SoldMarklin HO 3-rail WagonsMarklin HO 3-rail group of Wagons. Including 2 x No.4509 Jamaica Banana Van, 2 x No.4502 Shell Tanker, 2 x No.4665 Double Timber Wagon, various Flat & Open Goods Wagons, 2 x US Outline Gondolas, BogieSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO 3-rail DB WagonsMarklin HO 3-rail group of mostly DB Wagons including 2 x Bogie Beer Tanker, 3 x 4-wheel Container Wagon (one Wagon lacks one Container and coupling), Banana Wagon, 5 x various Refrigerator and Beer WSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO 3-rail DB WagonsMarklin HO 3-rail group of mostly DB Wagons. 2 x No.4633 Sliding Wall Van, 2 x No.4694 LWB 4-wheel Flat with stake sides, 2 x No.4605 SBB Goods Van (one painted grey), 2 x No.4692 DR Goods Van, 2 x NoSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO 3-rail Group of WagonsMarklin HO 3-rail group of Wagons. 2 x No.4632 Bogie Beer Tanker, No.315/2 6-wheel Crane Truck, No.4611 6-wheel Crane Truck, 6 x No.4610 4-wheel Hopper (2 in Primex window boxes and all have NSB decalSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO 3-rail Unboxed DB WagonsMarklin HO 3-rail group of unboxed mostly DB Wagons including 3 x tinplate Tankers, 4 x Jamaica Banana Van, 4 x Refrigerator Van, 6-wheel Crane with Match Truck, 2 x Bogie Flat, 2 x Beer Wagon, etc. LSee Sold Price
SoldHO Marklin 3-rail 4-wheeled WagonsHO Marklin 3-rail 4-wheeled Wagons a large collection including - Tank Wagons 6 x "Esso", 8 x "Shell", 7 x "BP", 2 x "Aral" with silver tank and Aral in small square to one end of tank, 2 x "Aral" inSee Sold Price
SoldHO Marklin 3-rail Goods WagonsHO Marklin 3-rail Goods Wagons consisting mostly of enclosed 4-wheel Rolling Stock the majority with tinplate bases although some with later plastic bases. The majority are Goods Vans but does includeSee Sold Price
SoldHO Marklin 3-rail Bogie and Goods WagonsHO Marklin 3-rail Bogie and Goods Wagons mostly with tinplate bases including - Timber Wagons, Well Wagons with transformer and other loads, Breakdown Crane, Log Wagons, Open Wagons with "Marklin" canSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO 3-rail M Series Tinplate TrackMarklin HO 3-rail - quantity of M Series tinplate track mostly straights and curves but does include diamond crossing - generally Good to Excellent. 12 x various Wagons many of which are damaged or inSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO 3-rail Delta No.2983 DB Freight SetMarklin HO 3-rail Delta No.2983 DB Freight Train Set containing blue/cream Class 216 Diesel Hydraulic, 4 x various Wagons, controller and oval of track with 2 sidings Near Mint to Mint in Good Plus boSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO 363.4 KK3 Pre-war Tarpaulin WagonMarklin HO 3-rail unboxed 363.4 KK3 pre-war Tarpaulin Wagon complete with tarpaulin showing Marklin to both sides, condition Excellent.See Sold Price
SoldHO Marklin 3-rail Boxed VehiclesHO Marklin 3-rail boxed Vehicles including - No.4501 Esso Tanker, No.4503 4-wheel Open Truck, No.4508 Kuhlwagen, 2 x No.405 4-wheel Goods Wagons, No.4513 Tipping Truck, No.4517 Bogie Wagon with canvasSee Sold Price
SoldHO Marklin 3-rail 4-wheeled Goods Rolling StockHO Marklin 3-rail 4-wheeled Goods Rolling Stock mostly with tinplate bases although a few with plastic bases including Open Coal Wagons, Hopper Wagons (approx 22), some Coal Wagons with Guards ShelterSee Sold Price
SoldHO Marklin 3-rail Diesel and Electric LocosHO Marklin 3-rail Diesel and Electric Locos comprising 3201 incomplete Overhead Electric Freight Set comprising 0-6-0 Steeple Cab Overhead Electric No.E6302, Lowsided Wagon and oval of solid rail 3-raSee Sold Price
SoldHO Marklin 3-Rail African Safari Train SetsHO Marklin 3-Rail African Safari Series Train Sets comprising 2 x 28721 "Safari" Train Set consisting of 0-6-0 Tank Loco with Giant Forest 1095 to sides, Bogie Tank Wagon, Bogie Flat Truck with SafariSee Sold Price
Sold3 boxed Marklin passenger cars 346/1 330/1 and 4026Marklin HO boxed passenger cars including 346/1 2nd class coach in C7 condition, 330/1 2nd class coach C7, and 4026 3 rail DB baggage wagon in nice C8 condition.See Sold Price
SoldMarklin 3-Rail Loco and Rolling StockHO Marklin 3-Rail Loco and Rolling Stock comprising 3090 0-6-0 black plastic Tank Loco, 3 x 4000 green tinplate 4-wheel Coaches, Esso Tanker, Shell Tanker, Low Sided Wagon, American style Caboose, 2 xSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO - 3 x OBB Wagon PacksMarklin HO 3 x OBB Wagon Packs, (1) No.48805 150 Years of Semmering Rail Line Pack containing 5 x various Wagons, (2) No.47908 containing Bogie Tanker, Sugar Beet Wagon and Flat Truck with milk contaiSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO - 3 x DB Wagon PacksMarklin HO 3 x DB Wagon Packs, (1) No.46021 pack of 6 x various Open Wagons, (2) No.48801 Heavy Freight Pack containing 5 x various Wagons all with loads, (3) Trix 2-rail No.24031 pack of 2 x Goods VaSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO 9 x Wagon All Card Empty BoxesMarklin HO 9 x various 1970s/1980s issue Wagon all card empty boxes generally Excellent to Near Mint, small quantity of curved M Series tinplate 3-rail track Good to Excellent, 9 x Retailer's Shop DisSee Sold Price
SoldNETTE - HO TRIX 22726, LILIPUT L240044Marklin for Trix 22726 Electric, 3-Rail; LILIPUT Wagon w/ME 109 Airplane, ob, C9See Sold Price
SoldNice Marklin HO 3-Rail LayoutBeautifully Done 3X8" Marklin 3-rail K-Track layout. Fully landscaped and ready to run with 2 mainlines and a siding with passing track at station. It includes a steam & diesel freight trains with somSee Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO 3-rail #3371 DB 410 4-Car ICE SetMarklin HO 3-rail No.3371 DB Class 410 4-Car ICE Set and No.4171 ICE Intermediate 2nd Class Coach Excellent to Excellent Plus (require cleaning) in Good Plus boxes.See Sold Price
SoldMarklin HO 3-rail Unboxed DB Bogie CoachesMarklin HO 3-rail group of unboxed DB tinplate Bogie Coaches including 2 x maroon Restaurant Car, 4 x green Baggage Car, 2 x CIWL Sleeping Cars, etc, Fair to Good Plus. No.343 Mitropa Short Bogie SleeSee Sold Price
Group Lot of 3 Marklin HO Steam Engine TrainsBodnar's Auction Sales4.6(612)See Sold PriceMar 28, 2024