Sold20th C. Northwest Coast Tlingit / Haida Lidded Wood Box**Originally Listed At $800** Native American, Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, Haida, Tlingit, or Tsimshian peoples, ca. mid to late 20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden storage box including itSee Sold Price
20th C. Northwest Coast Carved Wooden Box w/ LidNative American, Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, Haida, Tlingit, or Tsimshian peoples, ca. mid to late 20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden storage box including its original lid. The box is comSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 20th C. Northwest Coast Carved Wood PaddleNative American, Pacific Northwest, ca. early to mid 20th century CE. A finely carved, miniature wooden paddle, with one face in the form of a sharp-toothed animal with ears - perhaps a bear - and theSee Sold Price
20th C. Northwest Coast Carved Wooden Box w/ LidNative American, Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, Haida, Tlingit, or Tsimshian peoples, ca. mid to late 20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden storage box including its original lid. The box is comSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Pacific Northwest Carved Wood / Abalone BoxNative American, Pacific Northwest, probably Haida or Tlingit, ca. mid 20th century CE. A finely carved wooden open box with gracefully curved walls, each one incised with a native symbol or totem aniSee Sold Price
SoldMid-20th C. Northwest Coast Tsimshian Cedar Painted BoxNative American, Pacific Northwest Coast, Tsimshian peoples, ca. mid 20th century CE. A beautiful carved red cedar box comprised of four intricately-painted panels and a base plank. The exterior of eaSee Sold Price
SoldMid-20th C. Pacific Northwest Coast Wood Halibut Hook**First Time At Auction** Native American, Pacific Northwest Coast, Haida peoples, ca. mid 20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden halibut hook with an abstract zoomorphic figure with an anthropomorphicSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Northwest Coast Red Cedar Totem ThunderbirdNative American, Pacific Northwest Coast, ca. mid 20th century. Hand-carved from cedar wood, a totem representing the Thunderbird, with its distinctive face presenting characteristically large eyes, rSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Northwest Coast Haida Wood & Hair Raven MaskNative American, Pacific Northwest Coast, Haida peoples, ca. early to mid-20th century CE. A large and finely carved wooden ceremonial dance mask depicting the head of a highly stylized raven. The masSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Haida Wood Box by Clarence Q. Wells**First Time At Auction** Northwest Coast - Clarence Q. Wells (Haida, b. 1950). A hand-carved wooden box embellished with beautiful Haida paintings in red and black. The box is signed by Clarence WellSee Sold Price
SoldTall 20th C. Tlingit Carved Wood Totem - Man w/ FishNative American, Pacific Northwest Coast, Alaska, Tlingit, ca. early to mid-20th century CE. A massize totem figure likely carved from cedar. The totem is a stylized anthropomorphic man that squats agSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Northwest Coast Kwakwaka'wakw Wood RattleNative American, North America, Pacific Northwest (USA and Canada), Kwakwaka'wak (Kwakiutl) tribe, ca. mid 20th century CE. A beautiful rattle depicting a stylized avian face, hand-carved from hardwooSee Sold Price
SoldMid-20th C. Northwest Wood, Iron, & Shell Halibut HookNative American, Pacific Northwest Coast, Haida or Tlingit, ca. mid-20th century CE. A hand-carved wooden halibut hook with a slender handle bearing a pair of square knobs, a U-shaped body, and a slenSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Northwest Coast Kwakwaka'wakw Wood RattleNative American, North America, Pacific Northwest Coast (USA and Canada), Kwakwaka'wakw tribe, ca. mid-20th century CE. A beautiful rattle depicting a stylized anthropomorphic face, hand-carved in twoSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Signed 20th C Northwest Coast Wood Totem Poles**First Time At Auction** Native American, Pacific Northwest, ca. mid 20th century CE. A pair of hand-carved wooden miniature totem poles. One is made from a dark brown/red wood, unpainted, featuringSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Pacific Northwest Coast Painted Wood Totem PoleNative American, Pacific Northwest Coast, ca. early to mid-20th century CE. A beautiful totem pole carved from finely grained red cedar atop a separate discoid platform. The pole is intricately carvedSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Pacific Northwest Coast Wooden Halibut Hook**Originally Listed At $500** Native American, Pacific Northwest, Tlingit or Haida, ca. mid 20th century CE. A charming example of a hand-carved, decorated wooden halibut hook. The hook has a slingshoSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Pacific Northwest Coast Wood Rattle - OrcaNative American, Pacific Northwest Coast (USA & Canada), ca. mid 20th century CE. A rare wooden rattle in the form of an orca, its body curved over so that the mouth touches the tail, hand-carved fromSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Tlingit Wood / Abalone Headdress FrontletNative American, Northwest Coast, Tlingit peoples, ca. mid 20th century CE. A beautifully carved and painted wood headdress frontlet featuring a raven whose wings open to reveal a mask on the bird's tSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 20th C. Haida Painted Wood MaskNorthwest Coast, Haida Gwai (Queen Charlotte Island), ca. early to mid 20th century CE. Finely carved from cedar wood, an anthropomorphic mask boldly painted in a palette of red, green, and black huesSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 20th C. Tlingit Cedar Canoe Paddle w/ Eagle MotifNative American, Pacific Northwest Coast, United States and Canada, Tlingit people ca. early to mid 20th century CE. A fine ceremonial canoe paddle, hand-carved from red cedar wood, with the relief ofSee Sold Price
SoldEarly 20th C. Tlingit Red Cedar Totem Pole**First Time At Auction** Northwest Coast, Tlingit, ca. early to mid 20th century CE. A hand-carved and colorfully painted red cedar wood totem pole depicting four totemic animals rendered in a characSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Pacific Northwest Haida Wood Talking Stick**Originally Listed At $550** Native American, Pacific Northwest Coast, possibly Kwakwaka'wakw (Kwakiutl) or Haida people, ca. mid 20th century CE. A beautifully carved, totem pole-like wooden walkingSee Sold Price
Sold20th C. Nuu-chah-nulth Wood Totem - William Dennis Sr.Native American, Pacific Northwest Coast, Nuu-chah-nulth (formerly Nootka or Nutka), ca. mid 20th century CE, signed by William Dennis Senior of the Ohiaht Band (b. 1923). A beautifully carved, totemSee Sold Price
Benin Carved Wood Royal Nigerian Edo Tribal Court Official African StatueArarity Auctions4.6(166)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Yoruba Tribal Ibeji Twin Cult Carved Wood Figure African Nigeria #2Ararity Auctions4.6(166)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
Collector's Lot of Southeast Asian Masks, Early-Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Antique Ethnographic Collector's Lot, Late 19th/Early 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Mossi Sulomse, Ougagadougou Style Wan-Nyaka Mask, Burkina Faso, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Yoruba Shango Dance Wand, Nigeria, Early-Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Guro Standing Female Figure, Ivory Coast, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Lobi Female Figure, Burkina Faso, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
South African Tsonga Female Figure, Early-Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Baule Standing Female Figure, Ivory Coast, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Massive Igbo Dance Crest Mask, Nigeria, Early-Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
2 African Gogo Zoomorphic Clubs (Rungu), Tanzania, Early-Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Dinka Headrest/Stool, South Sudan, Mid 20th CMaterial Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Very Refined Turkana Headrest, Kenya, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
African Bahima or Batooro Milk Container, Uganda, Mid 20th C.Material Culture4.6(765)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Ivory Coast, Senufo Peoples, Carved Wood Mask (Kpeliye'e), Early 20th - Mid C., H 15" W 8"DuMouchelles4.6(825)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024