SoldVintage Tin Litho Marx Carry All Fort ApacheVintage Tin Litho Marx Carry All Fort Apache ++ Tin case folds out out to become the fort with plastic Native American & United States soldiers ++ 19\" x 13\" x 4.5\"See Sold Price
SoldVintage Marx Tin Soldiers, 18 PiecesFun lot of vintage tin Marx soldiers. Lot consists of Infantry Privates, Charging Infantry Privates, Sniper in camo, Machine Gun Private, Parachute Trooper, Flame Thrower, Motorcycle Messenger, HowitzSee Sold Price
SoldScarce Marx Tin Soldiers & TentThese complete many army supply trains and pre war target sets. Includes 10 prone firing; 2 with AA guns and a machine gunner with 2-flag tent. Figures are clean, bright & shiny, showing light playweaSee Sold Price
SoldA Groups of Vintage Marx Tin Soldier Targets (73)A Groups of Vintage Marx Tin Soldier Targets (73)Marx tinplate lithograph soldier dart gun targets from the 1930s and 1940s. Lithograph details are of various world soldiers and are in very good condiSee Sold Price
SoldMarx Tin Soldier CollectionMeasure 3" to 4" tall. 8 pieces. Excellent to very good condition. Unboxed.See Sold Price
SoldLOT OF MARX TIN SOLDIERS & CANNONLarge lot of early Marx tin Soldiers with Cannon. Some with wear. Soldiers measure 3 1/2" Very Good-ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - Nice Group Of MARX Tin Soldiers2 dimensional, 4" T; 6 Soldiers of Fortune Turkish Soldiers; 4 Mounted Cowboys; 16 WWII Soldiers, 1 13% paint, most o/w C7; Marx UP Walk Bridge, C7See Sold Price
SoldMarx Tin SoldiersMarx Tin Soldiers1930s, over (40) tin Soldiers of Fortune, tin litho, each with model number on the base, originally sold with a cork firing toy gun for target shooting. Standing Infantry 3.75 in. FroSee Sold Price
SoldMarx tin soldiers (11)Marx tin soldiers: Seaman, (3) U.S. Cavalry, (2) Kings Royal Rifle Corps, American Cowboy, Parachute Trooper, Radio Operator, American Infantry Doughboy, PilotSee Sold Price
SoldMarx tin soldiers (11)Marx tin soldiers: Seaman, (3) U.S. Cavalry, Kings Royal Rifle Corps, American Cowboy, American Infantry Doughboy, Parachute Trooper, Machine Gun Unit - Private, Russian Infantry, Gordon HighlandersSee Sold Price
SoldMarx tin soldiers (10)Marx tin soldiers: (3) U.S. Cavalry, (2) Kings Royal Rifle Corps, French Infantry, Machine Gun Unit - Private, Russian Infantry, Gordon Highlanders, German InfantrySee Sold Price
SoldMarx Tin Soldier Machine Gun Unit Private Toy USA WWIMarx Tin Soldier Machine Gun Unit Private Toy USA WWI EraSee Sold Price
SoldMarx Tin Soldier Infantry Captain Toy USA WWI EraMarx Tin Soldier Infantry Captain Toy USA WWI EraSee Sold Price
Marx Tin Soldier Russian Army Infantry Toy USA WWI EraMarx Tin Soldier Russian Army Infantry Toy USA WWI EraSee Sold Price
Marx Tin Soldier Kings Royal Rifle Corps. Toy USA WWIMarx Tin Soldier Kings Royal Rifle Corps. Toy USA WWI EraSee Sold Price
SoldMarx Tin Soldier US Army "Doughboy" Infantry Toy USAMarx Tin Soldier US Army "Doughboy" Infantry Toy USA WWI EraSee Sold Price
SoldMarx Tin Soldier US Army Cavalry Toy USA WWI EraMarx Tin Soldier US Army Cavalry Toy USA WWI EraSee Sold Price
SoldMarx Tin Soldier Infantry Sergeant Toy USA WWI EraMarx Tin Soldier Infantry Sergeant Toy USA WWI EraSee Sold Price
SoldMARX SOLDIERS of FORTUNE TARGET SET & MOREThe Marx target set includes 22 - 3 1/2" tin soldiers. The gun is missing the trigger and the graphic box is just fair. Also included are 49 assorted Marx tin soldiers. Condition varies. Good-ExcellenSee Sold Price
Sold4 Vintage Tin Military ToysIncludes a Marx 15” Battleship, friction working; Japanese Battery Jeep with functional mechanism, missing 1 man; Chein Sailor, not working; Marx tin soldier. They show light to moderate playwear. ESee Sold Price
SoldMarx WWI Tin Soldier Stand Up TargetsMarx WWI Soldier Stand Ups. Targets for cork guns or toy soldiers by Louis Marx c.1920.See Sold Price
MARX TIN LITHO RANGE RIDER WIND UP TOY & POP-UPJohn McInnis Auctioneers,LLC4.6(504)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Mexican Tin Marching Band Soldiers, Candle Holder, Tree 12 Pieces total.Cain Modern Auctions4.4(44)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Marx tin litho airport with airplane toyChupp Auctions & Real Estate, LLC4.6(244)See Sold PriceMar 23, 2024