SoldNear East, a terracotta plaque depicting a male fiNear East, c.1900 – 1700 BC. A natural, light-buff, press-molded terracotta plaque depicting a male figure facing right, hands in supplication, wearing a pointed hat and a flounced dress. Intact witSee Sold Price
SoldNear East, a press-molded terracotta plaque depictNear East, c.1900 – 1700 BC. A natural, light-buff, press-molded terracotta plaque depicting a male figure facing right, wearing a squared hat, and long costume, hands clenched together at the waistSee Sold Price
SoldNear East, a press-molded terracotta plaque depictNear East, c.2000 BC. A natural, light-buff, press-molded terracotta plaque depicting a male figure wearing an elaborate headdress, collar and flounced dress. Finely incised with some minor wear and mSee Sold Price
SoldMesopotamian Terracotta Plaque w/ Male DeityAncient Near East, Mesopotamian, Babylonian, ca. 2200 to 1550 BCE. A mold-made terracotta plaque depicting a male deity, possibly Nergal, the war god of the underworld and one of the Babylonian deitieSee Sold Price
SoldNear Eastern Terracotta Relief Plaque of Male BustAncient Near East, Babylon, ca. 1800 BCE. A wonderful mold-formed buff terracotta relief plaque depicting a bearded male deity, perhaps Nergal, the war god of the underworld and one of the BabylonianSee Sold Price
SoldMesopotamian Terracotta Votive Plaque - Man w/ AnimalAncient Near East, Mesopotamia, Sumer, ca. late 3rd to early 2nd millennium BCE. A mold-formed terracotta plaque depicting an intriguing scene of a right-facing male supplicant holding a petite animalSee Sold Price
Mesopotamian Terracotta Votive Plaque - Man w/ AnimalAncient Near East, Mesopotamia, Sumer, ca. late 3rd to early 2nd millennium BCE. A mold-formed terracotta plaque depicting an intriguing scene of a right-facing male supplicant holding a petite animalSee Sold Price
Mesopotamian Terracotta Votive Plaque - Man w/ AnimalAncient Near East, Mesopotamia, Sumer, ca. late 3rd to early 2nd millennium BCE. A mold-formed terracotta plaque depicting an intriguing scene of a right-facing male supplicant holding a petite animalSee Sold Price
SoldMesopotamian Terracotta Plaque of a Male DeityNear East, Mesopotamian, Babylonian, ca. 2200 to 1550 BCE. A mold-made pottery relief plaque depicting a male deity, possibly Nergal, the war god of the underworld and one of the Babylonian deities meSee Sold Price
SoldMessopotamian Terracotta Plaque - Warriors / Gods**Originally Listed At $800** Ancient Near East, Mesopotamia, ca. 2nd millennia BCE. A mold-made earthenware plaque depicting a pair of standing male figures, one presenting the other with a weapon orSee Sold Price
Near-Eastern Terracotta Plaque, Pair of Warriors / GodsAncient Near East, Mesopotamia, ca. 2nd millennia BCE. A mold-made earthenware plaque depicting a pair of standing male figures, one presenting the other with a weapon or offering. Both are wearing roSee Sold Price
Messopotamian Terracotta Plaque, Warriors / GodsAncient Near East, Mesopotamia, ca. 2nd millennia BCE. A mold-made earthenware plaque depicting a pair of standing male figures, one presenting the other with a weapon or offering. Both are wearing roSee Sold Price
Messopotamian Terracotta Plaque, Warriors / Gods**Originally Listed At $800** Ancient Near East, Mesopotamia, ca. 2nd millennia BCE. A mold-made earthenware plaque depicting a pair of standing male figures, one presenting the other with a weapon orSee Sold Price
Near-Eastern Terracotta Plaque, Pair of Warriors / GodsAncient Near East, Mesopotamia, ca. 2nd millennia BCE. A mold-made earthenware plaque depicting a pair of standing male figures, one presenting the other with a weapon or offering. Both are wearing roSee Sold Price
SoldNear East, a terracotta votive plaque depicting thNear East, c.1900 – 1700 BC. A light buff, press-molded terracotta votive plaque depicting the water god or perhaps the epic hero Gilgamesh. The lower portion is lost, but the figure holds a jug toSee Sold Price
