SoldOval 19C Straight Leg Queen Anne Tavern TableQueen Anne 19th Century Oval Maple and Pine Tavern Table. Rectangular pinned construction with straight Queen Anne Legs. The pine oval top is early and maybe an early replacement. Old refinish with niSee Sold Price
SoldQUEEN ANNE TAVERN TABLE In maple, with an oval top,QUEEN ANNE TAVERN TABLE 18th Century In maple, with an oval top, shaped stretcher and straight legs ending in slipper feet. Height 25.75". Top 40" x 21". Old brown finish showing some wear. One foot wSee Sold Price
SoldQUEEN ANNE-STYLE TAVERN TABLE ATTRIBUTED TO BILL ROTHQUEEN ANNE-STYLE TAVERN TABLE ATTRIBUTED TO BILL ROTH Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts, 20th Century In tiger maple and maple, with oval top, shaped apron and straight legs ending in pad feet. Height 26".See Sold Price
QUEEN ANNE-STYLE TAVERN TABLE ATTRIBUTED TO BILL ROTHQUEEN ANNE-STYLE TAVERN TABLE ATTRIBUTED TO BILL ROTH Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts, 20th Century In tiger maple and maple, with oval top, shaped apron and straight legs ending in pad feet. Height 26".See Sold Price
Sold18th Century Queen Anne Tavern Table,button pad feet, straight legs, 26" tall, 25" X 36" oval top.See Sold Price
SoldQUEEN ANNE OVAL-TOP TAVERN TABLE 18th CenturyQUEEN ANNE OVAL-TOP TAVERN TABLE 18th Century In maple. Rectangular base with straight legs terminating in pad feet. Height 26". Top 32" x 22.75".See Sold Price
SoldCherry Pine 19C Splay Leg Oval QA Tavern TableQueen Anne 19th Century Cherry and Pine Oval Tavern Table. The table has a cherry base with Queen Anne legs and ended out feet with a shaped apron. Pinned construction. The pine two piece top is mostSee Sold Price
SoldNEW ENGLAND QUEEN ANNE TAVERN TABLERare Circa 1770 Queen Anne Birch Oval Tavern Table, with bold overhanging top, straight frieze with beaded base edge, set on four splayed, turned and tapered legs ending in pad feet, table was advertiSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Queen Anne Tavern TableAmerican (New England), 18th century. A Queen Anne tavern table in maple, having a one board top, rising on straight legs with pad feet, with traces of old green paint on underside; ht. 26, wd. 37, dpSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Queen Anne Style Tavern Table18thc century and later, rectangular top with rounded edge, 7 in. apron, straight tapers legs, with pad feet, 29 in. H., 33 1/4 in. W., 23 1/2 in. W. The Bill Shaeffer CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldQUEEN ANNE TAVERN TABLE 18th Century In chestnut,QUEEN ANNE TAVERN TABLE 18th Century In chestnut, showing traces of red paint. Oval top. Tapered legs end in pad feet. Height 26.5". Top 34" x 26".See Sold Price
SoldREPLICA TAVERN TABLE - High Quality Solid Tiger MapleREPLICA TAVERN TABLE - High Quality Solid Tiger Maple Table with overhanging top that has rounded corners and eased edges, two leaves, beaded edge frame, straight tapered legs ending in Queen Anne padSee Sold Price
SoldNew England Queen Anne Tavern TableMaple and white pine with nice oval top, splayed turned legs, pinned construction and nicely worn stretchers. 18" x 27 1/2" x 24 1/2" high.See Sold Price
SoldNew England Queen Anne maple tavern table with anNew England Queen Anne maple tavern table with an oval top, cylindrical legs and pad feet. 28”h., top 39”x30”See Sold Price
Sold19TH C COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE TAVERN TABLE19TH C COUNTRY QUEEN ANNE TAVERN TABLE: Tapered legs ending in pad feet. Oval top is discolored in spots, has a nice old patch and small spilt. Measures 27 1/2" high x 32 1/2" x 27 3/4".See Sold Price
SoldQueen Anne Dropleaf TableDiminutive mahogany Queen Anne dropleaf table, diminutive size, oval leaves, straight Queen Anne leg ending in padded feet, pine and deal secondary woods, 28-1/2" H x 33-1/2" W x 13-1/2" D. 12-1/4 eacSee Sold Price
SoldNew England Queen Anne Tavern TableNew England Queen Anne maple tavern table, circa 1760 having an oval top and delicate cabriole legs ending in pad feet 25.25"h x 31"l x 22.75"wSee Sold Price
SoldNew England Queen Anne maple tavern table, ca. 1New England Queen Anne maple tavern table, ca. 1760, with an oval top and turned legs joined by stretchers, retaining its original grey over red painted surface, 24'' h., 29'' w. Provenance: The ColleSee Sold Price
SoldEldred Wheeler Queen Anne Style Tavern TableMassachusetts cherry Queen Anne style tavern table by Eldred Wheeler; features an oval top and tapered legs on club feet; labeled to bottom; measures approximately 27" tall, 25-1/2" wide, and 32" deepSee Sold Price
SoldQUEEN ANNE TAVERN TABLE. Maple with a mellow refinQUEEN ANNE TAVERN TABLE. Maple with a mellow refinish. Tapered legs with pad feet. Oval top has been reattached and has repaired splits. Feet have damage and repairs. 34"w. 25 1/2"d. 25 3/4"h.See Sold Price
SoldNew England Queen Anne tavern table,maple, mortise and tenon construction, two board oval top supported by tapered legs with pad feet, fitted with later pine drawer, 18th century, 26-3/4 x 33-1/8 x 27-1/4 in. Old refinishing, one skirtSee Sold Price
SoldNew England painted Queen Anne tavern table, ca.New England painted Queen Anne tavern table, ca. 1780, with an oval top and turned, splayed legs, 25 1/2'' h., 35'' w., 24 1/2'' d.See Sold Price
SoldQueen Anne mahogany tavern table, ca. 1770, witQueen Anne mahogany tavern table, ca. 1770, with an oval top and splay legs joined by box stretcher, 27 1/2'' h., 35'' w., 23 1/4'' d.See Sold Price
SoldQA Maple tavern tableAn 18th century New England Queen Anne Porringer top tavern table. Shaped two board figured Maple top on a Maple base with straight skirt, tapering legs and simple pad feet. Older refinishing with somSee Sold Price
ELDRED WHEELER QUEEN ANNE TRAY FORM TABLEThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(18th c) QUEEN ANNE MAHOGANY DROP LEAF TABLEJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
18th/19th Century New England Queen Anne tilt top tea table with birdcage, beaded edge top, singleNeely Auction4.6(224)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Queen Anne Vintage Wooden NightstandThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
20TH C HICKORY CHAIR CO QUEEN ANNE DINING TABLELewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
WALLACE NUTTING QUEEN ANNE STYLE TEA TABLE.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
TILT TOP TEA TABLE WITH QUEEN ANNE LEG 29 1/2" X 30"Carlsen Gallery, Inc.4.6(163)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
QUEEN ANNE DROP-LEAF TABLE 18th Century Height 28". Length 14" plus two 17.5" drop leaves. WidthEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
QUEEN ANNE DROP-LEAF TABLE 18th Century Height 27". Length 47". Width 14.5" plus two 21" dropEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
QUEEN ANNE PORTSMOUTH MAHOGANY DRESSING TABLE.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
20th Century Cherry Dining Table with LeavesPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024