Chaim Soutine (Belarusian/French, 1893-1943) - La Petite Fille dans la VerdureFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Elisabeth Frink (British, 1930-1993) - Harbinger Bird IFreeman's | Hindman4.5(158)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
AMERICAN SEASCAPE PAINTING BY ROSS EMBROSE MOFFETTAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
CHARLES HENRY GIFFORD (Massachusetts, 1839-1904), Luminist view of three sailboats in a quietEldred's4.7(418)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Estate Fresh Civil War Cavalry C. Roby 1863 With ScabbardRalph Fontaine Heritage Auctions Inc.4.7(234)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
ABSTRACT ARAB LEBANESE OIL PAINTING BY ETEL ADNANAntique Arena Inc.4.5(866)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
SoldUS MEDAL OF HONOR BOOK SIGNED BY 115 RECIPIENTSA copy of "America's Medal of Honor Recipients" published in 1980 which has been signed by 115 recipients of the Medal of Honor from WWII to Vietnam. Signed mostly inside the front and rear covers andSee Sold Price
SoldMEDAL OF HONOR BOOK SIGNED BY 115 RECIPIENTSMEDAL OF HONOR BOOK SIGNED BY 115 RECIPIENTS An incredible memorial to America's bravest soldiers, a book listing recipients of the Medal of Honor with their citations, signed by 115 of those who earnSee Sold Price
SoldDesmond Doss and Ray DavisGroup lot of four items signed by Medal of Honor recipients, including a book signed by Desmond Doss and three items signed by Ray Davis. The Doss item is a softcover copy of Desmond Doss In God's CarSee Sold Price
MEDAL OF HONOR AWARDEE AND P.O.W. SIGNED BOOKMEDAL OF HONOR AWARDEE AND P.O.W. SIGNED BOOK Extraordinary gathering of signatures in a single volume, includes 38 Medal of Honor recipients from World War II through Vietnam, 24 ex-P.O.W.s, the authSee Sold Price
MEDAL OF HONOR AWARDEE AND P.O.W. SIGNED BOOKMEDAL OF HONOR AWARDEE AND P.O.W. SIGNED BOOK Extraordinary gathering of signatures in a single volume, includes 44 Medal of Honor recipients and P.O.W.s from World War II through Vietnam. The signatuSee Sold Price
SoldJOSEPH FOSS(1915 - 2003) Leading fighter ace of the Marine Corps during World War II and a recipient of the Medal of Honor. Signed and inscribed book, "Joe Foss, Flying Marine', by Foss with Walter Simmons (NewSee Sold Price
SoldAdmiral EUGENE FLUCKEY - His Book SignedEugene B. Fluckey (1913=2007) Admiral. Fluckey was one of America’s most daring submarine commanders of World War II and a recipient of the Medal of Honor. The skipper of the submarine Barb in the PSee Sold Price
IWO JIMA MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTS (6)Great signed book: 'Iwo Jima: Legacy of Valor' by Bill Ross (New York: Vanguard Press), 1985. 362pp. 8vo., signed on the half-title page by six recipients of the Medal of Honor for acts of valor durinSee Sold Price
MOH WINNER GENERAL RAY DAVIS, USMC, SIGNED BOOK286. RAY DAVIS (1915-2003). General, USMC; awarded Congressional Medal of Honor for his gallantry in Korea during 1950 Battle of Chosin Reservoir; recipient of Navy Cross, Navy Distinguished Service MSee Sold Price
SoldRICHARD E. BYRD 9” x 11.5” Signed PhotographAutographs Superb Richard E. Byrd Signed Photograph Polar Explorer RICHARD E. BYRD (1888-1957). American Naval Officer, Aviator and Polar Explorer, a recipient of the Medal of Honor. Excellent SignedSee Sold Price
SoldVIETNAM WAR MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTSExcellent signed and inscribed book, "Report on the War in Vietnam", by Adm. U.S. Grant Sharp and Gen. William C. Westmoreland (Washington, D.C.), [1968], 347pp. 4to. The book has been signed on the fSee Sold Price
SoldJOHN BASILONEJOHN BASILONE (1916-1945) U.S. Marine Gunnery Sergeant and recipient of the Medal of Honor and Navy Cross. Excessively rare signed comic book: "War Heroes", about 60pp. 7 1/4" x 10 1/4", published bySee Sold Price
Sold1935 RICHARD E. BYRD Signed 1st Edition DISCOVERYAutographs Richard E. Byrd Signed First Edition Book “DISCOVERY” RICHARD E. BYRD (1888-1957). American Naval Officer, Aviator and Polar Explorer, a recipient of the Medal of Honor. 1935-Dated, SigSee Sold Price
SoldBOB KERRY SIGNED LIMITED FIRST EDITION BOOK833. BOB KERRY (b. 1943). Democratic senator from Nebraska (198-2001); governor of NE; Medal of Honor recipient for his service in Vietnam War where he lost the lower part of one leg. His book, When ISee Sold Price
