SoldMid 1900's Chippendale Revival kneehole desk, mahogMid 1900's Chippendale Revival kneehole desk, mahogany, unusual kidney shape, recessed front, 4 drawers in rounded pedestal, sides, and bowed back, fret carved pilasters, cabriole legs, ball and clawSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 Chippendale Revival small sofa, solid maMid 1900 Chippendale Revival small sofa, solid mahogany, excellent form, arched with double peak back, scroll arms, three leaf and medallion carved cabriole legs, ball and claw feet, 70"l 37"t 32"d. OSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1900's Chippendale Revival extension table, hiMid 1900's Chippendale Revival extension table, high grade mahogany, Warsaw Furniture Co., Warsaw, Kentucky, three 13" leaves, opens to 7', flame mahogany cove molded skirt, nicely carved top and skirSee Sold Price
SoldSet of four mid 1900 Chippendale Revival chairs,Set of four mid 1900 Chippendale Revival chairs, mahogany, leaf scroll crest rail, reticulated ribbon carved splat, bowed seat rail, scroll leaf carved cabriole legs, ball and claw feet, upholster sliSee Sold Price
SoldSet of four mid 1900 Chippendale Revival chairs,Set of four mid 1900 Chippendale Revival chairs, solid mahogany, leaf scroll crest rail, reticulated ribbon carved splat, bowed seat rail, scroll leaf carved cabriole legs, ball and claw feet, upholstSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1900's Chippendale Revival extension table, hMid 1900's Chippendale Revival extension table, high grade mahogany, Warsaw Furniture Co., Warsaw, Kentucky, three 13" leaves, opens to 7', flame mahogany cove molded skirt, nicely carved top and skirSee Sold Price
SoldFine mid 1900's Chippendale Revival tilt top teaFine mid 1900's Chippendale Revival tilt top tea table, mahogany, nicely molded serpentine tray edge, birdcage swivel, reeded and spiral turned pedestal, acanthus leaf carved arch saber legs, carved bSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 Chippendale Revival tilt-top tea table,Mid 1900 Chippendale Revival tilt-top tea table, mahogany, shaped pie crust molded top, bird cage swivel, fluted and carved pedestal, leaf carved arch saber legs, carved paw feet, 30" diameter 29" talSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 Chippendale Revival tilt top tea table,Mid 1900 Chippendale Revival tilt top tea table, mahogany,shell carved oval top, leaf carved pedestal, arch saber legs, carved paw feet, 26" x 20" 29" tall. Good old finish/condition, repair to one leSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 Chippendale Revival two shelf wall curioMid 1900 Chippendale Revival two shelf wall curio, reticulated fret work, 30"w 19"t 6"d. Old finish, damaged areas.………………We are a live "brick/mortar" auction house, as such we are sellingSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 kneehole desk, mahogany, 46" x 30"t, 23"Mid 1900 kneehole desk, mahogany, 46" x 30"t, 23"d.See Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 Chippendale revival two tier end table,Mid 1900 Chippendale revival two tier end table, mahogany, reticulated carved scalloped edges, carved pedestals and arched legs, ball and claw feet, 35"t 24" diameter. Refinished, missing 8" of reticuSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 Chippendale Revival bed, book matched fiMid 1900 Chippendale Revival bed, book matched figured and solid walnut, fullsize, floral and leaf carved serpentine top and sides, draped carvings on 49"t headboard, 27"t footboard, nicely carved braSee Sold Price
SoldMid1900 Chippendale Revival three tier table/servMid1900 Chippendale Revival three tier table/server,mahogany, fluted turned pedestals, carved arch saber legs, three graduated shelves with raised molded edges, 24"diameter40"tall. Good original finisSee Sold Price
SoldMId 1900 Colonial Revival spinet desk, walnut, liMId 1900 Colonial Revival spinet desk, walnut, lifttop, slideout writing surface, turned legs, 44"w, 22"d, 33"t, 28" writing surface.See Sold Price
SoldFine mid 1900 Chippendale style breakfront, mahogFine mid 1900 Chippendale style breakfront, mahogany, unusual single seven bubble pane glass triple door top, four drawers in center with top having fold down front with gilt leather writing surface wSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 five drawer Chippendale Revival tall cheMid 1900 five drawer Chippendale Revival tall chest, marked Tablerock, mahogany, deep reverse serpentine front, molded pilasters, flared feet, heavy shell motif, rococo pulls, 37"w 53"t 21"d. Good oriSee Sold Price
SoldVery fine early 1900 Colonial Revival knee hole deVery fine early 1900 Colonial Revival knee hole desk, high grade solid and flame mahogany, 20"d foldout writing surface, 9"t caddy back with tambour slides, oval prospect drawer, fiddleback mahogany fSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 Governor Winthrop style Chippendale deskMid 1900 Governor Winthrop style Chippendale desk, mahogany, serpentine front, ball/claw feet, arched crest, 78"t 34"w 18"d. Good original finish/condition.See Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 Chippendale style Governor Winthrop deskMid 1900 Chippendale style Governor Winthrop desk, mahogany, Rice & Kelly Pittsfield, Mass, fitted interior, ball and claw feet, mahogany secondary woods, 36"w 41"t 19"d 30" writing surface. OriginalSee Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 Chippendale style slant lid desk, labelMid 1900 Chippendale style slant lid desk, label and tag Maddox Colonial Reproductions, Jamestown, NY, solid mahogany, double serpentine front, ball and claw feet, shaped, fitted interior, 34"w 42"t 1See Sold Price
SoldMid 1900 Chippendale style slant lid desk, mahogaMid 1900 Chippendale style slant lid desk, mahogany, fitted interior, serpentine front, molded base, ball and claw feet, 31" wide 40" tall 18" deep 30" tall writing surface. Original finish, nicks andSee Sold Price
SoldExceptional early 1900 Chippendale Revival smallExceptional early 1900 Chippendale Revival small slant lid desk, solid mahogany, well carved shell and scrolled leaf carving on slant lid writing surface, fitted interior, shell carved skirt drawer, cSee Sold Price
SoldExceptional early 1900 Chippendale Revival small slExceptional early 1900 Chippendale Revival small slant lid desk, solid mahogany, well carved shell and scrolled leaf carving on slant lid writing surface, fitted interior, shell carved skirt drawer, cSee Sold Price
HEKMAN Chippendale Tooled Leather Top Writing DeskPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Mid-Century "Rhythm" Desk by Lane FurnitureA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
Vintage Mid-Century Modern DeskA1 Consignment and Auction Gallery Inc4.4(16)See Sold PriceMar 07, 2024
George III Walnut Tall Kneehole Desk, ca. 1800Auctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceMar 17, 2024
5 3/4" Catlinite Historic T-Pipe. Early to mid 1900's.Tony Putty Artifacts4.7(404)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Edward Wormley For Dunbar Mid Century Kneehole DeskRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
19th Century Viennese Rococo Revival Ormolu and Enamel Desk ClockWorld of Antiques, Inc.3.9(74)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024