Soldmixed lot of books, 1x Ewald Dähn, "Autos aus Suhlmixed lot of books, 1x Ewald Dähn, "Autos aus Suhl Simson", 1988, with dust cover; 1x "Die alte Garde- Sport- und Rennwagen von Damals", by Weitmann and Corp, 1966, without dust cover; 1x Chronicle MSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 5 books; 1x "Auto-Fibel", by Gail, 1930, cmixed lot of 5 books; 1x "Auto-Fibel", by Gail, 1930, c. 240 pages; 1x "Handbuch für Kraftfahrer", by Mittler & Co., 1936, c. 290 pages; 1x" Zwischen Box und Fahrerlager", by Krause, 1954, c. 140 pagSee Sold Price
mixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Auto-Slalom", by Ledl, 1973, mixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Auto-Slalom", by Ledl, 1973, c. 210 pages, dust cover; 1x "Das Automobil in Theorie und Praxis", by De Saunier, 1989, c. 480 pages, dust cover; 1x "Der Kompressor vom Zoller-See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Das Auto von A-Z", by Tokarskmixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Das Auto von A-Z", by Tokarski, 1937, c. 110 pages, cloth binding; 1x "Alle meine Autos", by Bentz, c. 220 pages; 1x "Rennsieg in Mexiko", by wolf, 1953; 1x "Die schwarze BarSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 5 books; 1x "Schweizer Autos", by Schmidt,mixed lot of 5 books; 1x "Schweizer Autos", by Schmidt, 1978, c. 260 pages, dust cover; 1x "Stromlinienautos in Deutschland", by Kieselbach, 1982, (D/GB), c. 195 pages, dust cover; 1x "Die europäischSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 5 books; 1x "Das Auto von A-Z in Bild, Framixed lot of 5 books; 1x "Das Auto von A-Z in Bild, Frage und Antwort", by Neumann/ Tokarski, 1937, c. 400 pages, cloth binding; 1x "Autoreise 1905", by Eugen Diesel, 1941, c. 210 pages; 1x "GlanzvollSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Das Auto- Ein halbes Jahrhundmixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Das Auto- Ein halbes Jahrhundert Geschichte", by Jean Vondin, 1968, c. 170 pages; 1x "Motoren erobert den Erdball", by Hans-Jürgen Winkler, 1972, c. 406 pages; 1x "Carl F. WSee Sold Price
mixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Das Auto- Ein halbes Jahrhundmixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Das Auto- Ein halbes Jahrhundert Geschichte", by Fondim, 1968, c. 170 pages, dust cover; 1x "Autokorso 1886-1936", by Roediger/ Herrmann, 1976, c. 250 pages, dust cover; 1x "See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 5 books, 1x "100 Auto-Museen in Europa- Scmixed lot of 5 books, 1x "100 Auto-Museen in Europa- Schatztruhen der Automobilgeschichte", by Wolfgang Schmarbeck, 1970, 1st edition, c. 280 pages; 1x "Eine Jahr-Hundert Liebe- Menschen und AutomobilSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of books, 6 pieces, 1x "Das Auto - vom trmixed lot of books, 6 pieces, 1x "Das Auto - vom traum zur Wirklichkeit" Schulz Wittuhn, 1957; 1x "Handbuch für Sportfahrer" Klauspeter Becker, 1972; 1x "Der Rennfahrer und seine Wagen" Hans Elger, 1See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot 5 books, 1x "Das Buch vom Auto- Technik, Pflemixed lot 5 books, 1x "Das Buch vom Auto- Technik, Pflege, Fahrpraxis", published by the editorial office of the "Automobil-Revue", 1946, c. 250 pages; 1x "50 Jahre ADAC im Dienste der Kraftfahrt", puSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Mit dem Auto auf Du", by Spormixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Mit dem Auto auf Du", by Sporl, 1953, c. 360 pages, with dust cover; 1x "Könige der Motoren", by Rathke, 1962, c. 190 pages, dust cover; 1x "Das praktische Autobuch", by DilSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 3 books, 1x "Wir und das Auto- Denkmamixed lot of 3 books, 1x "Wir und das Auto- Denkmal einer Maschine", by Diesel, with 239 pictures, 1933; 1x "Mein Mann der Rennfahrer", by Beinhorn, 1938; 1x "Sekunden erobern die Welt", by Hans StuckSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Grand Prix-Report Auto-Union mixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Grand Prix-Report Auto-Union 1934-39", by Kirchberg, 1984, c. 210 pages, dust cover; 1x "Rennwagen und Autorennen", by Pritchard, 1969, c. 120 pages, dust cover; 1x "AutokorsSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 3 pieces, books, travelogue, 1x" Im Amixed lot of 3 pieces, books, travelogue, 1x" Im Auto durch Feindesland", by Paul Grabein, 1916; 1x "Circum Mundum-Reiseschilderung einer Autofahrt rund um die Erde" (about a round-the-world trip withSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Carlo Abarth und seine Autos"mixed lot of 5 books, 1x "Carlo Abarth und seine Autos", by Gerosa, 1971, c. 210 pages, dust cover; 1x "Sportwagen in Deutschland", by Fersen, 1968, c. 400 pages; 1x "Rumpler Konstrukteur und ErfinderSee Sold Price
