SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group Fire EnginesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of Fire Engines. (1) YFE07/SA 1938 Mercedes KS15 Oberndorf Fire Engine (1 of only 3,500 produced), (2) YFE10/SA Cessnock Rescue Squad 1937 GMC Van (1 of only 3,500See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Fire EnginesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of Fire Engines. (1) YFE02/B Land Rover Fire Truck & Trailer "Londonderry Bush Fire Brigade", (2) YFE04/B 1939 Bedford Fire Tender "Belrose Volunteer Bush Fire BrigSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Fire EnginesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of Fire Engines. (1) YFE28 1932 Ford Model AA Forest Fire Support Truck, (2) YYM37634 1932 Ford Model AA High Pressure Hose Tender, (3) YYM37633 1920 Mack Water TowSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Fire EnginesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of Fire Engines. (1) YYM38259 1920 Mack Fire Engine, (2) as (1), (3) YSFE05 Horsedrawn Merryweather Fire Engine complete with wooden display plinth, (4) YFE07/SA 19See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Mixed Group of Fire EnginesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear - mixed group of Fire Engines. To include, No.YSFE01 1930 Ahrens Fox, YYM35810 Mack B95 Pumper "Evans City Fire Dept", YS43 1905 Busch Self Propelled Fire Engine, No.YS9See Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - Group of 8 Wood Grain Box ModelsMB-MOY. (8) wood grain boxed models- (2) Y-1 1936 Jaguar SS 100 1(white) & 1(metallic blue), Y-6 red 1920 Rolls Royce Fire Engine, Y-7 gold and red 1912 Rolls Royce, Y-8 red 1945 MGTC, (2) Y-13 1918 CSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - a group of Limited EditionsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a group of 1980's and 1990's Limited Editions including 2 x YS46 Merryweather Steam Fire Engine, YS43 Bush Self Propelled Fire Engine, YS38 Rolls Royce Armoured Car, 2 xSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of 10 x 1st IssuesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear - group of 10 x 1st issues to include, No.1 Alchin Traction Engine, No.4 Shand Mason Horsedrawn Fire Engine, No.4 Sentinel Steam Wagon, No.9 Fowler Showman's Engine, plusSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of 4 Fire VehiclesMB-MOY. (4) Special Edition MOY - YFE08 red 1936 Leyland Cub Fire Engine, YSFE03 green and black 1905 Busch Fire Engine w/red chimney, YS-43 green 1905 Busch Fire Engine w/blue chimney, & YS-46 red anSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Fire TrucksMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of Fire Trucks. (1) YYM38182 1932 Ford Model AA Fire Engine, (2) YYM351919 1939 Bedford Fire Pumper "Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd", (3) YYM35189 1941 Chevrolet Fire TruSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Limited EditionsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a mixed group of Limited Edition vehicles. To include No.Y16 Scammell 100-ton Truck & Trailer with GER Locomotive, YS43 1905 Busch self propelled Fire Engine, YSH3 1875 WSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Woodgrain IssuesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of woodgrain boxed models including Y4 Dusenberg, 2 x Y5 Talbot Van "Liptons", Y6 Rolls Royce Fire Engine, Y8 MG TC, Y13 RAF Tender with olive green canopy etc - alSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of 7 Fire VehiclesMB-MOY. (7) Matchbox Collectibles Fire related models- YYM35188 navy blue 1952 "Rescue" Land Rover, YFE red 1932 Ford AA Open Cab Fire Engine (broken side light), YYM35189 black and white 1954 "RescueSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of 13Matchbox Models of Yesteryear a collection to include, YS-39 Passenger Coach and Horses c.1820, YS9 1936 Leyland Cub Fire Engine x 2, Y10 1934 Trolleybus, Y12 1829 Stephenson's Rocket, Y16 1929 ScammeSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Cars and CommercialsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear - group of Cars and Commercial Vehicles. (1) Y1 Allchin Traction Engine, (2) Y2 London Bus, (3) Y4 Horsedrawn Fire Engine "Kent Fire Brigade" (missing driver), (4) Y6 BugSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of UnboxedMatchbox Models of Yesteryear unboxed including - No.3 London Transport Tram, No.2 B type General Bus, Horsedrawn Bus, London Fire Brigade Horsedrawn Fire Engine, Aveling and Porter Road Roller, SantaSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Limited EditionsMatchbox MOY Limited Editions. To include Busch Self Propelled Fire Engine, Stephensons Rocket, Rolls Royce Panzer Wagon, Merryweather Steam Fire Engine, Aveling Porter Steam Roller, Post Bus, LeylandSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Limited EditionsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a group of limited edition issues. To include No.YS9 Leyland Cub Fire Engine, No.Y12 Stephenson's Rocket, No.Y19 Fowler Showman's Engine, plus others - conditions are MinSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Fire TrucksMatchbox Models of Yesteryear group of Fire Trucks. (1) YYM 38182 1932 Ford Model AA Fire Engine, (2) No.YYM 35191 1939 Bedford Fire Pumper "Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd", (3) YYM 35189 1941 Chevrolet USSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Limited EditionsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a group of Limited Edition. To include YS16 1929 Scammell 1-ton Truck and Trailer with GER Class Locomotive, No.YS46 1880 Merryweather Steam Fire Engine, No.YSH3 1875 "WeSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Ltd Edition VehiclesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a mixed group of Limited Edition Vehicles. To include YS9 1936 Leyland Cub Fire Engine, YS16 1929 Scammell 100 ton Truck and Trailer with GER Locomotive, Y10 1931 AEC TroSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Special EditionsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear Special Editions - including Y-16 Scammell Trailer with Locomotive, YS9 Leyland Fire Engine, YS43 Busch Fire Engine and others - overall conditions are Mint in Near MintSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Prototype PhotographsMatchbox Models of Yesteryear - group of Prototype Photographs to include 60 x No.Y16 Scammell Low Loader, 60 x No.YFE03 Cadillac Fire Wagon, 120 x No.YSFE01 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine, 36 x No.YSH LondonSee Sold Price
SoldMatchbox MOY - A Group of Commercial VehiclesMatchbox Models of Yesteryear a mixed group of Commercial Vehicles. To include No.Y5 Talbot Van "Ever Ready", No.Y6 1920 Rolls Royce Fire Engine, No.Y3 Ford Model T Tanker "BP", No.Y5 Leyland Titan TDSee Sold Price
Toys: A quantity of assorted die cast scale model Matchbox Models of Yesteryear by Lesney to includeClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Toys: A quantity of die cast scale model Matchbox Models of Yesteryear to include YS-46 1880Claydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Matchbox Superkings K39 E.R.F. County Fire Department Simon Snorkel Fire EngineC & T Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd4.3(51)See Sold PriceJul 13, 2024