NETTE - Nice Early Zoomer RobotJapan, litho tin, Bat. Op. untested, bat. Box clean, 8" T, complete w/original antennae, wrench & bulb eyes, minor oxi on chrome breast trim, o/w clean & shiny, C7+See Sold Price
SoldMarx Mr. Mercury RobotNice early robot. Litho tin, 14" tall, battery operated, mechanism functional, missing head antennas and has replaced foam hand pads. Otherwise, shows moderate playwear, C6See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Early LIONEL 260E Work Train Set260E Loco, early issue w/cream stripe, super diecast; 260T Tender, 2" scratch on end front roof; 812 Gondola w/4 split barrels; 810 Derrick, replaced elevator gear(done nicely); 811 Lumber Car, missinSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Early LIONEL 675 Steam Loconickel stack, rs boiler front; 6466WX Tender w/coil couplers, very clean, C7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Early MARKLIN PRR Passenger SetGa. 1, Hand Painted, Circa 1901. 0-4-0 Loco, American outline, clock work working w/stop/start, reverse, brake and bell levers; 4-wheel tender w/cast wheels, some pro touch-up; Combine w/2 Pullmans, aSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Early IVES 114 Passenger StationCirca 1904, Litho w/Cast Iron Window Frames, roof supports replaced, but clean & shiny, o/w C7- Nice!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Early LIONEL 400E LocoClean and shiny patina, a bit of pimpling on frame, but strong, no reverse slot w/tin handrail stanchions, missing 1, copper brake cylinders faded; 400T Tender w/brass journals, o/w C7-7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Early LIONEL 15 & 16 Freight CarsST. Ga. 15 PRR Tank Car, clean w/nice lettering, C7-; 16 PRR Side Dump Car, some pitting on trucks, o/w C6+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Early LIONEL 191 EstateNon dormer roof, Brick litho, some flaking at atrium, o/w C7+ Nice Example!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Early German Block SetProbably Anchor, Medium Size set, appears complete w/ nice top label, C7 (Heavy expect high shipping costs!)See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Early IVES 124 ReeferCirca 1909; Litho roof w/T Trucks & hook Coupler, Clean w/original doors, C7+ Nice!See Sold Price
NETTE - Nice Early LIONEL 214 BoxcarST. Ga.; Unusually Clean & Shiny! This is a tough piece to find in this condition, though it has a few small nicks, it is much better than we've seen in a long while, some coupler oxi, o/w C7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Early LIONEL 402 ElectricSt. Ga., nice patina and will polish nicely, rewheeled and ready to run, early switched lights w/combo couplers, C7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Early LIONEL Passenger Cars2 #2442 Pullmans; 2443 Obsv, all late FS trucks, clean C7See Sold Price
NETTE - Nice Early LIONEL 213 Stock CarClean & shiny w/nice patina, a few very small nicks on body, roof has a couple of surface nicks on catwalk, but not through to the metal, very hard car to find in this condition! o/w C7 - C7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice LIONEL Early 400E LocoOriginal Owner Piece! 400E Loco, early stanchion version, a couple loose, 400T Tender, C-7(excellent) Nice!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Boxed Early TOOTSIETOY Airport SetIncludes 2 Tri-Props w/Hangar, has original flag, ob & insert, C9-See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Group Early LIONEL Paper & Catalogs1923 w/taped cover; 1925 w/minor cover wear; 1926 w/rough cover; Small 1929; 1936 Track Layouts; 25 plus instruction sheets including 201/1663(see Lot 815); 227; 3651; 99N; 440N; 97 pre & postwar; 164See Sold Price
NETTE - Nice LIONEL Early 1 TrolleyGreat lettering and side paint, embossed windows, monitor flaking 80%, o/w C6 Cute!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice LIONEL Early 213 Stock CarST. Ga; Very Clean & shiny w/ minor nicks, C7-C7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Boxed Early LIONEL 213 Stock CarGreat patina and brass, car has been apart, probably for cleaning, but all original, ob o/w C-8(Like New) Nice!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 4 Nice Early Lionel Freight Cars2555 Sunoco Tank Car, nice silver & decals, ob w/insert, C7+; 3559 Operating Ore Dump Car w/partial 206, bin & instr., ob, C7; 2454 BR Boxcar, ob w/insert has graffiti, car C8; 3454 Oper Merchandise CSee Sold Price
NETTE - 5 Nice Early LIONEL Freight Cars2555 Sunoco Tank Car, super decals, bright silver, late FS trucks, C7+; 2454 BR Boxcar, nice matte patina; 3559 Ore Dump, late FS Trucks, C7-; 2411 Flat w/1 Log,; 255 Sunoco Tank Car, decals intact, bSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Boxed Early ATHEARN HO SF Freight SetSF F3 AB Diesel; Seaboard Flat w/Boat; RI Stock Car; NH Boxcar; ice Bulkhead Flat; B&M Hopper; SF Caboose, Track, osb w/inserts, C7+ Nice!See Sold Price
2.3/4" Polished Point, Nice early archaic point with ancient grinding on the base / mid section. ExHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Early IHC Deering Harvesting Machinery Dealership SignMatthews Auctions, LLC4.6(134)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Nice Early Lance, Karnak/Angostura, found in Monroe Co MissouriHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Group of old radios and a Big Ben alarm clockBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Nice Early Lenox Roselyn Rose Theme Vase 8" Tall Xlnt CondAndrew's Coin & Jewelry4.5(209)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024