SoldMonnier.Exploitation Generale des Modes..[Monnier (Henry) Exploitation Generale des Modes et Ridicules de Paris et Londres],6 hand-coloured lithographed plates by Senefelder after Monnier, all mounted on stubs, with a lithographed poSee Sold Price
SoldHistoire Generale Des Voiages with Maps, 1759Histoire Generale Des Voiages 1759 with fold-out maps. We ship most items in-house with the exception of furniture, large or heavy artwork, heavier items or extremely fragile items.See Sold Price
SoldJournal Des Dames et des Modes with color fashionJournal Des Dames et des Modes with color fashion plates 1912, T1913 3 volumes. Provenance: Estate of Kenneth Jay Lane*IMPORTANT NOTE: No credit card payments will be accepted for silver, gold, or jeSee Sold Price
SoldJournal des Dames et des Modes. Vingt-huitième annéeJournal des Dames et des Modes. Vingt-huitième année (1824, incompleto)-Vingt-neuvième année (1825, incompleto). 2 volumi in 8vo, con numerose incisioni a colori raffiguranti costumi dell'See Sold Price
SoldRare Large 1830's Journal des Modes Psyche SetLarge Journal des Modes Psyche set includes 7.5" H double sided cardboard doll, 28 double sided costumes and 25 bonnetsSee Sold Price
Sold“Journal Des Dames et Des Modes,” 2 Vols, Paris,Features plates by various artists, including: Barbier, Brunelleschi, Iribe, Vallée, Wegener, Bakst and Simeon Paris, 1912 (June) & 1914 (June) Illustrated with 184 plates, each with headline ‘CostSee Sold Price
Sold1725 Fuchs Historie Generale Des Plantes Et HerbesHistorie Generale Des Plantes Et Herbes, by Leonard Fuchs, printed at Rouen at Chez la Veuve Oursel [1725]. 143 pages including Title leaf, and Aprobation at end, text cuts of plans throughout. In FreSee Sold Price
SoldJOURNAL des Dames et des modes. Vingt-huitième année. NJOURNAL des Dames et des modes. Vingt-huitième année. N° 19 [- 72]. Paris, 5 Avril 1824 - 31 Décembre 1824. In-8, demi-percaline brune, dos lisse. 53 hors-texte en couleur figurant des costumes f�See Sold Price
Sold"Histoire Generale des Voiages" Paris 1754"Histoire Generale Des Voiages ou Nouvelle collection De Toutes les Relations De Voiages par Mer et par Terre, Qui ont ete publiees jusqu'a present dans les differentes Langues de toutes les Nations cSee Sold Price
SoldCarte Generale des Etats-Unis Mexicains... 1825.[Southwest/Mexico]. Carte Generale des Etats-Unis Mexicains et des Provinces-Unies De L’Amerique Centrale. Double-page map of Mexico, including what is now the American southwest (from California toSee Sold Price
SoldJEANLOUP SIEFF - Photo for Jardin des ModesArtist: JEANLOUP SIEFF Print Title: Photo for Jardin des Modes, Monaco 1960 Medium: Sheet-Fed Gravure Printing Date: 1980's Printed in France Image Size: 5.75 x 8.75 inches Jeanloup Sieff (1933-2000)See Sold Price
Sold“Compagnie Generale des Tramways”French - Circa 1890 - 18” Long A truly beautiful toy from an era that has long passed us (sadly). This toy is in amazing condition considering its delicateness. Material: Tin and Papier mache FigureSee Sold Price
SoldDalechamps (Jacques) Histoire Generale des Plantes, 2Dalechamps (Jacques) Histoire Generale des Plantes, 2 vol., half-title to vol.1 only, titles in red and black with engraved vignette, numerous woodcut illustrations, ink annotations throughout, foxedSee Sold Price
SoldGalerie Des Modes Et Costumes Francais1778-1787 Emile Levy, Editor Librairie Centrale Des Beaux-Arts, ParisSee Sold Price
SoldJournal des dames et des modesJournal des dames et des modes. 25e année. N°31 [-54]. Paris, 5 Juin 1821 - 30 Septembre 1821. In-8, demi-basane, dos lisse muet (reliure postérieure, quasiment dérelié). 28 planches hors-texte eSee Sold Price
