MICHELIN: A group of tobacciana including; a "trench
Electrical Tool GroupFeb 27, 2024Cypriot Black on Red Polished Ware Vessel CollectionMar 05, 2024Egyptian Faience Amulet and Bead CollectionMar 06, 2024Greek and Other Pottery Sherd GroupMar 06, 2024Roman and Celtic Artefact GroupMar 06, 2024Roman Bronze Brooch and Other Item GroupMar 06, 2024Western Asiatic Terracotta Idol CollectionMar 07, 2024Iron Age Celtic to Medieval Bronze and Other Artefact CollectionMar 07, 2024Saxon Gold Pendant and Necklace Bead GroupMar 07, 2024Medieval to Post Medieval Artefact GroupMar 07, 2024Medieval to Post Medieval Artefact GroupMar 07, 2024Medieval and Later Bronze and Other Artefact CollectionMar 07, 2024Medieval and Later Bronze and Lead Artefact GroupMar 07, 2024Medieval and Later Bronze and Other Artefact CollectionMar 07, 2024Post Medieval Bronze and Silver Thimble GroupMar 08, 2024Tudor and Later Glass Fragment CollectionMar 08, 2024Pre-Columbian Mayan Flint Arrowhead CollectionMar 08, 2024Pre-Columbian Inca Artefact CollectionMar 08, 2024Natural History - A Collection of FossilsMar 08, 2024Great Northern and Northern Pacific Smalls- Short Lantern Globes, Kerosene Can, Tin Box , Pins,Mar 07, 2024An Assortment of Devotional Items.Feb 24, 2024[EDUCATION]. A group of 21 assorted photographs of school, church, and musical groups including theFeb 27, 2024Three (3) pc Roseville Pottery Group LotMar 29, 2024(4) PIECE GOLD JEWELRY GROUP INCLUDING TIFFANYMar 07, 2024