Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Pedro Beltran de Santa Rosa.(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Pedro Beltran de Santa Rosa. Arte de el idioma Maya reducido a succintas reglas y semilexicon Yucateco. 2 folding plates. [16], 188 pages. 4to, contemporary vellum, minor wearSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Mathias de Escobar. Voces de(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Mathias de Escobar. Voces de Triton Sonoro, que da desde la Santa Iglesia de Valladolid de Mechoacan. [94], 206, 107-111, [35] pages. 4to, contemporary vellum, minor wear; hinSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Regla y constituciones de las(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Regla y constituciones de las religiosas de la Gloriosa Virgen Sta. Rosa Maria de Lima . . . de la Puebla de los Angeles. Portrait plate, full-page armorial engraving. [38], 1See Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Marcos de Saavedra.(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Marcos de Saavedra. Confessonario breve activo, y passivo, en lengua mexicana. [15] pages. Small 8vo, contemporary calf gilt, minor wear; minimal wear to contents, tightly triSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Marcos de Saavedra.(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1746.) Marcos de Saavedra. Confessonario breve activo, y passivo, en lengua mexicana. [15] pages. Small 8vo, 19th-century ¼ calf, minor wear; minimal wear to contents, tightly tSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1611.) Pedro de Arenas. VocabularioA COMPLETE COPY IS SCARCELY KNOWN (MEXICAN IMPRINT--1611.) Pedro de Arenas. Vocabulario manual de las lenguas castellana, y mexicana. [16], 160 pages. 8vo, contemporary vellum, moderate wear and stainSee Sold Price
(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1748.) Pedro de Alcántara(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1748.) Pedro de Alcántara Fernández. Manual arreglado al ritual romano . . . de la mexicana provincia de San Diego. [24], 164 pages. 4to, attractive 19th-century embossed cSee Sold Price
Sold(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1733.) Directorio manual de la Santa(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1733.) Directorio manual de la Santa Escuela de Christo señor nuestro, fundada en el convento, casa grande de nuestro seraphico Padre San Francisco de esta corte. One plate. [28See Sold Price
1853 Fine Binding Mexican Military Act Velvet and Satin[Mexican Imprint} Fine velvet binding with gold embellishments, satin inside cover and flyleaves, beautiful gold gloss dedication to "Y Presidente De la Republica D. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana". ContaSee Sold Price
Rescuing the infidel children of ChinaHeading: (Mexican Imprint) Author: Title: Estracto de la noticia de Mons. de Forbin-Janson, Obispo de Nancy y de Toul, sobre la Obra de la Santa Infancia para el rescate de los nin?os infieles de laSee Sold Price
SoldRescuing the infidel children of ChinaHeading: (Mexican Imprint) Author: Title: Estracto de la noticia de Mons. de Forbin-Janson, Obispo de Nancy y de Toul, sobre la Obra de la Santa Infancia para el rescate de los nin?os infieles de laSee Sold Price
SoldMEXICAN SCHOOL, (Mexican, Eighteenth Century), VirgPERUVIAN SCHOOL/LIMA ACADEMY (Eighteenth Century) Santa Rosa de Lima Oil on canvas 59 x 41 inches (149.86 x 104.14 cm)See Sold Price
SoldMexican printing of Bishop of Salamanca's funeralHeading: (Mexican Imprint) Author: Title: Solemnes exequias celebradas en la Santa Iglesia de Salamanca y real Seminario de San Carlos en la translacion del cadaver del excelentisimo señor don FelipSee Sold Price
Military eulogies preached in Mexico catherdral 1798Heading: (Mexican Imprint) Author: Garcia de Torres, Jose? Julio Title: Elogio fu?nebre, que en las honras que anualmente se celebran en la Santa Iglesia Metropolitana de Me?xico a la memoria de los dSee Sold Price
