakfront Buffet a Deux Corps, late 19th c., the stepped breakfront crown over a lion's mask above two relief cupboard doors flanked by twisted columns oSee Sold Price
French Provincial Pine Buffet,of rectangular form, with lower drawer flanked by a pair of carved lion mask handles, above a pair of panel doors, on stepped base, on bun feet, 96cm x 111cm x 57cmSee Sold Price
French Provincial Pine Buffet,of rectangular form, with lower drawer flanked by a pair of carved lion mask handles, above a pair of panel doors, on stepped base, on bun feet, 96cm x 111cm x 57cmSee Sold Price
French Provincial Pine Buffet,of rectangular form, with lower drawer flanked by a pair of carved lion mask handles, above a pair of panel doors, on stepped base, on bun feet, 96cm x 111cm x 57cmSee Sold Price
SoldPair of French relief carved doorsPair of French relief carved doors. 19th century. Each door is 74 1/4"h x 23 3/4"wSee Sold Price
SoldContinental Renaissance-Style Carved Oak ArmoireAn Antique Continental Renaissance-Style Carved Oak Armoire, 19th c., flared dentillated cornice, serpentine mask and vine frieze, relief carved raised panel doors with paterae and lion's masks, the cSee Sold Price
A C19th Continental walnut display cabinet the caA C19th Continental walnut display cabinet the carved pediment with mask and griffin detail above arched bevelled glazed panel with pair of profusely carved lion mask doors fitted two drawers on scrolSee Sold Price
Sold19th c. Jacobean style carved oak server, 59"lJacobean style carved oak server, 19th century, having an upper display shelf over a two door base cabinet, the central door relief carved with a lion's mask flanked by garlands of pomegranates, all sSee Sold Price
A pair of Chinese soapstone seals/stands, 19th century.Bretton Art USA LLC4.3(1)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A pair of relief-carved grotesque fairground carousel panels by C J Spooner,Sworders Fine Art Auctioneers4.4(30)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
FRENCH HENRI II STYLE CARVED OAK HUNT SIDEBOARDAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
FRENCH GOTHIC STYLE CARVED WALNUT CREDENCE CUPBOARDAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUT BOOKCASEAustin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
French Henry II Style Carved Oak Bookcase, 20th c., H.- 72 in., W.- 82 in., D.- 19 1/4 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Treenware Urns, Carved Lion HeadsBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Henri II Style Carved Oak Buffet a Deux Corps, 19th c., H.- 74 in., W.- 53 1/2 in., D.- 20 1/2 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
French Provincial Louis XV Style Carved Walnut Armoire, early 19th c., H.- 93 in., W.- 70 in., D.-Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Unusual French Louis XIII Walnut Bonnetiere a Deux Corps, 18th c., H.- 83 in., W.- 37 1/2 in., D.-Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
Pair of Aesthetic Carved Oak Revolving Bookmills, late 19th c., H.- 51 7/8 in., W.- 26 3/8 in., D.-Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
PAIR 19TH C. ENGLISH LION CARVED LIBRARY CHAIRS.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Indian Carved Hardstone Animalier Door Brackets, 4Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceFeb 13, 2025