SoldMiscellanea - Tegeste AnfrisoneoAzione drammatica in onore di S.Giovanni Nepomuceno per le felicissime, e gloriose esaltazioni delle nuove cesaree maestà... di Francesco primo eletto imperadore de' romani... di Maria Teresa imperadSee Sold Price
SoldVoyages.- [Halley (Edmund, editor)] MiscellaneaNO RESERVE Voyages.- [Halley (Edmund, editor)] Miscellanea Curisoa. containing a Collection of some of the Principal Phænomena in Nature, 3 vol., all but vol. 2 second edition, vol. 2 first editiSee Sold Price
SoldCollection of coins, tokens, medals and miscellaneaCollection of coins, tokens, medals and miscellanea including; 1812 one penny token, Edinburgh 1791 half penny token and various other provincial tokens, 'imitation half penny' designed by Lauer and oSee Sold Price
SoldMiddle Ages.- Wright (Thomas) Miscellanea Graphica:NO RESERVE Middle Ages.- Wright (Thomas) Miscellanea Graphica: Antiquities in the possession of Lord Londesborough, engraved frontispiece, pictorial title-page and 44 plates, the title-page and 11 plaSee Sold Price
Sold1760 Defence of Miscellanea Analytica Sir Isaac Newton“A Defence of the Observations on the First Chapter of a Book called Miscellanea Analytica”, by William Samuel Powell, printed at London for T. Merril by William Bowyer, 1760. Collates per ESTC: 3See Sold Price
SoldBohemia.- Balbino (Bohuslao) Miscellanea HistoricaBohemia.- Balbino (Bohuslao) Miscellanea Historica Regni Bohemiæ,7 parts in 4 vol., engraved arms to verso of 2 titles, small portraits of monarchs and illustrations, folding woodcut plan, 10See Sold Price
SoldHenry Miller Miscellanea Book - # 48 RARE Signed byHerny Miller Miscellanea Book 1945 Copy # 48 Postmarked Holograph hand note to Bern Porter signed Henry Miller. Many of the 500 copies DO NOT have this signed Holograph. Signed also in preface by BernSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican tribal miscellanea, as catalogued (14)African tribal miscellanea, comprising Kava bowl, on four legs, the whole carved from the solid (20in. diam.), three baskets, two drums, beadwork mask, carved wood mask, painted tortoiseshell mask andSee Sold Price
SoldVARIOUS SMALL BOXES AND MISCELLANEA, LOT OF FIVE,VARIOUS SMALL BOXES AND MISCELLANEA, LOT OF FIVE, consisting of a metal Ridgewood patented tobacco/match box, a metal traveler's hand spittoon, a brass letter seal, a black lacquer snuff box, and a siSee Sold Price
SoldLAGRANGE, Joseph-Louis (1736-1813) - MiscellaneaLAGRANGE, Joseph-Louis (1736-1813) - Miscellanea philosophico-mathematica societatis privatae Taurinensis. [Seguito da:] Mélanges de Philosophie et de Mathématique de la Société Royale de Turin. tSee Sold Price
SoldMiscellanea.-Miscellanea.- Tolkien (J. R. R.) The Two Towers, First Edition, First Impression, folding map printed in red and black, some spotting, endpapers browned, lacking dust jacket, original cloth, worn, staSee Sold Price
SoldVARIOUS SMALL BOXES AND MISCELLANEA, LOT OF FOUR,VARIOUS SMALL BOXES AND MISCELLANEA, LOT OF FOUR, consisting of a mother-of-pearl card case and snuff bottle, along with two lack lacquer snuff boxes. 19th and 20th century. 4 1/4" x 3 1/4" case. RefeSee Sold Price
SoldMiscellanea and Artillery VARIOUS OWNERS A FINE ANDMiscellanea and Artillery VARIOUS OWNERS A FINE AND RARE SOUTH GERMAN SPORTING CROSSBOW SIGNED BY THE MASTER 'BE', DATED 1589 with curved steel bow painted with a pair of alternating panels of early bSee Sold Price
