SoldMarx O Gauge Train AccessoriesIncludes floodlight tower in box, two beacons (one with a missing lantern), water tower, two plastic street lights with damage to the bases and one crossing signal. All are in nice shape except whereSee Sold Price
SoldMarx O Gauge Train Accessories GroupingNo. 1392C Lift bridge; 3 trestle brides, 1 with box; 2 tunnelsSee Sold Price
SoldMarx O Gauge Train Accessories GroupingWatchman shed with train crossing guard (damaged); 2 boulevard lamps; crane on stilts.See Sold Price
SoldMARX O GAUGE TRAIN ACCESSORY LOTLot includes tin derrick, telephone poles, signs and more. Very Good-ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of Marx O gauge trains, accessories...Large lot of Marx O gauge trains, accessories, etc. Plastic shelled keywind loco, two tenders. one gondola, one caboose, telephone poles, water tower, two rail track sections, crossing and plastic plaSee Sold Price
SoldMarx O gauge trains, accessories, switches plus moPostwar Marx O gauge trains, operating accessories and more, 610 one pair of 027 manual control switches in OB plus rotating beacon tower, two transformer with one missing the cord and control knob, tSee Sold Price
SoldMarx O gauge accessories, some in OBPostwar Marx O gauge train accessories and other building, etc. Street lamps, floodlight tower, switch tower, two Union Stations (one in partial box missing flaps), Glendale Depot, more. Generally iteSee Sold Price
SoldMarx grade crossing signal man in OB and morePostwar Marx O gauge train accessories and toys, some in original boxes, C5-7. Marx automatic grade crossing signal man in original box with No. 1605 accessory controller, and instructions sheet. TwoSee Sold Price
SoldLot of postwar Marx O gauge trains and accessoriesNice lot of postwar Marx O gauge trains, accessories and some empty original boxes. 1829 plastic steam locomotive, plastic Santa Fe tender (missing one step), 43461 Southern Pacific, Pacific Fruit ExpSee Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of Marx O gauge trains and accessoriesLarge lot of Marx O gauge electric trains, mechanical trains, switches, control panels, transformer and more. Please view the photographs for the best description and as to the condition and diversitySee Sold Price
Nice lot of Marx O gauge trains and accessoriesNice lot of Marx O gauge trains and accessories. 422 Derrick loader in moderately worn OB missing flaps, 398, 3000, 553, 552, four 556, 552, New York Central tinplate tender, 554, switch tower, floodlSee Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of Lionel, Marx O gauge trains, accs.Large lot of Lionel and Marx O gauge trains and accessories. Switches, controllers, uncoupling sections and controllers, 2055, type 1033, type VW, instruction sheets, catalogs, how to operate bookletsSee Sold Price
SoldMarx trains and accessories in original boxesPostwar Marx O gauge trains and accessories, some in original boxes, C6 to C9 area. Boxes are in typical Marx condition, poor to very good. 799 Rock Island diesel switcher, Erie flatcar w/sides, 34710See Sold Price
SoldMarx loco, freight cars and accessoriesPostwar Marx O gauge trains and accessories. Please view the photos of the items in this lot, the items are sold as is shown with no returns.See Sold Price
SoldSmall group of Marx and H&H O gauge train accessoriesSmall group of Marx and H & H O gauge train accessories in original boxes to include Marx 426 floodlight tower in all chrome and 423 twin light crossing flasher plus two H & H Sales Co miniatuSee Sold Price
SoldHuge grouping of Marx train sets and accessories in OBPostwar/prewar Marx O gauge train sets and accessories in original boxes with some inserts, some dividers, and some components. Most all appear to be complete or fairly complete, except where noted. LSee Sold Price
SoldMarx, Lionel, American Flyer O gauge trainsPrewar Marx, Lionel, American Flyer O gauge train accessories, switch towers, crossing gates, crossing signal, overhead signal, tunnel, etc. C5-6. One Lionel Railroad Crossing sign has been repainted.See Sold Price
SoldLarge lot of track, transformers, accessories....This lot can not be shipped! Postwar Lionel, American Flyer, Marx, and other O gauge train items. Track, transformers, accessories, more. Some Lionel catalog numbers are: 455, 494, 199, 197, 195, 364,See Sold Price
SoldMarx postwar O gauge accessoriesLot of Marx postwar O gauge accessories and trains. Block signal in worn OB, 3555 New York Central boxcar in worn OB, four tinplate two piece tunnels, grouping of 027 track, trestles and railroad signSee Sold Price
SoldLionel, Noma, American Flyer, Marx, O and S gaugePostwar Lionel, American Flyer, Marx, and Noma O and S gauge trains and accessories. Flyer beacon and illuminate bridge. Noma talking station with NO internal parts. Marx 666 diecast steam locomotive.See Sold Price
SoldMarx and Colber grouping of trains and accessoriesPostwar Marx and Colber O and S gauge trains and accessories. O gauge gray plastic unnumbered steam loco, 490 steam loco, Southern Pacific Lines and New York Central tenders, 715100 NYC gondola, NYC PSee Sold Price
SoldLot of Lionel motorized unit parts, accessories,Postwar Lionel and Marx O gauge train items. Lot is sold as is shown in our photos with no returns. Lot includes but is not limited to: motorized unit chassis/parts, accessories, track terminals, UCSSee Sold Price
SoldLARGE LOT O-GAUGE TRAIN ACCESSORIESLot includes transformers, signal lights, track and more. Made by Lionel, American Flyer and Marx. Condition varies. Good-ExcellentSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Flyer, Lionel, Marx, postwar trains, acceNice mixed lot of postwar trains, accessories, and some components, C4 to C6 area. Included in this lot is a Marx O gauge operating Girard station with whistle. American Flyer S gauge hand car w/ventSee Sold Price
MARX O GAUGE TRAIN CRANES AND TELEGRAPH TOWERDennis Auction Service, Inc.4.6(515)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Group of various O gauge train scenery accessories Marx Built Rite etcToystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC4.8(442)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024