Iwo Jima Congressional Medal of Honor lotA-32 Iwo Jima USMC Congressional Medal of Honor recipient grouping. Includes: (1) Copy of citation (signed by Pres. Truman) presenting the Medal of Honor posthumously to "PLATOON SERGEANT JOSEPH R. JUSee Sold Price
Iwo Jima USMC Congressional Medal of Honor groupA-38 Iwo Jima U.S.M.C. Congressional Medal of Honor recipient grouping. Includes: (1) Copy of citation (signed by President Truman) presenting the Medal of Honor posthumously to "PLATOON SERGEANT JOSESee Sold Price
SoldUS MARINE IWO JIMA MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENT SIGNEDCopy of Rosenthal's famed photo of the raising of the flag over Mount Suribachi which has been signed by the last three surviving Marine Medal of Honor recipients from the Battle of Iwo Jima, HershelSee Sold Price
SoldIWO JIMA MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTS SIGNED PHOTO288. [IWO JIMA] One of the costliest battles of WWII with a loss of some 6,000 Marines. Fine commemorative SP, b/w, overall 12¾"x10" image of the famous scene of the "Flag Raising on Iwo Jima" on FebSee Sold Price
SoldIWO JIMA MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTS SIGNED PHOTO277. [IWO JIMA FLAG RAISERS] One of the costliest battles of WWII, with a loss of some 6,000 Marines. Fine commemorative SP, b/w, overall 12¾"x10" image of the famous scene of the "Flag Raising on IwSee Sold Price
SoldWWII Medal of Honor Recipients Signed PhotoWWII Medal of Honor Recipients Hershel Williams, Jack Lucas and George Wahlen Autographs on a black and white photograph (10 x 12") of the flag raising on Iwo Jima tied with a small affixed Global cerSee Sold Price
SoldWWII US MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENT SIGNED PRINTLot of 4 JG Keck limited edition prints signed by the officer, Medal of Honor recipient, it portrays: First Lieutenant James E. Swett 1943, Second Lieutenant John C. Morgan 1943, First Lieutenant WillSee Sold Price
SoldMEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENT SIGNED PRINT & PHOTO LOTMEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENT SIGNED PRINT & PHOTO LOT Lot of seven framed Medal of Honor tributes. Four portrait prints by J.G. Keck signed by recipient and artist including Lt. Junior Grade William E. HaSee Sold Price
SoldJ.G. KECK MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENT SIGNED PRINTSJ.G. KECK MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENT SIGNED PRINTS 30 Unframed numbered portrait prints signed by artist and WWII Medal of Honor recipient. Includes six prints of First Lt. James Sweet, six prints of TeSee Sold Price
SoldRICKENBACKER EDDIE: (1890-1973) American Fighter Ace ofRICKENBACKER EDDIE: (1890-1973) American Fighter Ace of World War I, America's most successful Ace of the War with 26 victories. Medal of Honor recipient. Signed First Day Cover commemorating the ChriSee Sold Price
RICK ATKINS Haida Artist Limited Ed. Serigraph Print "Our Hearts Sing" 115/255Luis Porretta Fine Arts4.3(10)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Collection of Medal of Honor Recipient Ray Davis MemorabiliaBerner's Auction4.6(215)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Lucien Veder, Signed color lithographLotus International Auctions, LLC4.6(153)See Sold PriceMar 03, 2024
19th Century French Mathurin Moreau (1822 – 1912) Bronze Sculpture, Signed & HallmarkedFive Star Auctions4.2(3)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Decorations & Medals Vietnam & Signed Korea Reborn HardcoversRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Rare military order of Maria Teresa Austrian MedalEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Elie Abrahami Medalia ve cavod [medal and honor] ETCHINSMG Marketing4.1(68)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Elie Abrahami Medalia ve cavod [medal and honor] ETCHINSMG Marketing4.1(68)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Armed Progressive: General Leonard Wood HardcoverRapid Estate Liquidators and Auction Gallery4.5(1.1k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
Yaakov Zim Israeli .935 Silver Commemorative MedalAuctions at Showplace4.6(731)See Sold PriceApr 16, 2024
Autographs of Military Aviators-Rickenbacher, Doolittle and CheunaultAlderfer Auction4.6(710)$100234 Lots Away