SoldNETTE - Boxed MARX 0430 & 0321 Accessory Sets0321 4-pc Plastic-Marx Set; 0430 27 Pc. Plastic-Marx Set, osbs w/inserts, some wear, but both display nicely, o/w C7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Unusual Boxed MARX 0430 Accessory SetThis is a super example of this set. It is the only place where the Red Lamppost Can be found. Set appears unused w/insp. Label, ob w/insert nice, C9See Sold Price
NETTE - Boxed MARX Accessory Set 043030 Pc. Set, all intact, ob w/insert a bit worn, but bright & clean, C8See Sold Price
SoldBoxed Marx Accessories0430 accessory set with insert, 0446 beacon, 464 block signal, 416 flood light, 418 ringer signal, 410 searchlight, 072-3 lamp post set, 403 marker light, 308 lock-ons, 0225/4 billboards, 428 crossingSee Sold Price
SoldClean Boxed Marx AccessoriesIncludes trestle bridge with beacon, both boxes with insert; 428 crossing gate; 1303 girder bridge; 454 block signal; 226 billboard; PRR girder bridge; 0321 accessory set; foot bridge; 421 flasher; 43See Sold Price
SoldBoxed Marx Accessories2 #072 lamps, beacon assembly, 0321 accessory set with inserts, 422 derrick loader in rough ob, 1303 girder bridge with rough ob, crossing gate with rough ob, Girard lighted whistling station, scarceSee Sold Price
Sold2 Boxed Marx SetsIncludes a Seaboard set with 4000 F7 AA diesels, mechanism is functional with key; 2 high gondolas; Seaboard caboose, track, setbox top is taped, bottom is repro, trains are C7+; 0430 -27pc accessorySee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 2 Nice Boxed MARX Accessory Sets430 Railroad Grade Set, wooden grade, 1 corner missing(knot in wood broke); crossing gate & crossing sign, insert & repaired osb, o/w C6; Railroad Signal Set includes Telltale, Semaphore, Caution SignSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 10 Boxed MARX Accessories1392 Lift Bridge w/instr.; 404A Block signal; 424 Control Tower; 2 #408 Lamppost, 1 is MIB; 420 Circuit Breaker; Scarce 306 Battery Crossing; Regular crossing w/unusual sleeve, used in sets; 412 DerriSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 4 Boxed MARX Accessories(As per Consignor Request, Accessories were to remain in boxes to minimize box wear, grades are guaranteed) 1614 Auto Dumping Unit, ob worn; 1412 Trestle Set, w/inserts & peripherals; 1740 027 RemoteSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 5 Boxed MARX Accessories065 Water Tank w/insert; 423 Flasher; 0165 Water Tower; 1303 Erie Girder Bridge, ob has hole; 390-C Tunnel & Telltale Set w/insert, o/w obs slight wear & tape, C7+See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 14 Boxed MARX Accessories, Plus1412 Trestle set, appears complete; 392 Tunnel; 1061 Telegraph poles; 6000 HO track contactor; 500 Loco key, envelope worn; 600 Track Contactor; 611 Trestle elevator, ob C9; 421 Flasher; 1807 0-34 CroSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 6 Boxed MARX Accessories0462 Derrick Loader w/insert; 068/6 High Tension Poles; Grade Crossing; 12 High-Way Sign Set w/insert; 0446 Revolving Beacon; 428 Crossing Gate w/track trip, obs some wear, C8See Sold Price
NETTE - 5 Boxed MARX Accessories1180 Sign Set,12 pc set, ob w/insert; 1434 Signal Bridge, gray plastic, ob taped; Girard Whistling Station, ob w/insert; 2920 Switchman's Tower, complete w/trip; 1412 Trestle Set, ob w/inserts, o/w C9See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 11 Pc. Boxed MARX Accessory Lot(As per Consignor Request, Accessories were to remain in boxes to minimize box wear, grades are guaranteed) 1414 Bridge & Trestle Set, missing cardboard bridge; 2 #611A Trestle Elevators; 2 #0605 BumpSee Sold Price
NETTE - 4 Scarce Boxed MARX AccessoriesUtility Bulb Set w/5 original bulbs, 2-clear, red, yellow, green; 308 Track Lock-ons; 1585 4-Button Controller, wire dry; SCARCE Oil Barrels w/Rack, load for plastic gondolas, obs show minor wear, o/wSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 6 Boxed Early MARX AccessoriesRight-O-Way metal Road sign Set; 416A Floodlight Tower, chrome/black; 423A Flasher, black; 1610 Remote Switchers, oxi on 1 base, ob repaired; 611-A Trestle Elevators; 405-A Block Signal, Black/chrome,See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - NMint Boxed MARX Trucking TerminalAwesome play set and train accessory, all parts as offered w/bags inserts & instr., osb C9 WOW!See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - 4 Boxed MARX Train Toys2005 Mechanical Train set, HP, working w/plastic accessories & track, ob a bit worn, C7+; 2 Electric powered Sets, 1 freight, other Passenger versions, Bat. Op. untested w/track & inserts, obs C9; 49'See Sold Price
NETTE - Boxed MARX Allstate Set 9734This is an unusual up-n-over set with a tunnel bridge! Unusual 1666 0-4-0 Loco; Penn Central Wedge Tender; Rocket Fuel Tank; PRR Gondola; B&O Boxcar in Royal Blue; 19326 Penn Central Caboose, all K/CSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Boxed MARX Scale Freight Set 24522400 Steam Loco; SP Tender; PRR Gondola; B&O Boxcar; SP Caboose, all have 3/16 scale trucks that are shiny & bright, even the track is bright! Transf., Osb w/inserts, C8 Nice!See Sold Price
SoldBoxed Marx Accessories430 Large Accessory Set appears complete with insert; 2 different 1412 trestle sets with inserts and instructions; case of 6 1824 uncoupling units; 417 bell signal; 074 boulevard lamp and 072 lamp posSee Sold Price
SoldBoxed Marx Accessory LotSwitches with controllers, 1859 transformer, partial case of trestle elevators, X872 29pc road race set, 2 #250 figure 8 trestle sets, RI girder bridge, 3 #072 lamp posts, Main Street light, 217 crossSee Sold Price
SoldBoxed Marx Sets 3014M and 9923-317Montgomery Ward Set 48-3014M includes 666 cast loco with smoke, SP tender, boxcar, flatcar, gondola, caboose, two 078 lamp posts, o72 lamp post with box, three piece accessory set in box, track, switcSee Sold Price
ENGLISH MAHOGANY CASED TANTALUS SETThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Parker 51 & 75 Fountain Pen Boxed SetsNorth American Pen Auctions LTD4.4(12)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Rare Wards Pre-War Louis Marx Train Set #5029 in Original Box.Westside Traders Emporium4.5(34)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Marx Vertical Steam Engine with 3 Operative AccessoriesBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024
Lionel Prewar #47 Automatic Crossing GateHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024