Soldmixed lot of 14 books, "Portraits", by Jesse Alexander,mixed lot of 14 books, "Portraits", by Jesse Alexander, with dust cover, in English, " Ayrton Senna", by Hilton, in slipcase, in English, "Ken Tyrrell", by Hilton, with dust cover, " Gilles VilleneuveSee Sold Price
SoldPORSCHE mixed lot of 25 books, in different languages,PORSCHE mixed lot of 25 books, in different languages, mainly Porsche racing "Porsche Moments 1953-1962" by Jesse Alexander, with dust cover, "Porsche Argentina" by Bertschi/Iacona, "Porsche Origin ofSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 4 pieces, among them press photo, Alberto mixed lot of 4 pieces, among them press photo, Alberto Ascari, Monza 1954, 1x original B/W photo, Jim Clark, 1x book, Looking back (Jesse Alexander); 1x replika model Märklin Monoposto Mercedes-BenzSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of books with 14 pieces, among it " Portraitsmixed lot of books with 14 pieces, among it " Portraits of the 60s Formula 1", "Grand Prix Fascination Formula 1"signed by R.W.Schlegelmilch and H.Lehbrink, "Weltmeister 20Jahre Renault in der FormelSee Sold Price
SoldABSTRACT MIXED MEDIA PORTRAITS - "DEELEY"ABSTRACT MIXED MEDIA PORTRAITS - "DEELEY" Lot of three mixed media portraits on board, each signed "Deeley". Approx. 14" x 20" each, unframed.See Sold Price
SoldLAMBORGHINI mixed lot of 14 books, "Lamborghini" KarlLAMBORGHINI mixed lot of 14 books, "Lamborghini" Karl Müller Verlag, with dust cover, "Lamborghini Espada & The 4-Seaters", by Marchet, in English, "Lamborghini Countach", by Marchet/Coltrin, in EnglSee Sold Price
SoldPorsche Mixed lot with 14 booksWith e.g. 'Porsche Geschichte und Technik der Renn- and Sportwagen' by Ludvigsen, 'Projekt 928' by Weitmann, 'Porsche 911' by Aichele, 'Porsches for the Road' by Rasmussen, 'Porsche 911 der luftgekühSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 14 books, e.g. "Les Ferrari de route et demixed lot of 14 books, e.g. "Les Ferrari de route et de reve" by Prunet from 1980, "Pininfarina" by Merlin with dust cover, "100 Years of Motorracing" by Rendall, "Grand Prix 1988 Formule 1", etc. GerSee Sold Price
SoldMixed lot with 14 books about motor sport, some of itMixed lot with 14 books about motor sport, some of it are autographed e.g. Jacky Ickx, "Il Preside Volante" by Vaccarella (autographed), "Solitude 1949-1965" by Mehne, "Targa Florio 1948-1973" by ClarSee Sold Price
Soldlarge high-quality mixed lot of 14 books about BMW,large high-quality mixed lot of 14 books about BMW, among them e.g. "Das weiß-blaue Wunder", by Rosellen; "Faszination Rennstrecke BMW und der Motorsport", by Heggen; "M3 Szenen einer Karriere", bySee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 14 books, high-quality, among themmixed lot of 14 books, high-quality, among them "Erdmann und Rossi" by Rupert, with dust cover, "Hispano Suiza" by Green, "Tatra" by Schmarbeck, "Deutsche Kleinwagen", "BMW - The Bavarian Motorworks"See Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 14 books, No. 1: "Bernd Rosemeyer einmixed lot of 14 books, No. 1: "Bernd Rosemeyer ein Leben für den Deutschen Sport" by Bretz from 1938, No. 2: "Hermann Lang, vom Rennmonteur zum Meisterfahrer" by Knorr and Hirth from 1943, with dusSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 14 books about racing, all in English,mixed lot of 14 books about racing, all in English, "The British are coming", by Varndell, with dust cover, "J.A. Martin and Ken Wells: Prototypes, The History of the IMSA GTP Series", with dust coverSee Sold Price
SoldMERCEDES-BENZ Mixed lot with 14 books about topic truckMERCEDES-BENZ Mixed lot with 14 books about topic truck and Automobil, e.g. "Lastwagen und Omnibusse 1886 bis 1986" by Oswald, "Lastwagen, Lieferwagen, Transporter 1945 bis 1988" by Oswald, German texSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 14 books, among it "Lehrbuch fürmixed lot of 14 books, among it "Lehrbuch für Kraftfahrer. Verkehr. Vorfahrt. Technik für Kraftwagen aller Klassen" by the Werner Degener publishing house, Hannover, "Rennwagen von 1895 bis 1965" bySee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of 14 pieces, books about Lancia, among themmixed lot of 14 pieces, books about Lancia, among them e.g. "Lancia Stratos Thirty Years Later" by Curami, from 2003, ISBN-No. 8879113003, "La Lancia" by Weernink, from 1979, ISBN-No. 0900549424, "LanSee Sold Price
MIXED LOT OF 14 GOLF BOOKSMIXED LOT OF 14 GOLF BOOKS Height: 10 in. by Width: 8 in. by Depth: 1See Sold Price
SoldMIXED LOT OF 14 RELIGIOUS ART BOOKSMIXED LOT OF 14 RELIGIOUS ART BOOKS Height: 10 in. by Width: 8 in. by Depth: 1See Sold Price
Soldhigh-quality mixed lot of books, 14 pieces, about thehigh-quality mixed lot of books, 14 pieces, about the topic Ferrari, among them e. g. "Der Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Daytona" by Pat Braden and Gerald Roush, English text, from 1982, "Ferrari 365 GTB/4 DaytonSee Sold Price
SoldBMW / AUDI / ALFA-ROMEO mixed lot of books 14 pieces:BMW / AUDI / ALFA-ROMEO mixed lot of books 14 pieces: Horst Mönnich - BMW volume I, 1st edition 1983 "Vor der Schallmauer", good condition, Paul Simsa - BMW 1983 "Freude am Fahren", good condition, ASee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of books 14 pieces, among them e.g. "Die 24mixed lot of books 14 pieces, among them e.g. "Die 24 Stunden von Le Mans" by Paul Frere from 1969, with dust cover, "Rallyes, Rennen und Roulette-Die Monte Carlo Story" by Th. Hornung from 1972, withSee Sold Price
Soldmixed lot of books 14 pieces, among it "Das Jahrhundertmixed lot of books 14 pieces, among it "Das Jahrhundert des Automobils" by the author Jürgen Lewandowski, "Cockpit Rennsport-Jahrbuch 1996/97" by the authors Dieter L. Scharnagel and Ferdi Kräling,See Sold Price
Solddealer mixed lot 14 pieces, among them e.g. bookdealer mixed lot 14 pieces, among them e.g. book "American Racing" by Burnside, "Eine deutsche Rennfahrerkarriere, Graf Berghe von Trips", enlarged/extended special edition by Födisch, operating instSee Sold Price
Maurice Denis (French, 1870-1943) - Study for Portrait de la Famille CastéraFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Lot of 3 Used Art Sculpture and Architecture and History BooksMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
3 Vintage Magic Of Painting Books Oil Pants MixingRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
"Bauhaus Dessau", Mixed lot of 14 Bauhaus objects, newspaper articles about the opening ofQuittenbaum Kunstauktionen GmbH4.3(63)See Sold PriceMar 19, 2024
Two Madame Alexander Dolls Pinkie & Degas Girl From The Portrait Children Series In Original BoxesRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024