SoldOsterei KPM? Berlin Porcelain Easter Egg GermanyWohl KPM Berlin, um 1825-1835 - Auf Goldfond in feiner bunter Malerei umlaufende Bordüre mit Blumen und Blattwerk. L. 6 cm (84156008) - Lit.: E. Köllmann, Bd.II, Tafel 218See Sold Price
Osterei, um 1900KPM Berlin. Easter egg, circa 1900. H. 7 cm. Porcelain, white, glazed, polychromatic overglaze, landscape with windmill, golden tendrils. Marked: Maker's mark, 160/86.See Sold Price
Osterei KPM Berlin porcellain Easter Egg 1900KPM, Berlin, um 1900 Goldgerahmte Vierpaßkartusche mit Ansicht des Charlottenburger Schlosses in polychromer Überglasurbemalung. Seitlich Blüten- und Blattranken in Polier- und Reliefgold. MetallmoSee Sold Price
Osterei KPM Berlin porcellain Easter Egg 1900KPM, Berlin, um 1900 Goldgerahmte Vierpaßkartusche mit Ansicht des Charlottenburger Schlosses in polychromer Überglasurbemalung. Seitlich Blüten- und Blattranken in Polier- und Reliefgold. MetallmoSee Sold Price
SoldPair of KPM VasesPair of yellow Berlin KPM (Germany) porcelain eggs vases, second half of 19th cent, decorated with courting couples in landscapes and with flowers 16 cm high (6,3 inch)See Sold Price
SoldPorcelain Easter Egg Flacon with WreathPORCELAIN EASTER EGG FLACON WITH WREATH. Presumably KPM. Berlin. Date: 19th century. Technique: Porcelain, enriched in colours and gold. Description: Ovoid shape with brass mountiSee Sold Price
Porcelain Easter Egg Flacon with View of BerlinPORCELAIN EASTER EGG FLACON WITH VIEW OF BERLIN. KPM. Berlin. Date: 19th century. Technique: Porcelain, enriched in colours and gold. Description: Ovoid shape with brass mountingSee Sold Price
SoldEaster egg flacon with depiction of the "Achilleion"PORCELAIN EASTER EGG FLACON WITH DEPICTION OF THE "ACHILLEION" ON CORFU. KPM. Berlin. Date: 19th century. Technique: Porcelain, enriched in colours and gold. Description: Ovoid shSee Sold Price
Easter Egg Flacon with Veduta of the Berlin City PalacePORCELAIN EASTER EGG FLACON WITH VEDUTA OF THE BERLIN CITY PALACE. KPM. Berlin. Date: 19th century. Technique: Porcelain, enriched in colours and gold. Description: Ovoid shape wiSee Sold Price
Easter Egg Flacon with Flower Decor "Weichmalerei"PORCELAIN EASTER EGG FLACON WITH FLOWER DECOR "WEICHMALEREI". KPM. Berlin. Date: 19th century. Technique: Porcelain, enriched in colours and gold. Description: Ovoid shape with brSee Sold Price
Easter Egg Flacon with Spring-Flower DecorPORCELAIN EASTER EGG FLACON WITH SPRING-FLOWER DECOR "WEICHMALEREI". Presumably KPM. Berlin. Date: 19th century. Technique: Porcelain, enriched in colours and sparingly in gold. DescrSee Sold Price
Porcelain Egg with View of Petersburg, KPM Berlin,Porcelain, white glazed, polychrome onglaze painted and gold etched Germany, Berlin, mid-19th century Décor: veduta painting of the view of the fortress in St. Petersburg, fine gold painting Height (See Sold Price
A rectangular K.P.M. Berlin porcelain plaque, Germany,A rectangular K.P.M. Berlin porcelain plaque, Germany, 19th C. Dim.: 30 x 26 cm (the frame) Dim.: 17,8 x 15,5 cm (the plaque)See Sold Price
Porzellan Osterei Russia porcelain eastereggRussland, 19. Jh. Frontal bemalt mit Rose auf hell- und dunkelblauem Fond. H. 9,8 cm (13581018) A porcelain easter egg painted with a rose on a blue ground. Russia, 19th century. 9,8 cm highSee Sold Price
Porzellan Osterei Russia porcelain eastereggRussland, Ende 19. Jh. Sichtseitig in bunten Farben und Reliefgold ausgeführter Maiglöckchenstrauß auf violettem Fond im oberen Teil und hellblauem Fond im unteren Bereich. Rückseitig in PoliergolSee Sold Price
Porzellan Osterei Russia porcelain eastereggRussland, 19. Jh. Porzellan. Frontal gravierter und vergoldeter Dekor: "X.B." unter Rocaille und Blütengehängen.H.7 cmSee Sold Price
SoldKPM Berlin Germany Porcelain Group CherubsKPM Berlin Germany Porcelain Group Figurine of Cherubs. Circa early 1900s. 6.5"L x 5.75"H x 4.5"W =See Sold Price
SoldKPM (Berlin, Germany) porcelain vase , 1909, 7 3/4KPM vase, 7 3/4 inches, made in Berlin, Germany in 1909 to commemorate an 1826 event, prominently displayed in one of two panels, the other containing the silhouette of a gentleman in a top hat. The vSee Sold Price
KPM Berlin Germany Porcelain Sculpture FigurineKPM Berlin Germany Blanc de Chine Porcelain Sculptural Group Figurine of Playing Terriers. 11.5"H x 11"L x 7"W Circa 1930s. Marked on the bottom. =See Sold Price
Sold6 KPM Berlin Germany Porcelain Dessert Plates6 KPM Berlin Germany Porcelain 8.25 inch dessert plates, 19th Century. Scallop rimmed with gilt leaves and a basketweave texture. KPM mark to the underside base. Deep wells to the plates. Weight ApproSee Sold Price
6 KPM Berlin Germany Porcelain Dessert Plates6 KPM Berlin Germany Porcelain 8.25 inch dessert plates, 19th Century. Scallop rimmed with gilt leaves and a basketweave texture. KPM mark to the underside base. Deep wells to the plates. Weight ApproSee Sold Price
KPM Berlin Germany Porcelain Figurine of Lady w/BYou are bidding on a wonderful and old KPM Berlin (Meissen Quality) figurine 9 inches tall of a working Lady wearing a greenish hat with her work gloves stuck in the hat band and a green dress with aSee Sold Price
KPM Berlin Germany Porcelain Sculpture FigurineKPM Berlin Germany Blanc de Chine Porcelain Sculptural Group Figurine of Playing Terriers. 11.5"H x 11"L x 7"W Circa 1930s. Marked on the bottom. ;See Sold Price
SoldPAIR OF BERLIN (KPM) PORCELAIN EGGSfor the Russian market; each depicting a reserve of a manor with gilt and cobalt decoration on a white ground 3 inches longSee Sold Price
19Th C. Kpm Porcelain Plaque Depicting An AngelWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Kpm Porcelain Plaque Depicting Boys Eating Fruit,World of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A 20thC Russian porcelain Easter egg decorated with the Resurrection of Christ to one side, and aClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
17th C. Niello Plaque + 19th C. Porcelain PaintingArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Antique 19th Century KPM Te Serving Pieces White Porcelain SetCoral Gables Auction4.5(511)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Pair of Antiques German Hand Painted KPM Berlin Porcelain PlatesCoral Gables Auction4.5(511)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
KPM Berlin Porcelain Gilt and Painted Allegorical Five Senses Figures 19th CenturyWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
GERMAN KPM PORCELAIN PLAQUE AFTER HEINRICH HOFMANNAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024