SoldMiniature Drum Microscope, c. 1850Miniature Drum Microscope, c. 1850 Unmarked, attributed to Bertrand, Paris, original lacquered brass, 1-in. diameter base, single mirror on milled-head pivot, draw tube, 1 objective, 1 ocular, heightSee Sold Price
SoldCompound Monocular Drum Microscope, c. 1850,Compound Monocular Drum Microscope, c. 1850, unsigned, brass tubular body, single mirror, type listed in the Billings Microscope Collection, Washington, D.C., in custom wooden box complete w/antique sSee Sold Price
Sold2 Brass Microscopes2 Brass Microscopes 1) Drum microscope, c. 1850, maker unknown, lacquered brass, base diameter 2 ½ in., single mirror, sliding body tube for coarse adjustment, single milled-head rack-and-pinion fineSee Sold Price
SoldDrum Microscope by Arthur Chevallier, c. 1850Drum Microscope by Arthur Chevallier, c. 1850 Signed: A. Chevallier, Rue de la Bourse No. 1, Paris. Brass, original lacquer, with lens and ocular. With reflected light loupe, life-box and wooden box,See Sold Price
Sold6 Brass Microscopes6 Brass Microscopes 1) English compound monocular microscope, c. 1850, marked: "John Browning, London, 194", lacquered brass, extended height 7 4/5 in. - 2) Drum-type microscope, unsigned, original fiSee Sold Price
A Rare Optical Compendium, c. 1850A Rare Optical Compendium, c. 1850 Comprising a drum-type microscope and a two-draw telescope with original lacquered brass and leather-covered tube, with 2 objectives in leather-covered case, heightSee Sold Price
SoldCompound Monocular Drum Microscope,Compound Monocular Drum Microscope, unsigned, probably by Noel P. Lerebours, Paris, France, c. 1846-1850, tubular brass body, single mirror, type listed in the Billings Microscope Collection, WashingtSee Sold Price
Sold2 Early Optical Instruments, c. 18502 Early Optical Instruments, c. 1850 1) A rare optical compendium, comprising a drum-type microscope and a two-draw telescope with original lacquered brass and leather-covered tube, with 2 objectivesSee Sold Price
SoldVery Rare Polarising Solar Microscope, c. 1850Very Rare Polarising Solar Microscope, c. 1850 German/French, with multiple accessories including polarization filters, pinhole and slit apertures and optical bench. Mirror with gear adjustment. OrigiSee Sold Price
SoldRoss Botanist Microscope, c. 1850Ross Botanist Microscope, c. 1850 Simple dissecting microscope, signed on the rectangular base: "A. Ross, London", original lacquered brass, base with opening for the concave single mirror, tubular piSee Sold Price
SoldA B. Pike & Sons Brass Miniature Drum Microscope.A B. Pike & Sons Brass Miniature Drum Microscope. With mahogany case Length: 6"See Sold Price
SoldEnglish Drum Microscope, c. 1825English Drum Microscope, c. 1825 Unsigned, patinated brass, 27/8-inch Ø brass ring base, tubular stand with cutaway front and back, single mirror on pivot, fixed stage with spring plate beneath and oSee Sold Price
SoldMartin-Type Drum Microscope, c. 1860Martin-Type Drum Microscope, c. 1860 Marked on label in lid "Thompson Optician, Nottingham", original lacquered brass, concave mirror, drawtube, 1 eyepiece, 2 objectives, 1 live cell, forceps and 3 boSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Compound Microscope, c. 1850English Compound Microscope, c. 1850 Unmarked, lacquered brass, draw tube, rack-and-pinion fine adjustment, retracted height 10 in., with extensive accessories in mahogany case. Englisches TrommelmikrSee Sold Price
SoldFine and rare miniature drum microscope, 19th centFine and rare miniature drum microscope 19th century Comprising of brass viewing tube, the subject lens measures 5 mm, in a timber box. L: 3 in.See Sold Price
SoldMartin-Type Drum Microscope, c. 1830Martin-Type Drum Microscope, c. 1830 Unsigned, patinated brass, single concave mirror, circular stage with openings for forceps and condenser, double draw tube, fixed eyepiece, height 10 5/8 in., withSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Compound Monocular Microscope, c. 1850English Compound Monocular Microscope, c. 1850 Signed: "John Browning, London, 194", lacquered brass, extended height 7 4/5 in. Englisches Reisemikroskop, um 1850Signiert "John Browning, London, 194",See Sold Price
