(4) NORTHWEST NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
6.1/4" Tightly Woven Native American Basket. With LidHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Cherokee Or Sioux Rattle Dance Club Native American ArtifactsCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Lot of Four Miniature Tohono O'odham Nation (Papago) BasketsCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldNative American Basket LotLot (6) Native American baskets. Largest 9" D., 3 1/2" Ht..See Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN BASKETS, LOT OF THREENATIVE AMERICAN BASKETS, LOT OF THREE, including a Northeast, possibly Algonquin, rectangular form with cane-wrapped rim and painted designs on body, including tassels, stars, and foliate devices; andSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN SMALL BASKETS, LOT OF THREENATIVE AMERICAN SMALL BASKETS, LOT OF THREE, comprising one tapered-form woven-coil basket bowl, and two rounded twined basket bowls, each with geometric or striped designs. Probably Western or SouthwSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN WOVEN-COIL BASKETS, LOT OF TWONATIVE AMERICAN WOVEN-COIL BASKETS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a tray or plaque featuring a six-point star motif, and a covered basket with a geometric design around the base and to the interior flange ofSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Wicker Basket Lot Necklace29.17 Native American Wicker Basket from Papago Indians & bone/ivory beaded necklace, antique leather pouch Lot 9 PcSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF TWONATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF TWO, each circular form with dyed-weaver decoration, one a tray basket and the other a large example with steep, tapered sides and flared mouth rim. Second halfSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN COIL BASKETS, LOT OF TWONATIVE AMERICAN COIL BASKETS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a Chemehuevi olla decorated with a stylized-geometric medial band, and a Panamint tray with central star design. Circa 1920. 4 3/4" H and 6 3/4" D.See Sold Price
SoldSOUTHWESTERN NATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF TWOSOUTHWESTERN NATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF TWO, polychrome decorated, comprising a deep example with cover of unknown association, and a female figure example hollow underneath. First half 20See Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN WOVEN BASKETS, LOT OF THREENATIVE AMERICAN WOVEN BASKETS, LOT OF THREE, diminutive forms, comprising a Hupa example and two covered Makah examples with cedar-woven base, each with dyed-weaver decoration. Circa 1920 and later. 2See Sold Price
SoldSOUTHWESTERN NATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF TWOSOUTHWESTERN NATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a tray and shallow bowl, each with geometric designs. Mid 20th century. 8 3/8" and 11 3/4" D.Excellent condition with a few minute lSee Sold Price
SoldNORTHWEST COAST NATIVE AMERICAN TWINED BASKETS, LOT OFNORTHWEST COAST NATIVE AMERICAN TWINED BASKETS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a Makah bottle with four bands of decoration and amber glass foundation, and a small pitcher with 13 medial four-petal rosettes aSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN WOVEN BASKETS LOT OF 2 BIRCH BARKSmaller birch bark one measures 11 X 9.5 X 8 inches. Large one measures 15 X 15 X 10 inches, has small tear at top rim. Overall good condition.See Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN WOVEN BASKETS, LOT OF (5)Width- 1"- 3" Shipping U.S. $20 plus insuranceSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF THREENATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF THREE, including a likely Pima / Papago form and a circular example with polychrome dyed-weaver decoration. Second half 20th century. Polychrome example 1 7/8" HSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF TWONATIVE AMERICAN COILED BASKETS, LOT OF TWO, each circular form with cover, one with strap handle, butterfly and geometric decorations. First half 20th century. 7" H, 12 1/2" D, and 5" H, 6 1/2" D. ProSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN WOVEN BASKETS, LOT OF (6)one Nez Perce Height- 2 1/2"- 8" Length- 6"- 10" Shipping U.S. $80 plus insuranceSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN WOVEN BASKETS, LOT OF (2)Diameter- 10"-15" Shipping U.S. $45 plus insuranceSee Sold Price
SoldFour Small Native American BasketsFour Small Native American Baskets This lot contains four baskets: a five by four-inch stitched, birch bark basket with lid; a six by six-inch Pima Olla basket, with cactus motif; a three by five-inchSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN CHEROKEE & ALGONQUIN BASKET LOTTwo are signed on the bottom Stacy Bird Rogers (7x8 inches), Janell Panther (12x11x11 inches) both Cherokee and the third is a birch bark basket (12x9x8 inches) from Mukok, MI. made by the Algonquin TSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN PAPAGO BASKET MIXED LOT OF 3Native American Arizona Papago basket mixed lot of three. Includes: one Papago woven basket with geometric design (8 by 4.5 inches) (loss to rim), one Papago basket tray (9 by 1.75 inches), and one tiSee Sold Price
SoldSOUTHWESTERN NATIVE AMERICAN PICTORIAL WOVEN-COIL BASKETS, LOT OF TWOSOUTHWESTERN NATIVE AMERICAN PICTORIAL WOVEN-COIL BASKETS, LOT OF TWO, comprising a covered jar basket with various animal motifs including a snake and a Gila monster-type lizard, and a tapered-form bSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN PIMA / APACHE BASKETS, LOT OF TWONATIVE AMERICAN PIMA / APACHE BASKETS, LOT OF TWO, comprising an Apache woven coil diminutive basket with repeating zig-zag basket, and a Pima lidded basket with repeating triangles. 20th century. ApaSee Sold Price
(4) NORTHWEST NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Lot of Four Miniature Tohono O'odham Nation (Papago) BasketsCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
6.1/4" Tightly Woven Native American Basket. With LidHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Very Large Native American Woven Basket with Pelt Feathers and Bead AccentsHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Lot 11 Vintage Handmade & Porcelain DollsThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
2 Native American Splint Curl Covered BasketsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
2 Native American Large Covered Splint BasketsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
5 Native American Quill Covered BasketsEpic Auctions and Estate Sales4.6(204)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Antique Native American Woven Basket Possibly ApacheArarity Auctions4.6(171)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Native American Basket Bowl, Attrib. CahuillaStefek's Auctioneers & Appraisers4.5(107)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
5" Native American Basket, Ex Walter Crinnion CollectionHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Panamint Polychrome Basket Birds and ButterfliesCalifornia Auctioneers4.2(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024