SoldOvidius Naso, Publius: Ars amatoria. Liber secundOvidius Naso, Publius. Ars amatoria. Liber secundus. Die Liebeskunst. Zweites Buch. Aus dem Lateinischen übers. und nachgedichtet von Friedrich Walter Lenz. 75 S. Mit 13 ganzs. farb. Original-LitSee Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso, Publius: Ars amatoria. Liber secundusOvidius Naso, Publius. Ars amatoria. Liber secundus. Die Liebeskunst. Zweites Buch. Aus dem Lateinischen übers. und nachgedichtet von Friedrich Walter Lenz. 75 S. Mit 13 ganzseitigen farbigen OriSee Sold Price
SoldOvid: Ars amatoriaSitte, Willi. - Ovidius Naso, Publius. Ars amatoria. Liber secundus. Die Liebeskunst. Zweites Buch. Aus dem Lateinischen übers. und nachgedichtet von Friedrich Walter Lenz. 75 S. Mit 13 ganzs. farb.See Sold Price
SoldOvid, P. N.: Ars amatoriaSitte, Willi. - Ovidius Naso, Publius. Ars amatoria. Liber secundus. Die Liebeskunst. Zweites Buch. Aus dem Lateinischen übers. und nachgedichtet von Friedrich Walter Lenz. 75 S. Mit 13 ganzs. farb.See Sold Price
Ovidius Naso, P Ars amatoria, liber secundus. DieSitte, Willi Ovidius Naso, P Ars amatoria, liber secundus. Die Liebeskunst, zweites Buch. Übers. und nachgedichtet von Friedrich Walter Lenz. Mit Deckelillustr. und 13 farb. ganzs. OLithographienSee Sold Price
Ovidius Naso, P Ars amatoria, liber secundus. DieOvidius Naso, P Ars amatoria, liber secundus. Die Liebeskunst, zweites Buch. Übers. und nachgedichtet von Friedrich Walter Lenz. Mit Deckelillustr. und 13 farb. ganzs. OLithographien von Willi SiSee Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso,Ovidius Naso, P Ars amatoria, liber secundus. Die Liebeskunst, zweites Buch. Übers. und nachgedichtet von Friedrich Walter Lenz. Mit Deckelillustr. und 13 farb. ganzs. OLithographien von Willi Sitte.See Sold Price
SoldWilli Sitte "Ars amatoria". 1970.Willi Sitte "Ars amatoria". 1970. Lithograph in colours. Gebundene Ausgabe mit dreizehn Original-Grafiken zu Ovidius Naso, P., Ars Amotoria. Liber secundus. Die Liebeskunst. Zweites Buch. Aus dem LateSee Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso (Publius) Metamorphoseon, hoc est TraOvidius Naso (Publius) Metamorphoseon, hoc est Transformationum, libri XV,F7 blank, foot of title trimmed and repaired with loss of printed date, 1536; Amatoria, lacking 2D6 at end, ?blank, 15See Sold Price
Ovidius Naso (Publius) Metamorphoseon, hoc est TraOvidius Naso (Publius) Metamorphoseon, hoc est Transformationum, libri XV,F7 blank, foot of title trimmed and repaired with loss of printed date, 1536; Amatoria, lacking 2D6 at end, ?blank, 15See Sold Price
Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Epistolarum ad FamiliaresCicero (Marcus Tullius) Epistolarum ad Familiares, Liber Sextus,1667 ; Somnium Scipionis, ex Libro Sexto de Republica, 1666 ; Paradoxa, ad M. Brutum, 1669 § Ovidius Naso (Publius) MetamorphoaeSee Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso (Publius) Ad Marinum Sannutum Epistola quiOvidius Naso (Publius) Ad Marinum Sannutum Epistola qui apud Graecos Scripserint Metamorfoseis..., collation: a-h a-z A-B8 C4 (first h8 blank), small single wormhole within text from 2nd r1 to end, ocSee Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso (Publius) Le MetamorfosiOvidius Naso (Publius) Le Metamorfosi,title with woodcut printer's device, woodcut illustrations in text, some worming to preliminaries, mostly marginal, causing some loss to lower corner of tSee Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso (Publius)Ovidius Naso (Publius) edited by the Abbot Banier, 2 vol. in 1, text in Latin and English printed in double-column, half-title, engraved frontispiece by Picart, titles in red and black with enSee Sold Price