SoldMexican printing of Bishop of Salamanca's funeralHeading: (Mexican Imprint) Author: Title: Solemnes exequias celebradas en la Santa Iglesia de Salamanca y real Seminario de San Carlos en la translacion del cadaver del excelentisimo señor don FelipSee Sold Price
(MEXICAN IMPRINT--PUEBLA.) Francisco Fabian y Fuero.(MEXICAN IMPRINT--PUEBLA.) Francisco Fabian y Fuero. Coleccion de providencias diocesanas del Obispado de la Puebla de Los Angeles * Coleccion de providencias dadas a fin de establecer la Santa Vida CSee Sold Price
A New Mexican polychrome wood retablo 7 1/4 x 5 1/4 in.A New Mexican polychrome wood retablo Early 19th century, attributed to Pedro Antonio Fresquís (1749-1831), depicting Santa Rita de Cascia/Saint Rita of Cascia, with a crook in one hand, and probSee Sold Price
Sold19th C. Mexican Retablo, Santa Teresa de AvilaMexican retablo, depicting St. Teresa of Avila (Santa Teresa de Avila) oil on canvas, framed, housed in gilt and carved nicho, circa 19th century frame: height 32.5 in. x width 25 in., sight: heightSee Sold Price
SoldGuatemalan or Mexican dance maskArtist Unknown (Mexico, 20th c.) Vintage dance mask of Mexican or Guatemalan origin. Man with side burns. Pedro de Alvarado ceremonial mask Hand carved wood with heavy paint with cracks and chipping,See Sold Price
SoldPainting, Mexican, General Santa Anna, 19th centuryAnonymous, Mexican School (19th century), Portrait of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, oil on canvas laid to board, canvas: 17"h x 14"w, overall (with frame): 24"h x 21"wSee Sold Price
SoldANTONIO LOPEZ DE SANTA ANNA(1794 - 1876) Mexican general and politician, a President of Mexico who sought to crush the Texas Revolution, seizing the Alamo only to be defeated by Sam Houston at San Jacinto. Partly-printed D.S. iSee Sold Price
SoldMEXICAN RETABLO OF ST. RITA DE CASCIA19th c. Mexican Folk Art Painting on Tin, probably depicting Santa Rita de Cascia, a 15th c. Italian widow and nun titled 'Patroness of Impossible Causes' and venerated as the saint of mothers, abusedSee Sold Price
Sold3 Vintage Mexican Dance Masks: Oaxaca/Michoacan3 Vintage Mexican Dance Masks: Including a Diablo de San Pedro (w/ cross), of wood, paint, leather ears, cow's horns from Jicayan village, Oaxaca. And two Bull masks of wood, paint, horns likely fromSee Sold Price
Sold19TH C. MEXICAN FOLK ART TIN RETABLO OF SANTA RITA DE CPainted tin retablo depicting Santa Rita's forehead wound and the roses she is known for. Santa Rita de Casia is the patroness of desperate cases and impossibilities and is considered a model for marrSee Sold Price
GB Grace Bros Beer Instructional Flat Top 67-33 USBCOI 318Morean Auctions4.5(33)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Melchor Perez Holguin (Cochabamba, Real Audiencia de Charcas, 1665 - Potosi, 1735) Large colonialTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Great Apostle Saint Paul subduing the Evil Portuguese colonial of Goa, Portuguese colonial work fromTemplum Fine Art Auctions4.3(8)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Framed Mixed Media on wood panel signed DARIE and dated 1963 with COABasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SANDU DARIE (1908-1991) Untitled and unframed collage and ink on paper with COABasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SANDU DARIE (1908-1991) Untitled and framed collage and ink on paper with COABasel Auction House4.5(46)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Alberto Beltran Signed Litho from Mexican Art PortfolioConcept Art Gallery4.7(509)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
PEDRO DE ORA? (Cuba, 1931 -2020). Untitled, 1980. Polychrome wood collage. Attached certificateSetdart Auction House4(23)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
21st C. Mexican Plaster Dios de los Muertos SkullsArtemis Fine Arts4.8(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Pedro Coronel (Attributed) Oil on Cancas Art: 35" x 23"Carstens Galleries4.5(130)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Pedro Friedeberg "Ciudad De Un Millon Con 25 Huevos Duros" SilkscreenMarket Auctions4.5(134)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024