SoldMixed lot of c. 48 books, among them e.g. "Autos ausMixed lot of c. 48 books, among them e.g. "Autos aus Berlin, Protos und NAG" by Neubauer, "Heavy Good Vehicles 1919-1939" by Baldwin, "Autoreparaturanleitung Rover 2000", "Reparaturanleitung Opel AscoSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 5 books, 1x yearbook, Monza 1962; 1x "Automixed lot of 5 books, 1x yearbook, Monza 1962; 1x "Automobilissimo", by Boyd, 1963; 1x "L’Annata Automobilistico", 1962/63; 1x "Anno Automobile 12", 1964/65; 1x "Le grandi machine sportive italiane"See Sold Price
mixed lot of books, 3 pieces, No. 1: book: Augustmixed lot of books, 3 pieces, No. 1: book: August Horch: "Ich baute Autos" from 1937, No. 2: August Horch: "Ich baute Autos - Aus meinem Leben", from 1949, No. 3: book: August Horch: "Ich baute AutosSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot books, 13-parts, 1x "Die ungewöhnlicheEnglish Description: mixed lot books, 13-parts, 1x "Die ungewöhnliche Geschichte des Hauses Porsche" by Richard von Frankenberg, 1st edition 1960, with dust cover, good condition, 1x "Das Auto erobeSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of books, 3 pieces, 1x "Das Automobil",mixed lot of books, 3 pieces, 1x "Das Automobil", by Löw; 1x" Auto-Club 1927- über schöne Landstraße", by Kirchhofer; 1x "Club-Buch AvD" edition 1933 German: Konv. Bücher, 3-teilig, 1x Das AutomoSee Sold Price
Solddealer mixed lot, more than 30 pieces, among them bookdealer mixed lot, more than 30 pieces, among them book "Scheinwerfer für Kraftfahrzeuge" by Ahrens from 1914, book "Unter Motor und Fahrgestell" by Zogbaum from 1938, book "Vom Auto aus" by Tratz froSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 2-pieces; 1x brochure "BMW MotorsporEnglish Description: mixed lot of 2-pieces; 1x brochure "BMW Motorsport" 1973, good condition; 1x car quartet "Autos aus aller Welt", complete, a nice mixed lot Deutsche Beschreibung: Konv. 2-teiligSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 24 books about classical automobiles,mixed lot of 24 books about classical automobiles, among them e.g. "Klassische Wagen II" by Hediger, "Die Autoklassiker der 50er" by Kieselbach, "Autos aus Berlin: Protos und NAG" by Neubauer, "SchweiSee Sold Price
Lot of Six Mixed Atlas Box Cars-HO Scale-New in BoxSee Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions
Lot of Six Mixed Atlas Freight Cars-HO Scale-New in BoxSee Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions
Twelve Mixed Passenger Cars-AMTRAK/AUTO-TRAIN/CIRCUS-HO ScaleSee Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024JM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions
STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE (1977) - Set of Hand-Illustrated Patricia Wynne Artoo Detoo and ChewbaccaSee Sold PriceMar 13, 2024Propstore
Mixed lot of movie costume and props lot - CHUCKY and MoreSee Sold PriceMar 10, 2024Eagles Corps International LLC
Mixed lot of vintage model train railroad accessoriesSee Sold PriceMar 10, 2024Eagles Corps International LLC
Large lot of mixed clutch backs and SB Di's and DUI'sSee Sold PriceMar 10, 2024Eagles Corps International LLC
Mixed lot of WW2 WWII to modern scroll and TAB patch lotSee Sold PriceMar 10, 2024Eagles Corps International LLC
Mixed lot of military garrison and officer visor capsSee Sold PriceMar 10, 2024Eagles Corps International LLC
Mixed Lot of 12ga Remington and Winchester Shotshells - 21 Shells TotalSee Sold PriceJul 09, 2024Old Steel Historical Firearms LLC
Mixed Lot of 410ga Shotshells from Various Manufacturers - 37 Shells TotalSee Sold PriceJul 09, 2024Old Steel Historical Firearms LLC
Mixed Lot of Various Gauge and Manufacture Shotshells - 10 Shells TotalSee Sold PriceJul 09, 2024Old Steel Historical Firearms LLC