Sold13 POCHOIR FASHION PRINTS DES DAMES ET DES MODES13 POCHOIR FASHION PRINTS JOURNAL DES DAMES ET DES MODES: Circa 1912-194, rare French pochoir prints on rice paper, each piece matted and shrink wrapped, matted 14" x 11".See Sold Price
SoldNicolas Sanson (1600-1667), "Carte Generale desNicolas Sanson (1600-1667), "Carte Generale des Royaumes d' Anglaterre d'Escusie et lrlande divisez car Provinces et Comtez," 1640, hand colored, H.- 17 1/8 in., W.- 23 1/4 in.See Sold Price
SoldMap: Carte Generale des DecouvertesMap: Carte Generale des Decouvertes. Size: 32" x 22.5", 81 x 57 cm (sheet); 44.5" x 35.5", 113 x 90 cm (frame). Sale of this lot will benefit Art for Healing NYC. More information at www.artforhealingSee Sold Price
SoldMAURICE TABARD - Jardin des Modes, 1937Artist: MAURICE TABARD Print Title: Jardin des Modes, 1937 Medium: Photo-lithograph Printing Date: 1980's Printed in France Image Size approx: 7.5 x 10 inches Maurice Tabard (1897-1984) was a French pSee Sold Price
Dalechamps (Jacques) - Histoire generale des plantes,translated by Jean des Moulins, 2 vol., first French edition, titles printed in red and black with woodcut printers devices, woodcut initials and numerous illustrations in the text, occasional water-sSee Sold Price
SoldGalerie des Modes et Costumes Françaisdessinés d'après nature 1778-1787, edited by Émile Lévy, 4 vol., reprint with Preface by Paul Cornu, hand-coloured additional engraved pictorial title and 325 superb hand-colouredSee Sold Price
Sold`Journal des Modes' French, 1832, no 113, Grav n.1`Journal des Modes' French, 1832, no 113, Grav n.148, printed by Tomei, 2nd edition, dated from the 8th January - 5th December 1832, including approx. 84 hand coloured Parisian fashion plates for menSee Sold Price
SoldMODE. — Le Journal des Dames et des Modes. Paris,Title: MODE. — Le Journal des Dames et des Modes. Paris, Aux bureaux du Journal des dames, 1912-1914. 4 vol. in-8, bradel vélin ivoire, couverture et dos (L. Pouillet). Description: Collection compSee Sold Price
SoldJournal des Dames et des ModesJournal des Dames et des Modes,81 original fascicules, including 2 prospectuses each containing a sample of fabric, 186 fine pochoir-coloured plates (including 2 supplemental plates) by BarbiSee Sold Price
LATE 18TH C. VERY LARGE CHART OF NORTHEAST CANADA BY DES BARRES (1721-1824), 1780, FRAMEDThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Luxe COMME DES GARCONS Plus Size Blouse ItalyThe Benefit Shop Foundation Inc.4.3(2.9k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
James Ensor (Belgian, 1860-1949) - Place Publique d'Ostende (Théâtre des Marionettes fromFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Eugène Delacroix (French, 1798-1863) - Groupe des Romains Illustres (Study for the Library ofFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Frederic Bruly Bouabre (1923-2014), "La Rencontre des Amants Hommes des Races de Couleurs," 2010,John Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Frederic Bruly Bouabre (1923-2014), "Guie Guie: Les Yeux des Hommes Zerepkapka observe devant saJohn Moran Auctioneers, Inc.4.7(459)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1758 MAP PARTIE DE LA MER GLACIALE contenants La Nouvelle Zemble RUSSIA antiqueJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1749 MAP CARTE DE LA TARTARIE ORIENTALE RUSSIA & CHINA antique EASTERN TARTARYJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Railways & Transport.- [Prospectus] The Dorking, Brighton, and Arundel Atmospheric Railway, byForum Auctions4.3(53)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Set of 3 Gentlemen’s Fashion Prints - Journal des Dames et des Modes: Men’s FashionProverde Auctions4.3(3)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024