SoldNorth Africa, c. 5th Century AD. An oil lampNorth Africa, c. 5th Century AD. A beautiful red-ware lamp with a very crisp Chi-Rho within a border consisting of triangles and circles. Some losses, but extremely well preserved and very attractive.See Sold Price
SoldNorth Africa, Carthage, c. 4st-5th century AD. A lNorth Africa, Carthage, c. 4st-5th century AD. A lovely red ware discus shaped oil lamp with cross formed by two rows of raised beads in center of medallion. Around the medallion is another circular rSee Sold Price
SoldRoman, North Africa, c. 2nd-4th century AD, smallRoman, North Africa, c. 2nd-4th century AD, small discus terra cotta oil lamp with Phrygian soldier head in center. Handle is looped with hole through center. Choice condition . Ex. Malter Auction 7-2See Sold Price
Large Roman orange-ware lamp, North AfricaA large Roman orange-ware lamp, North Africa, c. 5th Century AD, depicting a fish in the central discus with fill holes on either side. The shoulders are adorned with alternating circles and rosettes,See Sold Price
SoldRoman North Africa, 5th Century AD. A "Hayes TypeRoman North Africa, 5th Century AD. A "Hayes Type II" red ware oil lamp with central nude male figure before a serpent emerging from a basket. Various florettes of alternating geometric designs and ivSee Sold Price
SoldRoman North Africa, 5th Century AD. A "Hayes TypeRoman North Africa, 5th Century AD. A "Hayes Type I" red ware oil lamp with ovoid body with a short channel linking the nozzle and discus. The discus is decorated with a central "X" between the fillinSee Sold Price
North Africa, Carthage, c. 4st-5th century AD. AnoNorth Africa, Carthage, c. 4st-5th century AD. Another lovely red ware lamp, this with a "Chi-Rho" (monogram of Christ) in center of medallion. Border of medallion decorated with alternating hearts anSee Sold Price
SoldA Roman Red-ware Lamp Fragment with Apostle PeterA Roman Red-ware Lamp Fragment with Apostle Peter Enthroned, North Africa, c. 5th Century AD. Cf. Lampes antiques d'Algerie II no. C377/78. African red-ware Pottery provides some of the oldest motifsSee Sold Price
Roman Red-ware Lamp Fragment with DolphinA Roman Red-ware Lamp Fragment with Dolphins making a Cross North Africa, c. 5th Century AD. Ex Santa Barbara County collection.See Sold Price
SoldRoman Terra Sigillata lamp with leaping lionAn attractive Roman red-ware Terra Sigillata lamp with leaping lion, North Africa, c. 4th - 5th Century AD, with convex lower part and flat top. Within the concave disk a lion leaps to right, raised lSee Sold Price
SoldElaborate Roman red-ware ceramic lamp, North AfricaAn elaborate Roman red-ware ceramic lamp, North Africa, c. 4th - 5th Century AD, the central discus with a nude male deity, Dionysos (?) sacrificing over a tripod altar and holding a double cornucopiaSee Sold Price
SoldAttractive Roman orange-ware lamp with HippocampAn attractive Roman orange-ware lamp with a Hippocamp, North Africa, c. 4th - 5th Century AD, the discus containing an Erote riding the Hippocamp who looks back, palm motif around the shoulder and V-sSee Sold Price
A nice Roman orange-ware ceramic lamp, North AfricaA nice Roman orange-ware ceramic lamp, North Africa, c. 4th - 5th Century AD, the discus depicting Hermes holding a caduceus, styled palm motif on the shoulders and channel atop the spout, ring handleSee Sold Price
SoldA nice Roman orange-ware ceramic lampA nice Roman orange-ware ceramic lamp, North Africa, c. 4th - 5th Century AD, the top flat with a fish in the concave disk, fill-holes to either side, shoulder decorated with geometric devices, channeSee Sold Price
Roman North Africa, oil lamp with bust of MercuryA lamp with the bust of Mercury, Roman North Africa, 4th - 5th Century AD. Redware terracotta lamp, mouldmade, with bust of Mercury (Hermes) within the discus. There is a channel running between discSee Sold Price
SoldRoman North Africa, oil lamp with MinervaAn oil lamp with Minerva, Roman North Africa, 4th - 5th Century AD. Redware terracotta lamp, mouldmade, with central medallion featuring the bust of Minerva, wearing helmet and aegis, within a decoratSee Sold Price
SoldRoman orange terracotta discus lampA Roman orange terracotta discus lamp, North Africa, c. 4th-5th Century AD, with a large Chi-Rho (a Christogram) depicted in the discus, L: 3 3/5 in (9.2cm), D: 3 in (7.2cm). The shoulder is decoratedSee Sold Price
Large Roman orange-ware ceramic lamp with HermesA large Roman orange-ware ceramic lamp with Hermes, North Africa, c. 4th - 5th Century AD, the discus depicting Hermes holding a caduceus, styled palm motif on the shoulders and channel atop the spoutSee Sold Price
Roman lamp featuring a Biblical scene of LazarusA Roman ceramic lamp featuring a Biblical scene from Lazarus, North Africa, c. 5th - 6th Century AD, the discus featuring a robed figure within a shrine, the shoulders adorned with ovolo devices, ringSee Sold Price
Large Roman orange-ware ceramic lamp with HermesA large Roman orange-ware ceramic lamp with Hermes, North Africa, c. 4th - 5th Century AD, the discus depicting Hermes holding a caduceus, styled palm motif on the shoulders and channel atop the spoutSee Sold Price
A nice Roman orange-ware ceramic lampA nice Roman orange-ware ceramic lamp, North Africa, c. 4th - 5th Century AD, the discus depicting Hermes holding a caduceus, styled palm motif on the shoulders and channel atop the spout, ring handleSee Sold Price
Red-ware Roman lamp from North AfricaA red-ware Roman lamp from North Africa, c. 4th - 5th Century AD, the discus and shoulder decorated with rows of concentric circles, the spout long with channel and rounded nozzle, pinched handle at bSee Sold Price
SoldRoman North Africa, oil lamp with a charioteerA nice lamp with a charioteer, Roman North Africa, 5th - 6th Century AD. A redware terracotta lamp, mouldmade, with discus adorned with a charioteer in a biga of horses. Concentric circles outside theSee Sold Price
A red-ware Roman lamp from North AfricaA red-ware Roman lamp from North Africa, c. 4th - 5th Century AD, the discus and shoulder decorated with rows of concentric circles, the spout long with channel and rounded nozzle, pinched handle at bSee Sold Price
Roman Sardonyx Snake Gemstone in Medieval Gold RingTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Stone Age Flint Scraper and Other Implement GroupTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
An Byzantine Bronze Oil Lamp with Colored Gem Inlays, Circa 5th-7th Century ADThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Charles Levier (French, 1920-2003) Oil on Canvas "les femmes dans la rue"Magnusson Art Group4.5(50)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
19th C. Moroccan Fez Cobalt Pottery Bowl, ex MuseumArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
ISLAMIC FATIMID AL AZIZ NIZAR SILVER DIRHAM COINSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024
ISLAMIC FATIMID AL AZIZ NIZAR SILVER DIRHAM COINSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceJun 15, 2024