SoldPablo Picasso (1881-1973), aquatint, rare part ofPablo Picasso (1881-1973), aquatint, rare part of original set of twelve copies, #3 of 12, La Tauromaquia: El Torero Sale En Hombros de los Aficionados, hand signed lower right: Picasso, numbered loweSee Sold Price
SoldPablo Picasso (1881-1973), aquatint, rare, part ofPablo Picasso (1881-1973), aquatint, rare, part of original set of twelve copies, #3 of 12, La Tauromaquia: Muerte Del Toro, hand signed lower right: Picasso, numbered lower left: 3/12, having originaSee Sold Price
SoldPablo Picasso (1881-1973), aquatint, rare part ofPablo Picasso (1881-1973), aquatint, rare part of original set of twelve copies, #3 of 12, La Tauromaquia: El Matador Brinda La Muerte Del Toro, hand signed lower right: Picasso, numbered lower left:See Sold Price
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Femme Blonde de Profil (Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Femme Blonde de Profil (B.481)aquatint, 1947, a rare trial proof, signed in blue crayon, Baercites four proofs, on Pur Fil Marais wove paper,with full margins,in goodSee Sold Price
δ Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Au Théâtre:δ Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)Au Théâtre: Déclaration D'Amour (Baer 1390Ba; Bloch 1479; Cramer Books 146)Aquatint, 1966, a rare proof on watermarked Richard de Bas paper aside from thSee Sold Price
SoldPablo Picasso (1881-1973) Homme avec Deux Femmes NPablo Picasso (1881-1973) Homme avec Deux Femmes Nuesthe rare etching with aquatint, printed before steel facing, 1968, with the stamped signature, inscribed epreuve avant acierage, one of onlSee Sold Price
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Femme Nue Entre Deux HomPablo Picasso (1881-1973) Femme Nue Entre Deux Hommes (B.1414)the rare etching with aquatint, printed before steel facing, 1966, with the stamped signature, inscribed epreuve avant acierage, oSee Sold Price
δ Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Maison close: Leδ Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)Maison close: Le Chocolat. II (Baer 922i/iii)The rare sugar-lift aquatint , etching and engraving, 1955, a fine, dark and richly-inked impression of this extremely scarSee Sold Price
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Femme Nue Entre Deux HomPablo Picasso (1881-1973) Femme Nue Entre Deux Hommes (B.1414)the rare etching with aquatint, printed beforesteel facing, 1966, with the stamped signature, inscribed epreuveavant acierage, oneSee Sold Price
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Histoire de Sabartés etPablo Picasso (1881-1973) Histoire de Sabartés et de sa voisine: La Pique (BA.967)the rare sugar-lift aquatint, 1957, signed in red crayon, Baer cites only 15impressions before steel facing, oSee Sold Price
Soldδ Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Au Théâtre:δ Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)Au Théâtre: Déclaration D'Amour (Baer 1390Ba; Bloch 1479; Cramer Books 146)Aquatint, 1966, a very rare proof on watermarked Richard de Bas paper aside frSee Sold Price
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Homme avec Deux Femmes NPablo Picasso (1881-1973) Homme avec Deux Femmes Nuesthe rare etching with aquatint, printed beforesteel facing, 1968, with the stamped signature, inscribed epreuveavant acierage, one of onlySee Sold Price
Pablo Picasso, Rare unpublished etchingPablo Picasso (Spain/France 1881-1973) 'Jacqueline en Mariee' Aquatint, etching, engraving and drypoint The eighteenth state (of eighteen) 1961 This print is listed in the catalog raisonne of graphicSee Sold Price
δ Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Le Chardoneretδ Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)Le Chardoneret (Bloch 348, Baer 595 A/C)Aquatint with drypoint and grattoir, 1936, a rare pre-steel faced impression, signed in red crayon, one of only 3 impressions inSee Sold Price