SoldGio Ponti (Milano 1891 - Milano 1979) Miscellanea ofGio Ponti (Milano 1891 - Milano 1979) Miscellanea of ??fourteen sheets bearing free sketches of different subject and age. Studies for theatrical costumes and decorations of ceramic objects. Milan, frSee Sold Price
SoldMiscellanea curiosa - [Head, Richard]. The Life anMiscellanea curiosa - [Head, Richard]. The Life and Death of Mother Shipton.Londra, W. Harris, 1687. In 4°. In antiporta tavola a piena pagina di epoca posteriore incisa in legno cheSee Sold Price
SoldHALLEY, EDMOND; et al. Miscellanea Curiosa. 1HALLEY, EDMOND; et al. Miscellanea Curiosa; being, A Collection of Some of the Principal Phaenomena in Nature, accounted for by the Greatest Philosophers of this Age. 19 (of 20?) engraved plates; foldSee Sold Price
SoldBalbinus, Bohuslaus: Miscellanea historica BohemiaBalbinus, Bohuslaus. Miscellanea historica regni Bohemiae, quibus natura Bohemicae telluris. Decas I, liber I-VIII und decas II, liber I-II, zus. 10 Teile (alles Erschienene) in 4 Bänden. Mit einSee Sold Price
SoldMedico-scientifica - MiscellaneaScienze e medicina (secolo XIX). In 8°. 5 voll. I vol.: 12 opere; II vol.: 11 opere; vol. IV: 10 opere; vol. VI: 9 opere; vol. VII: 12 opere, alcune tavole ripiegate fuori testo, in fine a ciascun voSee Sold Price
SoldSpon (Jacob) Miscellanea eruditae antiquitatis,Spon (Jacob) Miscellanea eruditae antiquitatis, numerous engraved and printed illustrations of inscriptions and statues, contemporary calf, worn, numerous annotations and some additions, manySee Sold Price
SoldGwasg Gregynog.- Miscellanea, one of 25 copiesGwasg Gregynog.- Miscellanea, one of 25 copies, a portfolio of printing ephemera from the press comprising specimen leaves, prospectuses, greetings card etc. and many prints including 3 signed wood-enSee Sold Price
SoldHalley. Miscellanea Curiosa. 1708.[Travel/Exploration] Halley, Edmond (editor). Miscellanea Curiosa. Containing a collection of Curious Travels, Voyages, and Natural Histories of Countries as they have been Delivered in to the Royal SSee Sold Price
SoldMiscellanea, Original Comic ArtworkGraphic Gallery Original Art for Sale 1974 by Ross Cochran, a total of four catalogues; Heavy Metal 11 issues, The Comic Journal 6 issues, The Spirit by Will Eisner, 13 issues, Comic Relief JSee Sold Price
SoldBook, Miscellanea, TempleBook, Miscellanea, The Second Part, in Four Essays: I. Upon Antient and Modern Learning, II. The Gardens of Epicurious, III. Upon Heroic Virtue, IV. Upon Poetry. by Sir William Temple, 1692 the thirdSee Sold Price
Numismatic Books - de Schodt - Miscellanea Numismatique De Bruges et GandTimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Numismatic Books - Miscellanea Numismatique 1872-1891TimeLine Auctions Ltd.4.6(182)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
1560 ROMAN NUMISMATICS by CONSTANTII LANDI antique VELLUM BOUND 16th centuryJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
VINTAGE AMERICAN SILVER MORGAN DOLLAR MONEY CLIPSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
EDWARDIAN ERA COLLECTION OF SEASHELLS IN GLASS DOMEAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
BOHANNAN BROOKLYN PADLOCK WITH KEY AND IRON SCISSORSAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
ENGLISH FEATHERWEIGHT SEWING MACHINE SINGER 221K IOBAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024