SoldOO Gauge Scenic LayoutOO Gauge Scenic layout consisting of oval of track with 3 sidings along with Goods Shed, Engine Shed, Station Building and Water Tower (all Hornby Railways) plus Tunnel, Scenic Hillside and Fields witSee Sold Price
SoldTerminus to Fiddleyard Scenic LayoutA nicely finished Terminus to Fiddleyard/Factory Unit OO gauge Scenic Layout (untested) comprising 4 Scenic Boards with additional board for Fiddleyard, as shown on front and rear covers of catalogueSee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge 2-Rail Double Track Scenic LayoutOO Gauge 2-Rail Double Track Scenic Layout measuring approx 8' x 4' and containing double track with raised section to terminus station with 6 sidings, also reverse loop and 4 sidings at baseboard levSee Sold Price
SoldN Gauge Scenic LayoutN Gauge Scenic layout (as shown on front and rear of auction catalogue) consisting of single track with passing loop in station and 2 platform faces along with station buildings etc 2 x sidings with eSee Sold Price
SoldN Gauge Scenic LayoutN Gauge Scenic Layout approximately 5' x 3' Continental Outline consisting exaggerated figure of 8 with passing loop in station, Engine Shed and Goods Depot, coal loading facility, upper section withSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin Mini-Club Z Gauge Scenic LayoutMarklin Mini-Club Z Gauge Scenic Layout consisting of oval of track with 2 tunnels and 9 x buildings along with roads and grass areas, some work required to finish, overall measurements 34" x 20", conSee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge LayoutOO Gauge Layout approx. 96" x 48" and consisting of 3 ovals of track (one elevated) with 4 inner sidings and 1 outer, elevated oval independent to remainder of layout and complete with 4 x Hornby RailSee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge LayoutOO Gauge layout approx. 72" x 48" and built with Triang Super 4 track and pointwork comprising oval with outer loop, 4 x sidings, using 5 x straight points and 1 x Y, no scenery, condition Fair.See Sold Price
SoldA Large Quantity of OO Gauge Scenic MaterialA large quantity of OO Gauge Scenic Material including 16 x packs of Gauge Master Cork underlay, Woodlands Scenics include 4 large packs of clump foliage, waterfall kit, 5 x large jars of scatter mateSee Sold Price
SoldInstant Lionel OO gauge layout with switchesNice large lot of Lionel prewar 3 rail OO gauge trackage, basically a complete starter layout with switches. Twelve 0061-2 curved sections, twenty 0062-2 straight sections, two 0063-2 short curved secSee Sold Price
SoldModel Rail Videos 1-15Model Rail Videos 1-15 inclusive covering Pendon 1930s England in Miniature, Radio Control OO Gauge Layout, East Coast O Gauge, The Strathmore Route, Pre-war LMS Layout in OO and a quantity of othersSee Sold Price
SoldN Gauge Scenic Train LayoutN Gauge Scenic Train Layout British Outline measuring approximately 6' x 3'3" and consisting of 3 complete loops with raised section for inner loop, 2 x Stations, Engine Shed with turntable, Farm withSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin Mini-Club Z Gauge Suitcase Layout & AccDESCRIPTION: A Marklin Z gauge suitcase scenic layout. Also includes a Marklin 89006 loco and two 8609 cabooses (one red, one green), a 6727A 120V transformer, an assembled 8970 station with originalSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Trix Railways CataloguesTrix Railways Catalogues a quantity including fold-out leaflet, Catalogue 1967/68 x 2, OO Gauge Track Layout, Trix Twin Railways colour copies of Locomotives, 1966 16-page Catalogue x 2 together withSee Sold Price
Sold'OO' gauge model railway layout with central'OO' gauge model railway layout with central electrically operated turntable surrounded by concentric loops of track on a printed background with engine shed and other buildings, die-cast vehicles andSee Sold Price
SoldLionel OO gauge dealer display train layoutLionel OO gauge dealer display train layout, the wood platform with a tin lithograph station and billboard, having a six-piece train set to include a Hudson no. 5342 locomotive, with the original setSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 173E Complete Scenic Railway Layout BoxedWOW! Lionel prewar O gauge 173E complete scenic railway layout in original box and original wooden shipping crate. The layout measures 48 inches by 42 inches and is mounted on a red table with foldingSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 173S Scenic Railway Display LayoutLionel prewar O gauge 173S scenic railway display layout with original brass Lionel Manufacturing nameplate. Layout was sold to Lionel dealers and customers as a separate sale accessory and was manufaSee Sold Price
SoldLionel 178 Scenic Railway Layout in Wooden CrateWOW! Lionel prewar O gauge 178 scenic railway display layout, circa 1922 in original wooden shipping crate. This layout measures three foot by five foot. The layout is complete with all accessories. ASee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge Track Accessories and SceneryOO Gauge track accessories and scenic material by various manufacturers including Peco, Hornby Railways, Gaugemaster etc and includes Hornby H&M 2000 controller, Gaugemaster model Q for track controllSee Sold Price
Sold'OO' gauge table top model railway layout on wooden'OO' gauge table top model railway layout on wooden board, the concentric loops of track on a printed background, various kit built buildings including engine shed, signal box etc 183 x 122cm, togetheSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Railways R997 Pre-formed LayoutOO Gauge Hornby Railways R997 pre-formed layout. Kits consists of 3 pre-formed and pre-coloured sheets with built in embankments for the model railway. Overall contents are generally Excellent, box isSee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge Unbuilt Plastic Kits & AccessoriesOO Gauge a quantity of unbuilt plastic Kits, Scenic Accessories and Rolling Stock Kits by various manufacturers including Wills, Merit, Ian Kirk, Ratio, etc and includes Village Forge, Barn, various rSee Sold Price
SoldForty-five Lionel two rail OO gauge trackForty-five sections of Lionel OO gauge 2-rail track, consisting of forty-five curved sections three of which are power supply. Some sections have chips, cracks, layout paint, minor surface rust on somSee Sold Price
Four Mixed Tubular Lanterns-Aladdin/Defiance/E T Wright/Steam GaugeJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
"O" GAUGE LIONEL ELECTRIC MODEL TRAIN SET #236John McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Pairpoint Table Lamp, Incredible Cattle Scenic DecorWoody Auction LLC4.9(2.5k)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Postwar Lionel O Gauge diesel horns battery holders MOREElliott Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
A BEAUTIFUL VICTORIAN BROOCH SHELL CAMEO SCENIC FIGURALNoble House Collection Gallery4.5(121)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Group Lot of O27 Gauge Train Layout AccessoriesBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON ARMS CO. 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN.Amelia Jeffers, Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(116)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Toys: A Hornby OO gauge electric railway / train set titled Flying Scotman comprising locomotiveClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Lionel Prewar Standard Gauge Outfit No.51 with #5 Loco and Tender - 29 Day Coach - 29 Day CoachHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
American Flyer Prewar 108 Union Station "RARE"Harris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
American Flyer Prewar Wide Gauge #2043 Automatic Train Controlling Semaphore in orangeHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lionel Postwar O Gauge #38 Water Tower boxedHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024