*Pablo Picasso (Spanish*Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973)LE DINDON (THE TURKEY) (B.328-358)Etching with sugar-lift aquatint and drypoint, 1942, from the rare first 36 copies of 'Buffon’s Histoire Naturelle' suite, the toSee Sold Price
*Pablo Picasso (Spanish*Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973)L’EPERVIER (THE SPARROW HAWK) (B.328-358)Etching with sugar-lift aquatint and drypoint, 1942, from the rare first 36 copies of 'Buffon’s Histoire Naturelle' suitSee Sold Price
Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973) Ink on cardboard signed - ReverseAttributed to Pablo Picasso - rare ink on cardboard, painted on both sides *Measures: 13 x 10 Inches *Part of a sketch consignment Reserve: $500.00 Shipping: Domestic: Shipping rates are determined bySee Sold Price
PABLO PICASSO, Sculpture Abstract Art Woman (Attrib.)PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973), Rare Sculpture Abstract Art Woman, Date: ca. 1945-50, Medium: Bronze hot, Size: 9.50 H x 3 W inches. With COA (Certificate of Attribution). Private Collection. Was one of thSee Sold Price
PABLO PICASSO, Sculpture Abstract Art Woman (Attrib.)PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973), Rare Sculpture Abstract Art Woman, Date: ca. 1945-50, Medium: Bronze hot, Size: 9.50 H x 3 W inches. w/C. of Attribution. Private Collection. Was one of the most famous andSee Sold Price
PABLO PICASSO, Sculpture Abstract Art Woman (Attrib.)PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973), Rare Sculpture Abstract Art Woman, Date: ca. 1945-50, Medium: Bronze hot, Size: 9.50 H x 3 W inches. w/C. of Attribution. Private Collection. Was one of the most famous andSee Sold Price
PABLO PICASSO, Sculpture Abstract Art Woman (Attrib.)PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973), Rare Sculpture Abstract Art Woman, Date: ca. 1945-50, Medium: Bronze hot, Size: 9.50 H x 3 W inches. w/C. of Attribution. Private Collection. Was one of the most famous andSee Sold Price
SoldPABLO PICASSO; MADOURA Rare plaquePABLO PICASSO (1881 - 1973);MADOURA;Rare earthenware plaque decorated in engobe, "Woman with Flowery Hat (Femme au Chapeau Fleuri)," France, des. 1964; Impressed MADOURA PLEIN FEU EMPREINTE ORIGINALESee Sold Price
SoldPicasso aquatint "La Corrida"Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973) aquatint of bullfight, titled "La Corrida". Pencil signed lower right and numbered, 137/200 lower left. Aldo Crommelynck printer's stamp in lower left margin. PrinteSee Sold Price
SoldPABLO PICASSO; MADOURA Tile, "Polychromatic Head"PABLO PICASSO (1881 - 1973) MADOURA Rare glazed earthenware tile, "Polychromatic Head (Tête Polychrome)," France, 1961; Signed EDITION PICASSO 138/200 PICASSO; 10" sq. x 3/4" Publication: Alain RamieSee Sold Price
PABLO PICASSO's DON QUIXOTE 1955, ORIGINAL LITHOGRAPH PRINT, COAFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Pablo Picasso & Jean Cocteau's Picasso de 1916 ? 1961 - 24 LithographsTrillium Antique Prints & Rare Books4.5(30)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pablo Picasso - Le Poete a un excellent peintre etranger qui faisait son portrait, 1947NCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Pablo Picasso - Peintre et modele aux cheveux longs, 1966 - Rare!NCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Pablo Picasso - Peintre debout a son chevalet avec son modele, 1966 - Rare!NCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Pablo Picasso - Celestine presentant ses deux pensionnaires a deux clients, 1971NCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Pablo Picasso - Sculpteur devant sa sellette, avec un spectateur barbu, 1966 - Rare!NCAG4.4(32)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Rare 1963 Pablo Picasso Pochoir "Woman with a Shawl" Limited Bleus en BarceloneKCM Galleries4.7(164)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024