Drum Microscope, c. 1860 MikroskopTrommelmikroskop, um 1860 Unbezeichnet, vermutlich französisch oder deutsch, Messing, zaponiert, Höhe 28 cm, Mahagoni-Kasten! English: Drum Microscope, c. 1860 Unsigned, probably French or German, bSee Sold Price
English Compound Microscope, c. 1850English Compound Microscope, c. 1850 Unmarked, lacquered brass, draw tube, rack-and-pinion fine adjustment, retracted height 10 in., with extensive accessories in mahogany case. Englisches TrommelmikrSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN WATERCOLOR MINIATURE C 1850AMERICAN WATERCOLOR MINIATURE C 1850 H 2":Portrait of a young lady with high style hairdo and wearing organdy collar and blue scarf. Appears not to be signed. Gutta-percha frame. Frame is 4.5" x 3.5".See Sold Price
Drum Microscope, c. 1860 TrommelmikroskopDrum Microscope, c. 1860 Unmarked, probably French or German, brass, lacquered, height 11 in., mahogany box. Unbezeichnet, vermutlich französisch oder deutsch, Messing, zaponiert, Höhe 28 cm, MahagoSee Sold Price
SoldEnglish Cary-Type Compound Microscope, c. 1850English Cary-Type Compound Microscope, c. 1850 Box base, original lacquered brass, in mahogany case with 2 bone slides and further accessories, overall height 11 in. Englisches Reisemikroskop, um 18See Sold Price
English Brass Microscope, c. 1850Englisches Messing-Mikroskop "Macrae, 34, Aldgate, London", um 1850 Runder Vollmessingfuß, Höhe 32 cm, Tubus zum Einschrauben wie von Jones. Objektiv mit Messingdose, Holzkasten mit Vitrinen-GlasschSee Sold Price
English Monocular Brass Microscope, c. 1850Englisches Monokular-Mikroskop, um 1850 Horne, Thornthwaite & Wood, 123 Newgate St. London (signiert auf rundem Fuß). 1 unbezeichnetes Objektiv, 1 unbezeichnetes Okular, 1 Messingdose, 1 Präparat, MSee Sold Price
PR OF NAIVE 19TH C AMERICAN ALLEGORICAL MINIATURE PAINTINGSThomaston Place Auction Galleries4.4(389)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Set of 10 Chinese Export Gouache Paintings, C. 1850Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
1755/6 New Hampshire 10 Shilling NH-95 PMG CU64 c. 1850 Cohen ReprintMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1755/6 New Hampshire 6 Pence NH-89 PMG CU64 EPQ c.1850 Cohen ReprintMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
1737 New Hampshire Three Shillings NH-40 PMG GEM 65 EPQ c. 1850 "Cohen" ReprintMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1775 New Hampshire 20 Shilling NH-129 PMG GEM65 EPQ c.1850 Cohen Paul RevereMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
1737/40 New Hampshire 40 Shillings NH-48 PMG GEM 66 EPQ c. 1850 "Cohen" ReprintMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1755/6 New Hampshire 1 Shilling NH-90 PMG CU64 EPQ c. 1850 Cohen ReprintMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1755/6 New Hampshire 3 Sh 9 pence NH-92 PMG CU63 EPQ c. 1850 Cohen ReprintMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Utagawa Hiroshige (Japanese, 1797-1858), “Ukiyo-e Landscape,?? printed c. 1850, H.- 5 1/2 in.,Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A VICTORIAN ROSEWOOD WORK TABLE, C.1850 of rectangular form, with figured top and twin drawerAdam's Auctioneers4.3(5)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
1775 New Hampshire 6 Shilling NH-128 PMG GEM65 EPQ c.1850 Cohen Paul RevereMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
1775 New Hampshire 1 Shilling NH-127 PMG CU 64 EPQ c.1850 Cohen Paul RevereMynt Auctions4.6(689)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
A SILVER SPICE TOWER. Poland, c.1850. On three cupped supports attached to a six sided base,J. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
A SILVER SPICE TOWER. Poland or Ukraine, c.1850. On four supportive legs that connect to a squareJ. Greenstein & Co., Inc.4.3(55)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
DAGUERREOTYPE THREE SLIDING BOX CAMERA, c.1850Austin Auction Gallery4.7(1.2k)See Sold PriceApr 12, 2024