LADIES LARGE OVAL NANTUCKET BASKET PURSE DECORATED WITH TWO WHALES BY DONNA CIFRANIC (1936-2022)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(19thc) MONUMENTAL NATIVE AMER. SPLIT ASH BASKETJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
CHINESE EXPORT ARMORIAL PORCELAIN CHESTNUT BASKET & TRAYThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
(4) NORTHWEST NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
NANTUCKET BASKET, ATTRIB. TO WILLIAM SEVRENS (1916-2001)Thomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Antique Tutsi Basket with Lid Ex Nooter CollectionTRIBAL GATHERINGS4.6(293)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
5.1/2" Dia Pre Columbian Woven Reed Basket. Nicely Made, Likely from Peru.Heartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
NANTUCKET BASKET Late 19th/Early 20th Century Height to rim 5.75". Length 7.5".Eldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
SoldLarge Lot Miniature Native American Baskets & PotteryLot of eleven, including three baskets, one decorated, 4 x 2 1/8" high; 2 1/2" diameter x 1" high; & 2" diameter x 1 1/4" high; plus seven pieces of pottery including four black ware pieces, 2 1/2" diSee Sold Price
SoldNative Am. Baskets, Pottery(1) Northwest Coast Native American coiled basket, Hupa or Kurak, with contrasting geometric design and rim, 4" H x 6" W x 6-1/2" D. Mid-20th century. (2) Southwest Native American oval shaped coiledSee Sold Price
SoldLot Native American baskets & pottery, includes various small baskets, two with lids, a pair ofLot Native American baskets & pottery, includes various small baskets, two with lids, a pair of small shoes, small terra cotta paint decorated pot, signed Assandia Jemel, small doll, sterling spoon "HSee Sold Price
SoldFrederick John Behre Signed Still Life w/ BasketsFrederick John Behre (American, 1863-1942). An untitled oil on canvas laid down to board still life with Native American baskets, pottery vessels, and blanket. Signed to lower left. Approx. 38.75" x 2See Sold Price
Sold2 Native American Baskets & 1 Pottery Jar1st item: Large split oak Cherokee basket, square base with rounded shoulder and flared rim with alternating dyed weavers. 13-3/8" H x approx. 17" W. 20th century. 2nd item: Cherokee rivercane "planteSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN SAND PAINTING, BASKET, POTTERYA Penobscot basket of ash curlicues, sand painting by Fred Stevens (Grey Squirrel), and miniature Luguna Pottery canteen signed Michael Kanteena. Basket measures 6.5 x 6.5, pottery measures 3.75 x 5,See Sold Price
SoldJapanese baskets, Native indian pottery, includes wovenJapanese baskets, Native indian pottery, includes woven Japanese basket vase, brass woven basket bowl, 2 pieces of native Indian pottery & 3 stone artifacts (hand axe, arrows)See Sold Price
SoldNative American Basket and Three Pottery VesselsNative American Basket and Three Pottery Vessels {Height of basket 4 inches; diameter 8 inches}See Sold Price
SoldSeminole Mexican Pottery Baskets Northwestern 1529.18 Seminole & Mexican Pottery, Baskets, Northwestern Native American Statues 15 PcSee Sold Price
SoldK Hoskin, Native American Oil Painting Blanket, BasketK Hoskin, Native American Oil Painting Blanket, Basket, Pottery vessel, Moccasins. Signed, original framing. Size: 24 x 36 inches image, 28.5 x 40.5 inches outside frameSee Sold Price
SoldNative American Indian Navajo Pottery Basket VaseEstate collection lot of 3 Native American Indian hand crafted black on black blackware pottery vessel vases and a wedding basket. Feature incised and pierced carved decorations. 2 with a gloss finishSee Sold Price
SoldEarly Native American Santo Domingo Pottery BasketEarly Native American Santo Domingo Pottery Basket, measures 6'' x 7'', bowls and handle has been gluedSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF (4) NATIVE AMERICAN POTTERY PCS. & BASKETIncluding- Santa Clara Pueblo, Acoma. Height- 1" - 3 14" In-house shipping available within continental U.S. for $45 plus insurance.See Sold Price
SoldNative American Santa Clara Blackware Pottery BasketHand-coiled, polished black on black clay, with a deeply carved abstract pattern design. Also known as the Engagement Basket. The entwined handle design is a symbolic representation of the bond that tSee Sold Price
SoldMADELINE NARANJO Blackware Engagement BasketMadeline NARANJO Santa Clara Pueblo Native American blackware pottery engagement basket. Signed to underside. Measures approx. 4 5/8 inches inches diameter and 8.5 inches. Some surface wear consistentSee Sold Price
SoldNative American LotNative American lot comprising two Indian baskets, Cochiti pottery figure, pottery dog (cracks), and two Kachina dolls and Pueblo pottery bird, Stone artifacts with collection numbers. Tallest doll: HSee Sold Price
SoldMisc. lot including native American pottery bowlMisc. lot including native American pottery bowl, woven basket, inlaid jewelry box (one piece missing & two filled spots) and a studio pottery vaseSee Sold Price
SoldNATIVE AMERICAN DECORATIVE ARTS VOLUMES ANDNATIVE AMERICAN DECORATIVE ARTS VOLUMES AND PUBLICATIONS, uncounted lot, covering pottery, baskets, weaving, and prehistoric artifacts, including books, auction catalogues, set-sale catalogues, and joSee Sold Price
SoldLot of miniature modern Native American itemsincludes baskets And pottery; approximately 15 miniature Papago Indian baskets, few small pottery pots, three carved nut baskets, etc.See Sold Price
SoldNative American CollectiblesNative American Collectibles, includes basketry tray, large basket measuring 7''H, Santa Domingo pottery basket, Tesuque Pottery Rain God, and Bull RoarerSee Sold Price
SoldTWO SANTA CLARA PUEBLO CARVED POTTERY BASKETSA Santa Clara wedding bowl signed Ramona Sisneros and a Santa Clara wedding basket signed Madeline Naranjo. Measures 6.25 x 4 and 7 x 5 inches. We happily provide seamless in-house packing and shippinSee Sold Price
SoldCollection Native American Baskets & BowlsAcoma, Old pottery and nice Hupa and other baskets10 vintage piecesSee Sold Price
Sold4- INDIAN BASKETS & INDIAN POTTERY VESSELLot of 4 nice Indian Baskets. All with tight weaving. 3 have color decorations. Also includes early Indian pottery vessel that has period crack that has been leather repaired. Largest piece measures 1See Sold Price
(4) NORTHWEST NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
(5) Native American Style Pottery Pieces and BasketWilliam Bunch Auctions & Appraisals4.6(878)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Yokuts Polychrome 'Clam Shell' Winnowing BasketCalifornia Auctioneers4.2(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024