SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL 254 w/606 carsClean & shiny, loco rewheeled & rewired, tougher red hatches & stripe; 2 #605 Pullmans; 606 Obsv, top lettering replaced, o/w C6 Tough!See Sold Price
SoldScarce Lionel Early 254 SetOnly the second of these we've seen in 32 years! 254 St. Paul electric; 2 #610 Pullmans & matching 612 observation. The cars all have early trucks and are lettered New York Central. The set is dirty aSee Sold Price
SoldScarce Lionel 4U Macys SpecialRegular version contained a 254, Macy's sets had the 4U. It has a 4U build-A-Loco electric, replaced headlights; 2 #605 Pullmans; 606 observation, cars have apple green doors were regular sets had creSee Sold Price
SoldScarce Lionel 254E Set With 605 CarsUncataloged circa 1931. Includes a 254 with red stripe and hatch covers, re wheeled, re wired and ready to run; 2 #605 Pullmans; 606 observation. All are very clean & shiny with nice gold lettering, aSee Sold Price
SoldScarce Lionel 4U Passenger SetRegular version contained a 254, Macy's sets had the 4U. It has a 4U build-A-Loco electric, replaced headlights; 2 #605 Pullmans; 606 observation, cars have apple green doors were regular sets had creSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL 613 Cars Red and SilverOnly came with the 255E Loco in 1935! 615 Baggage; 613 Pullman; 614 Obsv, red/silver, latch couplers, C4See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL 3435 Aquarium CarThis is the toughest variation. Gold lettering, tank 1 & 2 and gold circle, does have a 1/2" crack in the center catwalk, o/w C6See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL 81 Slot Car SetThis is the first Slot Car! Single car w/circle of track, "A" Transformer, Clean original maroon car, lettering strong, missing spare tire, original figures are chipped, track is C4, car o/w C6+ Nice!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL 3666 Cannon CarClean w/original roofs & missiles, working, test run, clean C8+ Nice!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL 2820 Searchlight Car1941-2 Version w/gray painted cast light housing, nice silver frame lettering, rewired, o/w C7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL 715K Tank Car KitThis is an original Scale kit. It has been assembled, but still retains it's primer base coat. Includes envelopes & instruction sheet, though a bit worn. Original paint bottle, full, Original Shell DeSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce Late LIONEL 813 Stock CarToughest of all the 800 cars! Tuscan paint w/white HS lettering, blackened trim, MHBC, was apart at 1 time, but frame & body match, 2 small touch-up spots on 1 side, clean, o/w C7See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce Boxed LIONEL 3435 Aquarium Car, TanSuper patina & stampings, there is only 1 small spot near a '5' that flaked, o/w perfect lettering! Instructions, ob C8 Nice Example!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL 2855 Sunoco Tank CarClean with excellent decals, tougher gray painted version, clean w/nice frame RS, Bricky OB(not photoed)C7+ Tough!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL Late 213 Stock CarST. Ga.; This is one of the scarcest of Lionel's late 200s. This example is unusually clean & shiny. The nickel is bright, but the couplers have very light oxi on them, There are a few thin scratches,See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL Cast 2820 Searchlight CarLast version, with cast yokes & gray searchlights, deep-dish frame w/HBC, C7 Tough!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce Boxed LIONEL 3854 Merchandise CarClean & complete, nice lettering, small crack on 1 step support underneath, 6 original cubes w/instr, ob w/insert has no flaps, o/w C7 Tough!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL 6315 Painted Tank CarLate version Lionel lettering, RS on painted orange finish, C7+ Super!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL Late 2656 Stock CarBurnt orange w/tuscan roof, white HS lettering, HBC, a few chips on door guides, clean o/w C7 Tough!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL 2855 Sunoco Tank Car1946 production w/FS trucks, 1 early, 1 late, small oxi spot under decal 1 side, o/w C7See Sold Price
NETTE - Scarce Boxed LIONEL 2855 Tank CarTough Gray version! Super decals, nice frame, missing 1 brakewheel, ob w/insert, o/w C8 Super!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce Boxed LIONEL 3854 Merchandise Car1946 Only! Castings straight w/nice paint. 5 original cubes, but different versions, 160 bin, rough ob w/cotton wrapping, car C7See Sold Price
NETTE - Scarce LIONEL Yellow 3376 Giraffe CarSpotted version w/intact antlers, Scarce yellow lettering, w/telltale & activator, C6+ Tough!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Scarce LIONEL 2955 Sunoco Tank CarOriginal decals, 1 large decal 80%, handrails toughed up, minor frame warp 1 side, '42 couplers, o/w C6See Sold Price
Lionel postwar O 6518 transformer car in original boxToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Scarce American Flyer Prewar O gauge steam passenger set with 435 steam locomotiveToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Vintage lot of O and 27 scale Lionel Train cars and Truck Tractors in boxEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024