Terracotta plaque depicting a lion, Near EastAn oval terracotta plaque depicting a lion, Near East, 3rd - 2nd Century BC. Intact with the finger prints of the ancient maker all over the back. L: 2 1/4" (5.8 cm). Ex. New Jersey Collection.See Sold Price
SoldAmorite terracotta plaque depicting a womanA nice fragment of an Amorite terracotta plaque depicting a woman, Near East, Isin-Larsa Period, c. 1200-800 BC, with large eyes and wearing a collar. H 3 1/8' (7.9cm) Nicely detailed. ex- Sackler colSee Sold Price
SoldNear East, a press-molded terracotta plaque depicNear East, c.2000 BC. A natural, light-buff, press-molded terracotta plaque depicting a bull standing to right, wearing a headdress. Nicely detailed and repaired from 3 pieces. The fingerprints of theSee Sold Price
SoldNear East, a press-molded terracotta plaque depictNear East, c.2000 BC. A natural, light-buff, press-molded terracotta plaque depicting a reclining king or noble with his queen or wife. Very finely detailed, the king wearing a tall cap, tight fittingSee Sold Price
SoldNear East, a press-molded terracotta plaque depictNear East, c.2000 BC. A natural, light-buff, press-molded terracotta plaque depicting a fashionable lady, wearing a tall hat, gown and jewelry. The details are well rendered and preserved with the finSee Sold Price
SoldAncient Babylonian Clay Plaque - Human and AnimalsNear East, First Babylonian Dynasty, ca. 1600 to 1500 BCE. This is a terracotta plaque depicting a human figure crouching as if he is feeling the animals at his feet -- a boar and a dog. The dog is paSee Sold Price
SoldSumerian Terracotta Tile Fragment with Dog**Originally Listed At $400** Ancient Near East, Sumeria, ca. 2nd to 1st millennium BCE. A mold-made terracotta plaque depicting a seated dog in profile, with the face of the dog wonderfully portrayedSee Sold Price
SoldBabylonian Terracotta Panel w/ Lord & Servants, TL Test**Originally Listed At $400** Ancient Near East, Sumeria or Babylon, ca. 2nd to 1st millennium BCE. A nicely preserved terracotta plaque depicting three figures, one of whom may be a standing sarcophaSee Sold Price
SoldNear-Eastern Terracotta Plaque of Goddess & ScorpionsAncient Near East, modern day Syria, ca. 3rd millennium BCE. A mold-pressed terracotta plaque depicting an ancient deity, probably Ishara who first appeared in Ebla and was part of the Hurrian pantheoSee Sold Price
COPPER PLAQUE WITH REPOUSSE CLASSICAL FIGURESThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
19th Century Continental Gilt and Bronze Porcelain Mounted LuminairePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Stone Age Classic British Teardrop-Shaped Knapped Flint HandaxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Stone Age Classic Teardrop-Shaped Knapped Flint HandaxeTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Lot 3 Antique Full Colored Building Litho, 1860sThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Oversized KPM Porcelain Plaque of a Woman and Child "In Your Eye Is My Heaven"World of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Collection of Seven Tibetan Himalayan Antique Votive Terracotta PlaquesThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Vintage Chinese Porcelain Items, Two Total, Table Screen and Figurines on StandNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
BATMAN RETURNS (1992) - Production-Made Gotham Plaza Model Miniatures and Crew Gift PlaquePropstore4.2(6)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
After Charles Townley Classic Figural Greek White Marble Formed Urn - (19.8lbs)Weatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 21, 2024
2pc Herend Porcelain Female and Male Folk Dancer FigurinesLion and Unicorn4.8(1.9k)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Chinese Ming Dynasty Bronze Plaque Buddha Atop LotusArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024