Sold[Ovidius Naso (Publius)] [Le Metamorfosi][Ovidius Naso (Publius)] [Le Metamorfosi],woodcut illustrations and initials, lacking A1 and final blank, small worm traces to outer margin of sig.A and B, water-stained, heavier towards end,See Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso, Publius: Metamorphoses in Latin and EngliOvidius (Naso, Publius). Metamorphoses in Latin and English, translated by the most eminent hands. With historical explications of the Fables, written in French by the Abbot Banier, Translated into EnSee Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso (Publius) Le MetamorfosiOvidius Naso (Publius) Le Metamorfosi,double column, title within decorative woodcut border and with woodcut printer's device, 'Argomento' and vignette at head of each book within woodcut archSee Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso PubliusOvidius Naso Publius. Le trasformationi di M. Lodovico Dolce tratte da Ovidio. Con gli Argomenti, & le allegorie al principio, & al fine di ciascun Canto... In Venetia: Appresso Domenico Farri, 1570.See Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso (Publius) - Le Metamorfosi,double column, title with woodcut printer's device and within woodcut decorative border, woodcut cartouches, K7 small section of lower corner torn away with loss of a few letters, N1 & 2 stained, a feSee Sold Price
Sold1 vol. (Aldus Press.) Ovidius Naso, Publius. Hero1 vol. (Aldus Press.) Ovidius Naso, Publius. Heroidum epistolae. A. Sabini epistolae tres... [Venice: Aldi Romani, Dec. 1502.] 8vo, contemp. vellum; some worming & minor soiling. Custom fall-down box.See Sold Price
SoldOvidius, Naso PubliusFasti Venezia, Antonio Battibovi, 27 agosto 1485. In 2°. Spazi per capilettera, aloni di umidità e bruniture, legatura in assi di cipresso ricoperti di pelle con impressioni a secco, strappi e mancaSee Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso (Publius).- Iohan. Posthii GermershemOvidius Naso (Publius).- Iohan. Posthii Germershemii tetrasticha in Ovidii Metam. lib. xv...,first edition, title in red and black with elaborate woodcut border, text in Latin and German (italSee Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso (Publius) MetamorphosesOvidius Naso (Publius) Metamorphoses oder Wunder-wuerdige Gestalt-Veraenderungen,title printed in red and black, 113 engraved emblems, title trimmed at head and foot, affecting text (just toucSee Sold Price
SoldOvidius Naso (Publius) The MetamorphosesOvidius Naso (Publius) The Metamorphoses,number 60 of 75 specially-bound copies with an extra suite of plates, including 3 not used in the book, from an edition limited to 200, title-vignetteSee Sold Price
China. 1600 AD. A lovely old Chinese scroll painting (ink on silk) 144 cmArs Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
CONGO HEMBA TRIBE RARE FETISH FEMALE FIGURE. WOOD 1,6 kgArs Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Sierra Leone. 1940 circa. Mende People ceremonial helm mask. 1,2 kg. - 32x18x18 cm.Ars Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Ivory Coast Baule people Wall mask. Traces of white pigmentation 1970Ars Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Angola. 1950 circa. Impressive Chokwe mask. 1,2 Kg. - 46x24x20 cm.Ars Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Gabon 1950 Old Tribal Fang people Reliquary Guardian Figure 41x12x10 cmArs Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Spain. 1444. Ancient Parchment manuscript Very rare. 32x28 cmArs Coin Wien4.5(42)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Ovidius Naso (Publius) Metamorphoseos Libri Moralizati, Lyons, for Claude Davost by EtienneForum Auctions4.3(52)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Ovidius Naso (Publius) Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide, translated by Pierre Du-Ryer, second edition,Forum Auctions4.3(52)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024