SoldMezcala Culture Carved Stone Axe Figure, c.500 ADA Guerrero Mezcala culture carved stone axe figure. Pre-Columbian, Mexico, c.500 AD. The stylized sculpture is hand-carved from a dark grey hued stone and depicts characteristically abstract facial anSee Sold Price
SoldA LOT OF FIVE MEZCALA STONE FIGURES c. 200 BC -A LOT OF FIVE MEZCALA STONE FIGURESc. 200 BC - 200 AD The abstract human figures are said to have beeSee Sold Price
Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Southern Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 600 to 100 BCE. A hand-carved stone axe god figure of abstract form with string-cut body features and an overall gray hue. The plaSee Sold Price
SoldGuerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God Figure**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, southern Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 500 to 200 BCE. An abstract anthropomorphic axe god figure that is hand-carved from hardstone with mottlSee Sold Price
SoldFine Mezcala Diorite Stone Axe God Figure - M8 TypePre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero State, Mezcala culture, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. A beautiful anthropomorphic axe god figure, hand-carved from emerald-green pecked diorite with orange, grey, black, and beigSee Sold Price
SoldGuerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God FigurePre-Columbian, southern Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala culture, ca. 500 to 100 BCE. A standing anthropomorphic axe god figure that is hand-carved from mottled black and white stone with faint beige inclusiSee Sold Price
Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God Figure PreformPre-Columbian, Southern Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 600 to 100 BCE. A hand-carved greenstone figure of an intriguing form bearing delineated but simplified features, a definitive chiSee Sold Price
Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God FigurePre-Columbian, Southern Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 600 to 200 BCE. A hand-carved axe god figure of squat, abstract form bearing string-cut grooves and soft red pigment on the face.See Sold Price
SoldGuerrero Mezcala Greenstone Anthropomorphic Axe GodPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 500 to 100 BCE. An intriguing example of an anthropomorphic axe god figure, hand-carved from mottled sage-green stone with attractive beigeSee Sold Price
Large Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God w/ Red SpotsPre-Columbian, southern Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 500 to 100 BCE. A fine example of an abstract standing axe god figure, hand-carved from mottled grey-green stone, of a stout formSee Sold Price
Large Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God w/ Red SpotsPre-Columbian, southern Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 500 to 100 BCE. A fine example of an abstract standing axe god figure, hand-carved from mottled grey-green stone, of a stout formSee Sold Price
Large Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God w/ Red SpotsPre-Columbian, southern Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 500 to 100 BCE. A fine example of an abstract standing axe god figure, hand-carved from mottled grey-green stone, of a stout formSee Sold Price
Lot of 2 Mezcala Pieces: Stone Figure + HeadPre-Columbian, Mexico, Mezcala culture, ca. 500-200 BCE. Impressive Mezcala carved stonework, starting with a highly stylized axe type hunchback figure carved from dark green speckled stone. The figurSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Mezcala Stone Axe godPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala culture, ca. 700 to 200 BCE. An abstract, carefully carved symmetrical anthropomorphic figure. Stringcut, the grey stone figure appears human through suggestioSee Sold Price
SoldAbstract Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 500 to 200 BCE. A fine standing axe god figure of a characteristically abstract form, hand-carved from mottled dark grey and hunter green sSee Sold Price
SoldGuerrero Mezcala Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala culture (Balsas culture), ca. 700 to 200 BCE. An abstract, carefully carved symmetrical anthropomorphic figure. Stringcut and polished, the grey stone figure aSee Sold Price
SoldPre-Columbian Mezcala Stone Axe God**Originally Listed At $125** Pre-Columbian, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture (Balsas culture), modern-day Mexico, ca. 500 to 200 BCE. A large axe god figure, carved from a mottled pistachio-hued greeSee Sold Price
Gorgeous Mezcala Stone Axe God - Pecked Diorite**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero state, Mezcala culture, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. A beautiful anthropomorphic axe god figure, hand-carved from emerald-green diorite with orange, grSee Sold Price
Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God**Originally Listed At $250** Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala culture, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. A finely-crafted anthropomorphic figure, carved and string-cut from a mottled stone of deep green huSee Sold Price
Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe GodPre-Columbian, Southern Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture, ca. 600 to 100 BCE. A hand-carved greenstone axe god figure with string-cut limbs and facial features. Remains of red accent pigment aSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Mezcala Stone Axe God**Originally Listed At $125** Pre-Columbian, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture (Balsas culture), modern-day Mexico, ca. 500 to 200 BCE. A large axe god figure, carved from a mottled pistachio-hued greeSee Sold Price
Pre-Columbian Mezcala Stone Axe God**First Time At Auction** Pre-Columbian, Guerrero region, Mezcala culture (Balsas culture), modern-day Mexico, ca. 500 to 200 BCE. A large axe god figure, carved from a mottled pistachio-hued green haSee Sold Price
Fine Mezcala Stone Axe God - Stout FormPre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala culture, ca. 400 to 100 BCE. A finely-crafted anthropomorphic figure, carved and string-cut from a mottled stone of deep green hues with gray and beige inclusiSee Sold Price
Guerrero Mezcala Stone Axe God - Abstract Form**Originally Listed At $200** Pre-Columbian, southern Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala (Balsas) culture, ca. 500 to 200 BCE. A large axe god figure of an abstract form, carved from a mottled pistachioSee Sold Price
Ancient Southeast Asian Carved Stone Figure of AvalokiteshvaraMaterial Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Ancient Southeast Asian Khmer Carved Stone Deity Figure, 27.5'' x 12'' x 4''Material Culture4.6(769)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
A Coptic Period Lapis Lazuli Lion Amulet, c. 3rd–7th Century ADThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Coptic Period Lapis Lazuli Lion Amulet, c. 3rd–7th Century ADThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
A Coptic Period Lapis Lazuli Lion Amulet, c. 3rd–7th Century ADThousandPlanet4.3(130)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
CHINESE HAND CARVED JADE FIGURINE AMULET OF TIGERAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 09, 2024
Superb Mezcala Guererro Stone Temple Model CarvingArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Guerrero Mezcala Stone Bead Necklace w/ Face PendantArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Post-Conquest Inca Stone Llama Conopa Offering EffigyArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024