Nationalmannschaft WM1966German Description: Farbige Mannschaftspostkarte mit original Signaturen der deutschen Nationalmannschaft zur Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1966. 10 x 15 cm, Zust: I.See Sold Price
SoldNationalmannschaft EM1992German Description: Farb-Postkarte „EURO 92" mit original Signaturen der kompletten Nationalmannschaft und Delegation des DFB von der Europa-meisterschaft 1992 in Schweden. 21 x 15 cm, Zust: I-. GelSee Sold Price
SoldNationalmannschaft WM1962WC 1962 Germany vs Chile in Santiago (2:0), b/w press photo with the original signatures of all of the German Team. A note stuck to the rear of the photo gives information in German, size 21x20 cm, coSee Sold Price
SoldNationalmannschaft WM1994German Description: Farb-Postkarte „Grüße vom WorldCup 94" mit original Signaturen der kompletten Nationalmannschaft und Delegation des DFB von der Weltmeisterschaft in den USA 1994. 21 x 15 cm, ZSee Sold Price
SoldNationalmannschaft WM1982German Description: Farb-Postkarte mit original Signaturen der deutschen National-mannschaft von der Fußball-WM 1982 in Spanien. 10,5 x 15 cm, Zust: I. Gelaufen.See Sold Price
SoldNationalmannschaft 1982German National Team 1982, 11 large size b/w press photos. Portraits of 11 players. Nine photos have original signatures from: Karl Heinz Förster, Jupp Derwall, Littbarski, Toni Schuhmacher, Briegel,See Sold Price
Eintrittskarte WM1966WC 1966, entrance ticket for the WC Final England vs Germany on the 30th July 1966 at the Empire Stadion Wembley. Size 8.5x9 cm, cond. I. German Description: Finale: England - Deutschland am 30.7.1966See Sold Price
Nationalmannschaft 1936German Description: Postkarte des Nationalspielers Reinhold Münzenberg (1908-86) von den Olympischen Spielen Berlin 1936 mit 11 Originalsignaturen der deutschen Nationalspieler die zum Olympischen AuSee Sold Price
Nationalmannschaft 1933German National Team, postcard Germany vs Italy, 1.1.1933, Sent signed and written by Otto Nerz in ink, plus further autographs from eight other German players including: Josef Bergmaier 1909-43, FranSee Sold Price
Nationalmannschaft WM1962WC 1962 Germany vs Chile in Santiago (2:0), b/w press photo with the original signatures of all of the German Team. Photo shows, from the left: Schulz, Uwe Seeler, Giesemann, Szymaniak, Schnellinger;See Sold Price
Nationalmannschaft LS1958Denmark vs Germany 1958, b/w press photo with the original signatures of 10 members of the German Team. The photo shows from the left: H.Szymaniak, U.Seeler, Berti Kraus, H.Haller, A.Schmidt, H.Rahn;See Sold Price
Philatelie WM1966World Cup 1966, England, five Philatelist's First Day Stamped Postcards. 5 coloured postcards with special postage stamps, stamped with official stamps of the German preliminary games vs Spain, SwitzeSee Sold Price
Deutsche Fussball Nationalmannschaft 1963 SignedDeutsche Fussball Nationalmannschaft 1963 Signed Pottery Jug A rare earthenware jug, commemorating the German national football team of 1963. The jug has a pale, milky glaze with signatures of the varSee Sold Price
Nationalmannschaft WM1978German Team „Argentina 1978" greetings postcard from the German Team in their WC Quarters in Ascochinga. Signed by 24 squad members and stamped. Size 10.5x18 cm, cond.II. German Description: GrußkaSee Sold Price
Nationalmannschaft WM1958WC 1958, Germany vs Sweden in Goeteborg. B/w press photo with the original signatures of 9 members of the German Team. Size 24x17.5 cm, cond. I. German Description: S/W-Pressefoto „WM 1958 DeutschlaSee Sold Price
Nationalmannschaft WM1958WC 1958 Germany vs France (3:6), Göteborg, b/w press photo with the original signatures of the German Team. Photo shows,from the left Kwiatkowski, Wewers, Sturm, Schnellinger, Szymaniak, Kelbassa, CiSee Sold Price
Nationalmannschaft LS1958France vs Germany, 26.10.58 (2:2). B/w press photo of the Game in Paris, with the original signatures of 10 members of the German Team. The photo shows from the left: Geiger, Uwe Seeler, Stollenwerk,See Sold Price
Nationalmannschaft LS1979German Description: Kleiner mehrfarbiger DFB-Wimpel beidseitig signiert vom kompletten deutschen Nationalteam beim Länderspiel UdSSR - Deutschland 20.-21. November 1979 in Tiflis. 10,5 x 26 cm, Zust:See Sold Price
Nationalmannschaft EM1992German Description: Kleiner mehrfarbiger DFB-Wimpel mit ca. 17 Originalsignaturen des deutschen Aufgebotes für das EM-Qualifikationsspiel Belgien -Deutschland (0:1) am 20.11.1991 in Brüssel. Dazu geSee Sold Price
Nationalmannschaft 1978WC 1978 Argentina, brown leather football autographed by the German Squad. Fine brown leather football („Mars" 22 cm. diameter) with 21 21 original signatures of the German Squad, diameter 22 cm. InSee Sold Price
Plakat WM1966WC 1966, coloured film poster from Sweden „MAAAL! VM Fotboll 66" (Goal! FWC 66). Size: 68x32 cm German Description: Mehrfarbiges schwedisches Filmplakat „MAAAL! VM Fotboll 66" (Tooor! Fußball-WMSee Sold Price
Eintrittskarten WM1966WC 1966, series entrance ticket (3 games) in original cover. Tickets for: 1. last 16: Switzerland vs Germany, 12.7.66 in Sheffield, 9x8.5 cm; 2.last 16: Argentinia - Spain, 13.7.66 in Birmingham 8x9 cSee Sold Price
Eintrittskarte WM1966WC 1996 England, entrance ticket for the game Spain vs Argentina, (last 16) at Villa Park, Birmigham on July 13 1966. Size 10.5x9 cm, ?? left over traces of glue on the rear ??, cond. II-. German DescSee Sold Price
Eintrittskarte WM1966WC 1996 England, entrance ticket for the game Switzerland vs Spain (last 16) in Hillsborough, Sheffield, 15.7.66. Size 13x9 cm, left over traces of glue on the rear, cond. II. German Description: EigtSee Sold Price