SoldMstislav Valerianovic DobuzhinskijMstislav Valerianovic Dobuzhinskij 1875 Novgorod - 1957 New York City Designentwurf aus dem Jahr 1913 zu: Kabale und Liebe - Figur des Mohren, für eine Aufführung im München im Jahre 1913. BleistifSee Sold Price
SoldMstislav Valerianovic DOBUZINSKIJ (1875-1957) Cour deMstislav Valerianovic DOBUZINSKIJ (1875-1957) Cour de ferme dans le vieux Vilnius Huile sur toile, signée du monogramme ‘M’et datée en bas à droite 51 x 34,5 cm.Mstislav Valerianovic DOBUZINSKISee Sold Price
SoldMSTISLAV VALERIANOVIC DOBUZINSKY RUSSIAN 1875-1957Costume Design, watercolor, 13 3/4 x 9 3/4 in (34.9 x 24.8 cm), signed upper leftSee Sold Price
SoldMstislav Valerianovic Dobuzinskij, Russian 1875-1957-Mstislav Valerianovic Dobuzinskij, Russian 1875-1957- Church and graveyard; watercolour and charcoal, two, ea. signed, signed with monogram and dated 1937, 37x29.5cm and 31.5x43cm, (2)See Sold Price
SoldMstislav Valerianovic Dobuzinskij Novgorod 1875-19Mstislav Valerianovic Dobuzinskij Novgorod 1875-1957 New York Ink and crayon on paper. Costume design for "Giselle". Lower right monogrammed and dated "MD 43/44", upper left inscribed "Giselle". 28 xSee Sold Price
MSTISLAV VALERIANOVIC DOBUZINSKIJ Untitled.Untitled. Mixed media on paper. Cm 37,00 x 45,00. Signature lower left. Frame presentSee Sold Price
Attributed to Mstislav Valerianovic Dobuzinsky, RussianAttributed to Mstislav Valerianovic Dobuzinsky, Russian 1875-1957- Sun over clouds, Ex Libris design; black ink, 8x10cm (mounted, unframed): together with a collection of approx. 40 Ex Libris designsSee Sold Price
Dobuzinskij Mstislav Valerianovic (1875-1957)- ParisDobuzinskij Mstislav Valerianovic (1875-1957)- Paris Years: 1930-tie Material: paper, pencil Dimension:(cm) 23x25See Sold Price
SoldM. DOBUZINSKIJ (1875-1957) Russian - Latvian - AmericanMstislav Valerianovic DOBUZINSKIJ (1875 Novgorod - 1957 New York) ; Architecture ; 1922 ; oil on wood panel / framed ; dimensions 55,5 x 39,5 cm (22 x 15 1/2 in.) ; frame size 64 x 48 cm (25 x 19 in.)See Sold Price
M. DOBUZINSKIJ (1875-1957) Russian - Latvian - AmericanMstislav Valerianovic DOBUZINSKIJ (1875 Novgorod - 1957 New York) ; Lot of 2 pair artwork ; theatre decoration sketches, 1932 ; gouache and tempera on paper / framed ; each one size 24,5 x 42 cm (9 2/See Sold Price
M. DOBUZINSKIJ (1875-1957) Russian / France / AmericanMstislav Valerianovic DOBUZINSKIJ (1875-1957) ; Village scape ; 1919 ; pastel on cardboard - framed ; dimensions 40 x 50 cm (15 3/4 x 19 2/3 in.) ; signed & dated lower right corner ; Shipping to USA:See Sold Price
Chukovsky Russia Russian DOBUZINSKIJCiukovskis Kornejus Ivanovicius (Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky 1882 - 1969)Risunki DobuzhiÌnskiy MstislaÌv ValeriaÌnovich (Mstislav Valerianovic DOBUZINSKIJ, 1875 - 1957)Leningrad, Pechat', 1929, [12]See Sold Price
SoldRare watercolor by Mstislav Dobuzhinsky,1922Extremely rare watercolor by Mstislav Dobuzhinsky,signed and dated 1922 from the Estate of Marcelo Soriano III, NYC.(From Wiki):"Mstislav Valerianovich Dobuzhinsky or Dobujinsky (Lithuanian)born MstisSee Sold Price
SoldMstislav Dobuzhinsky ( Russian1875-1957) 2 drawingMstislav Dobuzhinsky Russian, 1875-1957 1)Costume Design for Manon, 1946 Signed M Dobuzhinsky and inscribed VIII and 46 (lr); also stamped with the artist's estate stampon the reverse; inscribed MANONSee Sold Price
SoldMstislav Dobuzhinski Village SceneAfter Mstislav Dobuzhinski (Russian/Lithuanian: 1875 - 1957) oil painting on canvas. Village Scene. Signed to lower right. Measures: 24” Wide x 19-1/2” Tall.See Sold Price
SoldRUSSIAN STAGE DESIGN PAINTING BY MSTISLAV DOBUZHINSKYMstislav Valerianovich Dobuzhinsky, Russian, Lithuanian, 1875 to 1957, watercolor and gouache stage design painting on paper titled The Little Humpbacked Horse. Signed with artists monogram lower righSee Sold Price
SoldMSTISLAV ROSTROPOVICH AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOGRAPHBold pen signature on sheet with affixed photo. Dimensions: (Frame) H 18" x W 18", (Sheet with autograph) H 10" x W 10" Condition: A few frame rubs.See Sold Price
Mstislav V. Dobuzhinski Oil PaintingAfter Mstislav Valerianovich Dobuzhinski (Lithuania: 1875 - 1957) oil painting on canvas of a Lithuanian town scene. Signed to lower left. Measures: 15-3/4" W x 20" H + 2" Frame. From a Miami Beach esSee Sold Price
SoldMstislav Dobuzhinsky (Russian, 1875-1957) Portrait ofMstislav Dobuzhinsky (Russian, 1875-1957) Portrait of Vera Nemtchinova (Ballet Russes), 1938, charcoal drawing on paper. Size: 11.75" x 9.75", 30 x 25 cm (sight); 16.5" x 14", 42 x 36 cm (frame).See Sold Price
SoldMstislav Pavlov, Sunny DayMstislav Pavlov (Russian, b. 1967) Sunny Day Oil and impesto on canvas. 33" x 25"; framed 45" x 37" Provenance:Property from the noted Zoullas Collection Condition:See Sold Price
SoldMSTISLAV DOBUZHINSKY (RUSSIAN 1875-1957) The VilniusMSTISLAV DOBUZHINSKY (RUSSIAN 1875-1957) The Vilnius Gate of Dawn, 1936 pencil, Indian ink and watercolor on paper 22.5 x 17.5 cm (9 x 7 in.) monogrammed lower right and dated lower left; inscribed OsSee Sold Price
SoldMstislav Dobuzhinsky ( Russian 1875-1957 )Mstislav Dobuzhinsky ( Russian 1885 - 1957 ) Two drawings. 1) Costume Design for Boris Godunov A Man with Halbert Inscribed in multiple places , signed and dated1935. Size: Image - 12 1/8 x 9 1/4" ( 3See Sold Price
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky ( Russian 1875-1957 )2 drawinMstislav Dobuzhinsky ( Russian 1885 - 1957 ) Two drawings. 1) Costume Design for Boris Godunov A Man with Halbert Inscribed in multiple places , signed and dated 1935. Size: Image - 12 1/8 x 9 1/4" (See Sold Price
ROSTROPOVICH MSTISLAV: (1927-2007)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024
ROSTROPOVICH MSTISLAV: (1927-2007)International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L.4.5(52)See Sold PriceMar 13, 2024