SoldOrchestrophone, LimonaireVery nice reprocuction of the Limonaire "Orchestrophone" , 1980 Fairground Organ with 35 keys, 101 books (FR) Sold Price
SoldLIMONAIRE ORCHESTROPHONEWith motor. With 2 drums and cymbal. Painted. Plays music by itself. 53 1/8" h x 63 1/2" w x 27" d.See Sold Price
Limonaire Frères OrchestrophoneVery nice Limonaire fairground organ with 45 keys and percussion. Nice painting (probably original), organ in good condition. Comes with 30 books. 64,5 x 72,0 x 30,0 in. France, c. 1920. CH German:&nbSee Sold Price
SoldLimonaire Freres Orchestrophone Punch Card Books37 books total. Antique carton board punch card books for the orchestrophone player (lot #740 in this auction). Each book bears hinged sheets containing "Programs for Various Songs". All worn but compSee Sold Price
SoldLimonaire Freres Waldkirch Fairground Band Organ.Ivory is painted throughout with gold, fuchsia, teal and peach pink painted over the artistic carved details. "Limoniare Freres Waldkirch" in gold lettering, centered at the top. There is wear with muSee Sold Price
Sold002: Limonaire Merry go RoundLimonaire Merry go Round. Beautiful French merry go round with horses, gondolas and organ. Electromechanical gear with tape organ music and fantastic lights. Only very few have been built. Museum's quSee Sold Price
Sold"Limonaire Frères" Organ FaçadeOFFERED WITHOUT RESERVE Fully restored, exquisitely detailed and features paintings of cherubs, birds and scenes of nature throughout, with mirrored center panel and painted a lovely pale blue with giSee Sold Price
SoldLimonaire "Jazz Band Rex", 1898Limonaire "Jazz Band Rex", 1898 French barrel orchestrion, serial no. 16172, with 41-note piano, 7 bell bars, 2 bell rings, 2 wood blocks, large drum, small drum and cymbal, combination motor (electriSee Sold Price
SoldLimonaire Band Organs Mfg. BroadsideLimonaire Freres Band Organs Mfg. Broadside. Paris, France. Framed under glass with light. Some very minor stains otherwise very good condition. 36 1/4 X 31 1/2 inches overall.See Sold Price
SoldL. Auxerrois 18x22 Acry/C "L' Limonaire" (Circus)L. Auxerrois (20th Century, French) 18x22 , Acry/C , signed lower left , "L' Limonaire" (Circus) , Depicting: La Belle Époque (Calliope) , Inscribed: titled and dated 1992 en versoSee Sold Price
SoldLimonaire 50-Key JazzbandophoneLimonaire Frères (Paris, France) Limonaire Frères (Limonaire Brothers) built some of the finest automatic organs in the world, noted for their clarity of pipe voicing and fine musical arrangSee Sold Price
Sold*51key Limonaire Fairground Organ*51key Limonaire Fairground Organ with 18 books. Not restored, but in good condition. 240 X 80 X 222cm. *51er Limonaire Karussellorgel mit 18 Büchern. Nicht restauriert, aber in gutem Zustand.. 240 XSee Sold Price
SoldBeautiful French Merry Go Round "Limonaire Paris""Limonaire Paris" Beautiful French Merry go round with moving horses, gondolas and a beautiful miniature fairground organ. Electro-mechanical gear with tape organ music and fantastic lights. Only verySee Sold Price
37key Limonaire Fairground Organ37key Limonaire Fairground-Organ with 34 books in perfectly working condition. 130 x 155 x 55cm. 37er Limonaire Karusselorgel mit 34 Büchern in perfekt funktionierendem Zustand. 130 x 155 x 55cm.See Sold Price
SoldLIMONAIRE FRERES ANTIQUE WOODEN CAROUSEL HORSELuminaire Freres, Paris mid century French amusement park wooden carousel horse. Company was known for making carousel animals especially for organ grinders. This is for the 100 anniversary of the comSee Sold Price
Sold8 cases of 49key, limonaire organ books.8 Kisten mit 49Tasten Limonaire-Orgelbücher 8 cases of 49key Limonaire organ books.Ohne Limit/ No ReserveSee Sold Price
Limonaire Alain TurcPipe organ by Alain Turc. 27 key cardboard music, 21 books (FR) Dimensions:0,80 x 0,55 x 0,70See Sold Price
Limonaire StatueUnpainted wooden figure "Limonaire style" with moving arm. Band leader (FR) Dimensions:0,70 x 0,25 x 0,25See Sold Price
Limonaire Panel Musee GrenobleHome Limonaire Panel Grenoble Museum with two owls, 23 books (FR) Sold Price
Miniature Carousel LimonaireDeutsche Beschreibung: Miniatur Karussell hunderten schönen kleinen Lämpchen, Musik vom Band und Bewegung. English Description: Miniature Carousel 1960.Much fineSee Sold Price
SoldFrench carved and painted cat carousel figure, eFrench carved and painted cat carousel figure, early 20th c., retaining an early surface and brass label, Limonaire Freres Paris, 29 1/2'' h., 39'' w.See Sold Price
Sold45key Limonaire/Verbeeck organ45er Limonaire/Verbeeck Orgel. Mit 15 neuen Musikbüchern und 1½ Kisten alten Büchern Die Orgel trägt die Seriennummer 5181 und wurde vermutlich in der Vergangenheit von J. VerbeeckSee Sold Price
Sold"The Turk" organ figureThe Turk organ figure. Original figure from the famous Limonaire street organ - "The Turk". 73 cm high.See Sold Price
A 35-key juvenile fairground organ by Limonaire Frères,Sworders Fine Art Auctioneers4.4(30)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024