Amazing Roberto Burle Marx Acrylic CanvasAmazing Collectible Galleries4.6(172)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Rare Wards Pre-War Louis Marx Train Set #5029 in Original Box.Westside Traders Emporium4.5(34)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Vintage Marx Project Apollo Cape Kennedy Play SetMatthew Bullock Auctioneers4.7(1.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
LOUIS MARX & CO TIN LITHO "LOOPING PLANE"John McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.5(505)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Huge group of mixed American Flyer Prewar O gauge trains for parts or restorationToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(444)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Marx No. 5935 Happi-Time "Cape Canaveral" PlaysetMiller & Miller Auctions Ltd.4.7(319)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
MARX ELECTRIC UNION PACIFIC STREAMLINE TRAIN SETMilestone Auctions4.7(1.7k)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
SoldMARX TURNER AND STEELCRAFT PRESSED METAL TIN TRUCKSMARX, TURNER AND STEELCRAFT, PRESSED METAL, TIN LITHO, TRUCKS, 6 PCS., H 4 1/2" - 12", L 14" - 25":Includes Marx grain hauler/front end loader, dump truck; one tin sand and gravel front loader dump trSee Sold Price
SoldLot Tin Metal Vintage Toy CarsA: vintage Model T - tin friction toy car, rust - black with white top 6.5" longB: Pressed steel red dump truck with blue bed (Wyandotte Steelcraft?) wood wheels - chipped paint as shownC: Marx JapanSee Sold Price
SoldMARX PRESSED METAL AND TIN LITHO TOY TRUCKS CARMARX, PRESSED METAL AND TIN LITHO, TOY TRUCKS, CAR AND TANK, C1950, 4 PCS., H 4" - 6", L 10' - 18":Includes one 'Hi-Way Express' truck, tin litho army tank; Buick LeSabre prototype car, Japanese tin;See Sold Price
SoldMARX & J.C. TURNER PRESSED METAL MACHINE HAULERMARX & J.C. TURNER, PRESSED METAL, MACHINE HAULER AND LONG BED DUMP TRUCK, C1938, 2 PCS.:Includes Marx pressed metal Machine Hauler truck, 8" H. x 21" L, c1948; J.C. Turner, Long Bed Dump Truck, 7" xSee Sold Price
SoldPressed Steel Marx Tin Litho Truck.Metal cab with plastic wheels. Unused old store stock. Condition (Near Mint). Size 13 - 3/4" L.See Sold Price
Sold2 MARX TRUCKSSand & Gravel, painted pressed steel & litho tin, metal wheels, 13 in long, playwear, C5; Stake Truck w/Trailer, painted pressed steel, 17 in long, wooden wheels, 1 hub cap loose, repainted, decals adSee Sold Price
Sold(3) Toy Trucks(3) Toy Trucks to Inc: Marx Tin Gravel Truck, Pressed Steel Green & Red Rack Truck & Hubley Might Metal Truck -Largest Measures 13"L x 5"W x 4"HSee Sold Price
Sold2 MARX SAND & GRAVEL TRUCKSlitho tin & painted pressed steel, metal wheels, 1 grille tarnished, 12 3/4" & 15 3/4" long, C4.See Sold Price
SoldTwo Vintage Pressed Steel Trucks - Banner/ MarxVery Good - Excellent condition Banner U.S. Mail Box truck (metal wheels) and a 1940-1950's Tin Litho Marx Army Truck USA #41573147 HQ CO 819 BN in poor to fair condition.See Sold Price
SoldWyandotte and Marx Metal Toy Truck AssortmentWyandotte and Marx Metal Toy Truck Assortment Four items including an Wyandotte pressed steel rack truck, a Marx tin dump truck, a Wyandotte tin Fuel truck and a Wyandotte tin loader truck Length: 12.See Sold Price
SoldLot of 2: Marx Pressed Steel & Tin-Litho Vehicle Toys.First and with original box is a Hauler and Van Trailer, which is the Hi-Way Express Van Lines Coast-to-Coast, plastic cab, metal rear, all inserts to box, which is crisp but does have some slight creSee Sold Price
SoldTonka Truck, Marx Train and Friction Driven ToyTonka Truck, Marx Train and Friction Driven Toy Assortment Including three large pressed metal and plastic Tonka trucks, a Marx 666 plastic army green train set, a Marx tin lithographed toy cat and aSee Sold Price
SoldMarx Sanitation TruckPainted pressed steel and litho tin with metal wheels, clean and shiny, showing moderate playwear, C6See Sold Price
SoldMarx Pressed Steel Cities Service Wrecker Truck.Comes with original box, has slight soiling and wear. Toy itself is all tin, steel and litho with plastic tires marked "Cities Service Towing" on both sides. Does have original whit metal crank, no otSee Sold Price
SoldMarx Pressed Steel Hauler & Stake Truck Toy.Model No. 3658. Includes original box. Also includes two Motorola can tin banks and some cardboard packages. All metal with plastic stakes in back. Old store stock from Marx's warehouse. 20" L.See Sold Price
SoldMarx Pressed Steel Auto Transport Truck Toy.Includes original box with nice graphics of toy on box. All tin with two plastic yellow cab cars and original metal ramps. Unused old store stock from Marx's warehouse. Still wrapped in original paperSee Sold Price
Sold1954 Marx Coca-Cola Tin Bottle Carrier Toy TruckUnited States,20th CenturyTin lithograph decorated cab with yellow pressed steel bottle carrying body and plastic wheels.Metal,13" long x 5 1/2" tall,From the collection of Russell Buteau, Millville,See Sold Price
SoldMarx Metal Litho Coca Cola Delivery Truck.Double level open bed toy truck with 4 plastic tires includes 15 miniature cases of green Coca Cola bottles and one red hand truck. Feels like thick tin or pressed steel. Circa 1954. Condition (Very gSee Sold Price
SoldMarx Coca Cola Sprite Boy Metal Toy TruckMarx Coca Cola Sprite Boy Metal Toy Truck: made of pressed steel with tin litho wheels. It is red and yellow. There is no decal on the back. Circa 1940's. (There are some small, scattered paint nicks.See Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice MARX Sanitation TruckTin & Pressed Steel, 13" L, clean w/metal wheels, C7See Sold Price
SoldUnusual Marx US Air Force Ride On Truck30" long litho tin & pressed steel. This unusual piece uses the fire engine mold and creates a whole new look. It has bright side litho, missing steering handle. White metal tires with attached seat.See Sold Price
SoldMARX PRESSED METAL TOY TRUCKS AND JEEP C1950-60MARX, PRESSED METAL, TOY TRUCKS AND JEEP, C1950-60, 6 PCS. H 6" - 8 1/2, L 11" - 28":Includes two 'A&P' semi-tractor trailers, 8 1/2" H. x 28" L; one single car hauler with yellow ramp, 6" H. x 18" L;See Sold Price
Lot of Vintage Marx Wyandotte Pressed steel tow trucksEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024
Lot of vintage American flyer and Marx pressed tin model trainsEagles Corps International LLC4.5(107)See Sold PriceMar 10, 2024