A FINE PERSIAN MALAYER PRAYER RUG WITH CYPRESS C. 1860Soulis Auctions4.8(953)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Henry Lawrence Faulkner Winged Angel Saint Icon Gilt Oil Kentucky Key West NY Gay LGBTQ InterestHess Fine Auctions4.5(202)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Antique Persian Mohtashem Kashan Mythological Rug 6 ft 8 in x 4 ft 8 in (2.03 m x 1.42 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique Pictorial Persian Mohtashem Kashan Rug 7 ft 0 in x 4 ft 3 in (2.13 m x 1.29 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Pair Of 19Th C. Icons, Gothic Style Original GiltRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Antique Persian Kashan Kum Kapi Design Prayer Rug 6 ft 9 in x 4 ft 3 in (2.05 m x 1.29 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A fine and early Russian silver and gilt framed painted iconOstantix Auctions4.4(10)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Silk And Metallic Thread Antique Turkish Kayseri Prayer Rug 5 ft 9 in x 4 ft 2 in (1.75 m x 1.27 m)Nazmiyal Auctions4.4(34)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
SoldMoadei Hash-m by the Chida, Pisa, Tachanunim, MantuaTefillot Moadei Hash-m, prayer book for the three pilgrimage holidays per the Sephardic custom, with prayers for the hakafot of Simchat Torah by Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azoulai [the Chid"a]. Pisa, bySee Sold Price
SoldChomat Anach.' Chida. Pisa, 1804.Arba V'Esrim part two, with the commentary Chomat Anach by Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai [Chida]. Pisa, 1804. First edition. 176 pages, 20.5 cm. Early Prophets with a commentary by the Chida. OneSee Sold Price
SoldSeutter (M) Mantua la Citta principaleSeutter (Matthaeus) Mantua la Citta principale,Mantua with prospect of the town beneath, engraved plan and view, 495 x 575mm., the plan with full original hand-colouring, the prospect uncolourSee Sold Price
Sold"Rosh Dovid". Sermons from the Chida. Mantua, [1776].Sermons on the weekly Torah readings by Rabbi Chaim Yosef Dovid Azulai (Chida). Specifications: [2], 164, 5 leaves. 28 cm. Unique features: Rare. One of the only books that the Chida printed outsidSee Sold Price
SoldOdeh Hash-m, Venice, 1682. Only EditionOdeh Hash-m. Sermons and eulogies by Rabbi Daniel son of David Gerasi. Title page with many illustrations. Acrostic of the author's name from verses of Psalms on the back of the title page. RabbinicalSee Sold Price
Gevurot Hash-m, with Handwritten Supplements andGevurot Hash-m - on the exile and redemption from Egypt (and the Passover haggadah) - the Mahara"l of Prague's famous work. Krakow, 1582. First Edition. With corrections in the Mahra"l of Prague's ownSee Sold Price
Sold"Yeverechecha Hash-m V'Yishmerecha ..." Four"Yeverechecha Hash-m V'Yishmerecha ..." Four handwritten pages by Rabbeinu Yosef Chaim, author of Ben Ish Chai,containing elucidations and commentary on the verses of Birkat Kohanim. The manuscript coSee Sold Price
SoldMitzvat Hash-m. Vilna, 1836Mitzvat Hash-m by Rabbi Baruch Halperin, with the order of mitzvahs according to the weekly Torah portions with the addition of sources and elucidations, and supplements from the Ramba"n and rabbinicSee Sold Price
Emunat Hash-m, Jerusalem 1937 - to Repel Claims of theEmunat Hash-m was published by Rabbi Chaim son of Shlomo Iraki Katz, R' Yehudah Avraham Habshush, and Rabbi Shlomo Najar. Jerusalem 1937. Emphatic book composed for the purpose of repelling R' YichyehSee Sold Price
SoldKiddush Hash-m Machzor for Rosh HaShana and Yom KippurMachzor Kiddush Hash-m L'Rosh HaShana U'L'Yom HaKippurim - published by Sheerit HaPleitah in Sweden, Stockholm 1947. Impressive illustration of flames rising in a holy ark, and a verse taken from theSee Sold Price
Mitzvat Hash-m. Admors' SignaturesMitzvat Hash-m. 613 Mitzvot according to the order in the Torah, with Tikkunei Teshuvah and other additions. Kingsburgh, [1857]. The Admors of Pshedbozsh's copy. Specifications: [1], 100 [7] leaSee Sold Price
SoldParochet and Cover for the Cantor's Lectern, Early 19th* Cover for a table / cantor's lectern, made of red velvet embroidered with the words: "This table before Hash-m was promised by Rabbi Meir son of Rabbi Leib Weisel and his modest wife, Mrs. Esther, dSee Sold Price
