SoldMINIATURE SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOURMINIATURE SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, various colors, comprising a translucent blue cut and gilded example with finger/chatelaine ring, lacking stopper, a colorless cut glass example with small hanginSee Sold Price
SoldTray Lot of CollectiblesTray Lot of Vintage and Antique Collectibles Including Three French Miniature Opaline Glass Figures, One Art Nouveau Miniature Sterling Vase, Four Miniature Glass Scent Bottles (including a 19th cent.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED BRASS CAGED GLASS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED BRASS CAGED GLASS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising an opaque white, translucent jade, cranberry, and cobalt blue, each having brass caging, and each having a brass mount, lid, chain, anSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED ENAMEL-DECORATED SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED ENAMEL-DECORATED SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, blue, cranberry, and green, comprising two cornucopia form, a conical form, and a waisted top form, each having floral decoration, each with a perSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED STERLING SILVER SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED STERLING SILVER SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, including one small cut glass bottle with hinged silver-plated top, and three small scent bottles marked for sterling, all with original caps. LateSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CUT GLASS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED CUT GLASS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising an amethyst with a checkered diamond and fan motif, a ruby and green cut-faceted, and a cobalt blue example with a diamond and bar motif, eachSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, each having metal fittings with a finger/chatelaine ring, comprising a mother-of-pearl example with cork stopper top and three porcelain examples including two havSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED BLOWN GLASS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED BLOWN GLASS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, colorless, comprising a double-dolphin gemel scent bottle with applied decoration, an ovoid example with an engraved clock to one side and a single floSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED GLASS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED GLASS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising two colorless Chinese examples, one having floral decoration and the other depicting an outdoor scene, a ruby cut-panelled double-sided example, aSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED ART GLASS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED ART GLASS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising two satin glass with polychrome-enamel floral decorations, a cased ruby cut example with mica flecks, and a cut and enamel-decorated example wSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED PUNGENTS / SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOURASSORTED PUNGENTS / SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, colorless, comprising two swirled examples with one having an aquamarine tint, a cut teardrop form with a silver-plated lid, and a blown-molded exampleSee Sold Price
SoldCUT OVERLAY SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOURCUT OVERLAY SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, various colors to colorless, including a blue to colorless with original stopper, and three others. Second half 19th century. 2 5/8" to 3 1/2" LOA. Provenance:See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED BLOWN-MOLDED COMMERCIAL PUNGENTS / SCENTASSORTED BLOWN-MOLDED COMMERCIAL PUNGENTS / SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, deep emerald green, medium amethyst, and fiery opalescent, each with threaded neck, three with original Britannia screw cap, oneSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CUT GLASS PUNGENTS / SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OFASSORTED CUT GLASS PUNGENTS / SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, colorless, light blue, amethyst, and honey amber, various diamond, fan, and crosshatch cuttings, one with original stopper. Second half 19th cSee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED CUT OVERLAY GLASS COLOGNE / SCENT BOTTLES, LOTASSORTED CUT OVERLAY GLASS COLOGNE / SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, including white cut to starch blue and ruby cut to colorless, inappropriate stoppers, one scent lacking cap. Second half 19th century.See Sold Price
SoldASSORTED GLASS AND CERAMIC PERFUME / SCENT BOTTLES, LOTASSORTED GLASS AND CERAMIC PERFUME / SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising an Italian Majolica hexagonal flask with star decoration, two German swirl-decorated glass figural containers, and an amethySee Sold Price
SoldASSORTED COLORED GLASS SMELLING SALTS / SCENT BOTTLES,ASSORTED COLORED GLASS SMELLING SALTS / SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FOUR, comprising three deep green cut example and a light amber paneled example, three with original stopper. Second half 19th century. 2See Sold Price
SoldSIX-PIECE STERLING SILVER POWDER BOXES & SCENT BOTSIX-PIECE STERLING SILVER POWDER BOXES & SCENT BOTTLE LOT 20th c. Four with cut glass bases; all with etched banded & scroll tops.See Sold Price
SoldFive German 'Chelsea' miniature scent bottle groups andFive German 'Chelsea' miniature scent bottle groups and four stoppers, two modelled as country lovers, another as a mother and child, the fourth as the three graces and the last as a pierrot, 9.5cm (3See Sold Price
Sold(2 Pc) Porcelain Miniature Trinket BoxesDESCRIPTION: (2 Pc) A Pair of porcelain miniature trinket boxes. This set includes: one (1) Limoges miniature trinket box, with four interior scent miniature bottles; and one (1) porcelain and brass tSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Brass Mounted Opaline Glass Articles,including two egg form pill boxes, a diminutive compote, two diminuative baskets, a green opaline basket, and four scent bottles, three with miniature paintings of architectural scenes within the lidsSee Sold Price
SoldVARIOUS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FIVEVARIOUS SCENT BOTTLES, LOT OF FIVE, various colors with enamel floral decoration, four with frosted finish, including a cranberry cased colorless example having gilt-metal fittings with finger/chatelaSee Sold Price
SoldLOT OF FOUR FRENCH CRYSTAL SCENT BOTTLES, 1st halLOT OF FOUR FRENCH CRYSTAL SCENT BOTTLES, 1st half 20th century, of various shapes and sizes, brands include ''Cabochard'', ''L'Heure Bleue - Paris'', ''Joy du Jean Potou - Paris'', and an unmarked boSee Sold Price
SoldLot of assorted silverIncluding miniatures, scent bottles, boxes and a silverplated American pocket knife.See Sold Price
Lot of Four Miniature Tohono O'odham Nation (Papago) BasketsCowboy Joe's Antiques4.7(196)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Blue Aventurine Murano Glass Perfume Atomizer BottleWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
White Filigree Scent Atomizer Murano Glass BottleWeatherham Estate Treasures3.9(157)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
FOUR CIRCA 1920's CZECH CRYSTAL PERFUME BOTTLESLewis & Maese Antiques & Auction4.4(524)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A 19thC cranberry glass scent bottle / perfume flask with white metal top, maker GB. Approx. 3 1/2"Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A green glass perfume / scent bottle with white metal floral and foliate overlay in the OrientalClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A late 19th / early 20thC carved rock crystal perfume / scent bottle. Approx. 2 1/4" high PleaseClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Three assorted items of art glass to include a retro blue glass perfume / scent bottle and stopper,Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A cut glass scent / perfume bottle with silver collar hallmarked Birmingham 1912, maker C. C. May &Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Victorian silver scent bottle case with engraved bird and bullrush decoration, hallmarked LondonClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A cut glass scent / perfume bottle / flask with German .800 silver mount. Approx. 8 1/2" highClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
An early 20thC cut glass scent / perfume bottle with silver mounts, maker Levi & Salaman. Approx. 5"Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A Victorian glass scent bottle with silver gilt top surmounted by a hand painted cabochon depictingClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
A novelty white metal scent bottle / flask modelled as a cat. Approx. 2 3/4" high Please Note - weClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Three items comprising pendant, coin and miniature scent. Scent approx. 1 1/4" high (3) Please NoteClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Group of four miniature perfume bottlesBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Group of four miniature perfume bottlesBaker's Antiques and Auctions3.2(468)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Five Antique Silver Topped Miniature Scent Bottles. Largest 6.3m x 1.2cm x 1.2cm, total weightHannam's Auctioneers Ltd4.3(391)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Glass & Quartz Pendants, Pink Agate Bracelet and Painted Glass Snuff BottleApple Tree Auction Center4.6(1k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024