SoldOppianus.- Oppian's HalieutickOppianus. Oppian's Halieuticks of the Nature of Fishes,[translated by William Diaper and John Jones], Thomas Westwood's copy with his inscriptions in purple ink and signatures, also Henry KettSee Sold Price
SoldOppianus.- Oppian's HalieuticksOppianus.- Oppian's Halieuticks of the Nature of Fishes, translated from the Greek by William Diaper and John Jones, half-title, engraved title vignette, lacking the 7pp. list of subscribers aSee Sold Price
SoldOppianus. Oppian's Halieuticks of the Nature of FiOppianus. Oppian's Halieuticks of the Nature of Fishes and Fishing of the Ancients in V Books,[translated by William Diaper and John Jones], first edition in English, half-title/imprimatur, enSee Sold Price
Oppianus (Oppian), with Plinius (Pliny), Paolo GOppianus (Oppian), with Plinius (Pliny), Paolo Giovio (Jovius). Alieuticon, Sive DeSee Sold Price
Oppianus (Oppian), with Plinius (Pliny), Paolo GOppianus (Oppian), with Plinius (Pliny), Paolo Giovio (Jovius). Alieuticon, Sive DeSee Sold Price
SoldOppianus. De piscibus libri VOppianus. De piscibus libri V, [Graece], translated by Laurentius Lippius, woodcut printer's device on title, text in Greek and Latin, lacks colophon and final blank ff., title and 2 preliminaSee Sold Price
SoldOPPIAN. Cynégétique. Paris, Les Cent Une, 1955. In-Title: OPPIAN. Cynégétique. Paris, Les Cent Une, 1955. In-4, en feuilles (Emboîtage de l'éditeur). Description: Ornée de 31 gravures originales dans le texte et 4 gravures hors-texte sur Japon deSee Sold Price
SoldOppianus. De piscibus libri V,Oppianus. De piscibus libri V, [Graece], translated by Laurentius Lippius, woodcut printer's device on title, text in Greek and Latin, corner of front free endpaper with small tear, lacking onSee Sold Price
OPPIAN; and Anton Maria SALVINI. Oppiano Della pesOPPIAN; and Anton Maria SALVINI. Oppiano Della pesca, ê Della caccia : Tradotto dal Grêco, ê Illustrato con Varie Annotazioni...Florence: Appresso il Tartini, ê 'l Franchi, 1728. 8vo. (185 x 1See Sold Price
Oppianus. Halieuticks of the Nature of Fishes andOppianus. Halieuticks of the Nature of Fishes and Fishing of the Ancients..., haltitle, engraved titlvignette, list of suscribers at end, ink signature at head of title partly erased, a littleSee Sold Price
SoldOppianus. De piscatuOppianus. De piscatu, 3 parts in 1, Greek and Latin text, foxed and browned throughout, contemporary vellum, 8vo, Leiden, ex officina Plantiniana, 1597.See Sold Price
Oppianus. De Venatione Lib.III DePiscatu lib V.Oppianus. De Venatione Lib.III DePiscatu lib V.,3 parts in 1, text in Greek and Latin, errata f., title with ink inscription 'Ex Bibliotheca Bussiorum emt. Altorf...', small section cut away fSee Sold Price
SoldOppianus. De Piscatu Libri V;Oppianus. De Piscatu Libri V; De Venatione libri IIII [graece],text in Greek, woodcut printer's device on title, early ink notes on pp. 129-131, [W&S p. 163; Adams 0204], Paris, Adrian TurnebuSee Sold Price
SoldOppian’s Halieuticks of the Nature of FishesHeading: Author: Oppian of Corycus Title: Oppian’s Halieuticks of the Nature of Fishes and Fishing of the Ancients in V Books, translated from the Greek, with an Account of Oppian’s Life and WritSee Sold Price
Hunting & fishing.- Oppianus. Poëtæ CilicisHunting & fishing.- Oppianus. Poëtæ Cilicis De Venatione Lib. IIII. De Piscatu Lib. V., edited by Konrad Rittershausen, 3 parts in 1, collation: †, ††8 α-γ8 δSee Sold Price
Oppian. - Cynégétique,Préface by Marguerite Yourcenar, number XXV of 140 copies, 35 etched plates and illustrations by Pierre-Yves Trémois , 4 double-page, loose as issued in original wrappers, uncut, original veSee Sold Price
SoldOppianus () De venatione libri IIII, Paris, apudOppianus. De venatione libri IIII, Paris, apud Vascosanum, 1549; bound with De venatione libri III Joan. Bodino interprete..., Paris, apud Michaelem Vascosanum, 1555, together 2 works in 1, I. collatiSee Sold Price
Oppian’s Halieuticks of the Nature of FishesHeading: Author: Oppian of Corycus Title: Oppian’s Halieuticks of the Nature of Fishes and Fishing of the Ancients in V Books, translated from the Greek, with an Account of Oppian’s Life and WritSee Sold Price
SoldOppianus. De Venatione libri IIIIOppianus. De Piscatu Libri V; De Venatione libri IIII,[graece], text in Greek, woodcut printer's device on title, early ink notes on pp. 129-131, [W&S p. 163; Adams 0204], Paris, Adrian TurnebSee Sold Price
Oppianus. Alieuticon de Piscibus 1534Oppianus. Alieuticon de Piscibus,3 parts in 1, woodcut initials and large printer's device to verso of final text f., faded ownership inscription to head of title (?Brussels, 1601), a few ff.See Sold Price
Oppianus Anazarbensis: Oppiani poetae alievticonOppianus (Anazarbensis). Oppiani poetae alievticon, sive de piscibus, Libri quinq(ue) è graeco traducti ad Antonium Imperatorem ... authore Laurentio Lippio Collensi, interprete librorum quinq(quSee Sold Price
SoldJones, J. u. Oppian Oppian's Halieuticks of the natureJones, J. u. Oppian Oppian's Halieuticks of the nature of fishes and fishing of the ancients in V books. Translated from the Greek with an account of Oppian's life and writings and a catalogue of hisSee Sold Price
SoldOppianu De Natura seu Venatione PisciumOppianus. Alieutikon [Graece]...De Natura seu Venatione Piscium Libri Quinque,first edition in Greek, early ink page numbers to upper corners, modern limp vellum, central gilt stag's head deviSee Sold Price
Sammelband mit griechischen Drucken: des 16. JahrhunderSammelband mit griechischen Drucken des 16. Jahrhunderts. 21 x 16,5 cm. Pergament des 19. Jahrhunderts mit Verschluss-Schlaufen. Paris 1555-56. Enthält: 1. Oppianus. De Piscatu libri V. De VenatiSee Sold Price