SoldGroup of [8] Letters and Documents from Admo"rs, 1940s.Collection of eight letters and documents from Admo"rs from the 1940s: * Letter from 1928 handwritten and signed by the in-law of Rabbi Aharon Kiddush Hash-m of Belz, the Admo"r Rabbi Shraga Feivel ZaSee Sold Price
SoldParochet with Embroidered Text of the BalfourParochet - Balfour Declaration - embroidered gold threads on green velvet material. At center of the parochet there is the embroidered [Hebrew] traditional phrase, "Shiviti Hash-m L'Negdi Tamid," follSee Sold Price
Historic Photograph of the Reception in Satmar in HonorCarol II inherited the kingdom from his father, Carol I, in 1930. His attitude to the Jews in the early days of his rule was 'lukewarm.' In 1936, he caused a great Kiddush Hash-m in the country. He arSee Sold Price
SoldLarge Decorated Shiviti Board. Hungary [?] 1917Impressive printed Shiviti board for hanging in a synagogue [a small part of which is hand-painted], Hungary [?], 1917. The board is full of kabbalistic pictures and Hash-m's name combinations. Two liSee Sold Price
SoldLetter from Rabbi Mordechai Aryeh Rabinowitz - FirstLetter written and signed by Rabbi Aryeh Mordechai Rabinowitz, addressed to Reb Chaim Perl. After thanking the addressee for a package that he sent, Rabbi Rabinowitz adds warm words: "Hash-m should heSee Sold Price
Printed Amulet for Livelihood, Success and Protection,Printed amulet for livelihood, success and protection with angel's names, combinations of Hash-m's names verses and incantations. Picture of the Luchot HaBrit with a Torah crown in the center. 'HeavenSee Sold Price
SoldIn his letter to the avreich David Tzvi, the RebbeIn his letter to the avreich David Tzvi, the Rebbe blesses him profusely: "May it be Hash-m's will that from the age of 13 years he grow to 15 years, according to the ruling of the mishnah ... and maySee Sold Price
SoldReceipt Signed by the Admor of Lelov - Rabbi Shimon"Yivarechecha Hash-m MiTzion" receipt with a printed thank-you letter from Jerusalem, early 20th century, with illustration of Rachel's Tomb. Concludes with the Admor's signature. The printed YiddiSee Sold Price
SoldKabbalistic Ideas Written by Rabbi Mordechai GimpelProfound letter written by Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Jaffe regarding Hash-m's unity and the wisdom of kabbala. [Not signed]. The letter includes a passage written by this great rabbi with fundamental ideSee Sold Price
SoldLetter by the Admor Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Perlow of"May you be blessed from the source of all blessings with bounty, success and all goodness, and may Hash-m fulfill all your heart's wishes favorably and for good," a letter by the Admor Rabbi AvrahamSee Sold Price
SoldChilling Letter by Rabbi Menashe HaKatan, the Admor of"I saw in your letter that you, too, went through the Holocaust, and G-d, with His mercy and compassion, saved you from the fire. May Hash-m avenge the blood of His servants who were killed and burnedSee Sold Price
SoldTehillim - Pisa, 1816 - Miniature EditionSefer Tehillim, with shimush [Tehillim], intentions of the Psalms (kabalistic and simplistic), prayers by the Chida, etc. Pisa (Italy), [1816]. Printed by Shmuel Molcho. Contains prayer for livelihoodSee Sold Price
The Lions Of Tsavo African Lions Reproduction Shoulder Mount TaxidermyCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
10 Arrowheads On Display Board Native American ArtifactCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Native American Trade Axe Native American ArtifactCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Group Of 13 Arrow & Spear Heads Native American ArtifactsCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
Huge Nontypical Whitetail Shoulder Mount TaxidermyCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 15, 2024
Navajo Sterling Silver Turquoise & Bear Claw Squash Blossom NecklaceCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024
Navajo Sterling Silver Turquoise & Grizzly Claw Necklace PendantCircle M Auctions4.6(116)See Sold PriceMar 16, 2024