SoldMason Back Bay decoy,premier grade, original paint, 1915-1920, 18 in. Shot wounds, large separation on one side, extensive chips, some possible repaint. Provenance: Bob Timberlake Collection.See Sold Price
SoldPremier Mason Back Bay Canvasback DecoyFine premier Mason Back Bay model canvasback decoy, 7"h x 19"lSee Sold Price
SoldMasons premier Back Bay decoy,17 in. Restoration, areas of repaint, base resurfaced and lacking weight, minor abrasions and losses.See Sold Price
SoldMASON BACK BAY BLUEBILL DECOYS, LOT OF TWOMASON BACK BAY BLUEBILL DECOYS, LOT OF TWO, each solid-body form with applied eyes, weights and rigs to the underside. Old working surfaces. Circa 1920-1930. Canvasback 9 1/4" HOA, 14 1/2" LOA.ProvenaSee Sold Price
SoldTWO MASON FACTORY BACKBAY-STYLE DECOYSTWO MASON FACTORY BACKBAY-STYLE DECOYS Detroit, Michigan, early 20th c. Each with glass eyes and carved bills. Imperfections, come retouch. L: 20 in.See Sold Price
SoldMason Back Bay Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy, Detroit,Mason Back Bay Canvasback Drake Duck Decoy, Detroit, MI, premiere back bay Mdl, glass eyes, solid body, combination of some original and old working paint, some gunning wear and paint flaking, dry ageSee Sold Price
SoldPair of Mason premier Back Bay canvasback duck decoys.Pair of Mason premier Back Bay canvasback duck decoys. 7"h.x19"l.x7"w.See Sold Price
SoldFour Back Bay Mason decoys18 in. to 19 in. All repainted, separations, chips and losses throughout. Provenance: Bob Timberlake Collection.See Sold Price
SoldSix Back Bay Mason decoys18 in. to 20 in. All reheaded and repainted, some with extensive damage, separations. Provenance: Joe Lewark's rig, Knotts Island, North Carolina; Bob Timberlake Collection.See Sold Price
SoldMason Premier Grade Back Bay Red Head DecoyMason premier grade Back Bay model red head decoy, 7"h x 19"lSee Sold Price
SoldFour Back Bay Mason canvasback decoys,all premier grade: two branded "RS", one branded "V. [Victor] Wade", 18 in. to 19-1/2 in. All with paint restoration or repainting. Provenance: Victor Wade rig, Knotts Island, North Carolina; Bob TimbSee Sold Price
SoldTwo Back Bay Mason widgeon decoys,both premier grade: one in sleeping position, bottom branded "V. [Victor] Wade", 16 in.; one with slightly turned head, 18 in. Both with most paint restored, minor surface wear, separations and chips.See Sold Price
SoldThree Back Bay Mason bluebill decoystwo branded on bottoms "V.Wade" (Victor Wade; Tilford's brother, Ronnie's uncle), 18 in. to 19 in. All with paint restoration or repainting, shot wounds, separations, chips and losses to tails, one wiSee Sold Price
SoldMason Canvasback DecoyMason canvasback decoy, Back Bay model, with glass eyes, 7 1/2"h x 19"lSee Sold Price
SoldRARE Mason Back Bay Model Canvasback DrakeRARE Mason Factory Back Bay Model canvasback drake decoy that has been cleaned and had some over paint re-moved. In use t/u, old repair to the edge of the bill under the tip, neck filler is missing, tSee Sold Price
SoldMason Factory Mammoth Back Bay Widgeon DrakeMason Factory Mammoth Backbay model widgeon drake decoy in OP with wear. Surface may have had overpaint removed in some places. Glass eyes few line checks on the body. "R.C.W." carved into the bottom.See Sold Price
SoldMASON CANVASBACK DRAKE PREMIER GRADE OVERSIZE BACK BAYMASON CANVASBACK DRAKE PREMIER GRADE OVERSIZE BACK BAY DECOY, carved and painted wood, solid body, applied head and glass eyes. Lead weight and carved initials "WGS" to bottom. Old worn working paint.See Sold Price
SoldMASON CANVASBACK DRAKE PREMIER GRADE OVERSIZE BACK BAYMASON CANVASBACK DRAKE PREMIER GRADE OVERSIZE BACK BAY DECOY, carved and painted wood, solid body, applied head and glass eyes. Lacking lead weight to bottom. Old worn working paint. Circa 1920-1930.See Sold Price
SoldMason Back Bay Model Bluebill HenRARE OVERSIZE BACK BAY MODEL BLUEBILL OR REDHEAD HEN by the Mason decoy Company in XOC with minor imperfections and a few shot marks. This is a very difficult model to find in original paint. There maSee Sold Price
SoldMason Back Bay Model Premier Widgeon DrakeMason Back Bay model premier widgeon drake. Small, tight hairline checks on both sides and back. In mostly worn, restored paint with some areas of original. Provenance: Harvey Pitt CollectionSee Sold Price
SoldSix 1920s working decoysone original Mason Back Bay, five copies, 18 in. to 19 in. All with scattered chips, losses, most repainted, several necks and heads with substantial repairs. Provenance: Bob Timberlake Collection.See Sold Price
SoldMason Back Bay Model Mallard DrakeOversized Mason Factory Back Bay model mallarddrake. Paint appears original with some enhancement possible.See Sold Price
SoldRare Bluebill Drake Back Bay ModelRARE MASON BACK BAY MODEL REDHEAD OR BLUEBILL DRAKE IN STRONG ORIGINAL PAINT WITH SOME MINOR IN USE TOUCH UP. Most of the neck filler is missing. Lightly shot struck. Knot missing from high on breast.See Sold Price
Rig of Five Dove by Frank Cassini (1899-1967)Copley Fine Art Auctions4.5(40)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Fitzhugh Munden (VA, 1906-1965), Coot from Swan Island ClubLeland Little4.5(697)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
WOOD DUCK DRAKE, BARNEGAT BAY DECOY CO.Frank and Frank Sporting Collectibles LLC4.7(166)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024