SoldMaps from Lotter/[Seutter], ''Atlas Minor'' [c.17[Atlas]. Tobias Conrad Lotter, ''Atlas Minor Praecipua Orbis Terrarum Imperia, Regna et Provencias...,'' Augsburg: c.1760. Incomplete, includes engraved title, German map with mileage scale, and 5 othSee Sold Price
SoldSTRAIT OF MAGELLAN MAP, FROM ATLAS MINOR, C. 1609Gerard Mercator (German 1512-1594) and Jodocus Hondius (Belgian 1563-1612) "The Straits of Magellan" from Atlas Minor, circa 1609, hand colored engraving on paper, unframed. Provenance: From the EstatSee Sold Price
Sold36 maps from Mercator, Atlas Minor, [ca 1610-1651][Mercator] 36 full page maps and at least 30 other leaves from an edition of Mercator’s Atlas Minor [Amst: Jansson, c. 1610-1651]. Mostly continental Europe, but includes Africae Descriptio, AngliaSee Sold Price
Sold(North and South America), Two Atlas minor maps, L(North and South America), Two Atlas minor maps, L'Amerique Septentrionale Noord America and Zuyd America. L'Amerique Meridionale, likely Amsterdam, late 17th century, small folio with hand-coloring,See Sold Price
SoldMap, engraved, Europe, 'Atlas Minor', 1727-32Map, engraved, Europe, 'Atlas Minor', 1727-32 Title: New map of europe 1721 Artist: Herman Moll Publisher: Herman Moll Engraver: Herman Moll Description: Herman Moll's hand colored map from a new mapSee Sold Price
SoldAntique map, France, hand colored copper plate engravedAntique map, France, hand colored copper plate engraved map, Mercator / Hondius, Atlas Minor, London 163711.5" by 7.25". Notice: Please note that our auctions will continue in the online only format,See Sold Price
SoldAssorted Railroad Maps & AtlasesAssorted Railroad Maps & Atlases, booklets and folded maps. Various Railroads. mid to late 20th C. plus one Rand McNally Philadelphia map from Atlas. Cond: Minor wear.See Sold Price
Sold(MAP) MERCATOR, GERARD. The Ylandes of the West Indies.(MAP) MERCATOR, GERARD. The Ylandes of the West Indies. Engraved map from the Atlas Minor, 1635. Framed. 12 x 15 inches.See Sold Price
SoldEnglish Channel.- Moll (Herman) A Chart of Part of yeEnglish Channel.- Moll (Herman) A Chart of Part of ye Sea Coast of England, Holland and Flanders..., copper engraved map, from Moll’s ‘Atlas minor’, outlined in colour, central vertical fold, slSee Sold Price
SoldGrp: 13 Maps from Herman Moll Atlas MinorGroup of twelve maps from Herman Moll's (ca. 1654-1732) "Atlas Minor," together with the colophon from the book. Includes maps of Hungary and Transylvania, Poland, Russia ("the Dominion of Muscovy"),See Sold Price
SoldMOLL HermanBowles's atlas minor ... 65 maps, hand coloured in outline, some doublepage and some folding, later half roan, marbled boards, rubbed, some joints of maps strengthened, 4to., London: Carrington BowlesSee Sold Price
SoldMercator (Gerard) and Jodocus Hondius. Africæ descMercator (Gerard) and Jodocus Hondius. Africæ descriptio; Guinea,2 small maps, the continent and West Africa, from an English edition of the Atlas Minor, engraved maps, each c.155 x 200mm., EnSee Sold Price
SoldFEUR Mercator (Gerard) A group of 9 maps of SouthFEUR Mercator (Gerard) A group of 9 maps of Southern Europe,mostly regional maps of Spain, also Italy and France, from the Atlas Minor, engraved maps with original hand-colouring, each c.170See Sold Price
Mercator (Gerard) and Jodocus Hondius. Africæ descMercator (Gerard) and Jodocus Hondius. Africæ descriptio; Guinea,2 small maps, the continent and West Africa, from an English edition of the Atlas Minor, engraved maps, each c.155 x 200mm., EnSee Sold Price
SoldJansson map of North America 1628Title: Americæ Descriptio Author: Jansson, Jan Description: Copper-engraved map, hand-colored. Engraved by Abraham Goos. 14.5x20 cm. (6x8").Intriguing map from Jansson's new Atlas Minor, first publisSee Sold Price
Jansson map of North America 1628Title: Americæ Descriptio Author: Jansson, Jan Description: Copper-engraved map, hand-colored. Engraved by Abraham Goos. 14.5x20 cm. (6x8").Intriguing map from Jansson's new Atlas Minor, first publisSee Sold Price
SoldJapan.- Mercator (Gerard) and Jodocus Hondius. - IJapan, with Korea as a neighbouring island, and the coast of China, title cartouche upper right, from the Atlas Minor, engraved map with hand-colouring, 135 x 190mm., mounted on card support, slightSee Sold Price
Mercator/Hondius. IaponiaMercator (Gerard) and Jodocus Hondius. Iaponia,Japan, with Korea as a neighbouring island, and the coast of China, title cartouche upper right, from the Atlas Minor, engraved map with hand-colSee Sold Price
SoldMap of Americas from Mercator Atlas MinorTitle: Americae Descrip. Author: Mercator, Gerard - Jodocus Hondius Description: Copper-engraved map, hand-colored (later?). 15x19.5 cm. (6x7¾").Reduced version of the Americas map Hondius engraved fSee Sold Price
SoldMap of Americas from Mercator Atlas MinorTitle: Americae Descrip. Author: Mercator, Gerard - Jodocus Hondius Description: Copper-engraved map, hand-colored (later?). 15x19.5 cm. (6x7¾").Reduced version of the Americas map Hondius engraved fSee Sold Price
SoldJODOCUS HONDIUS "Map of Andalucia"ANDALUSIA. (HUELVA, SEVILLA, part of CÓRDOBA and CÃDIZ.) ANDALUSIAN DESCRIPTION. Amsterdam, 1616. Copper engraved map for Bertius' minor atlas: "Tabularum geographicarum contractarum libri septemSee Sold Price
SoldMercator Hondius. IrelandMercator (Gerard) and Jodocus Hondius. Ultonia Conatia et Media; Udrone,the northern part of Ireland and County Carlow in Leinster, from the Atlas Minor, 2 engraved maps with extensive originaSee Sold Price
Mercator/Hondius: Miniature New Spain (Mexico) Map 1609Hispania Nova The miniature version of the Mercator Hondius map of Mexico from the Atlas Minor, published by Claesz and Jan Jansson. Includes two elegant strapwork cartouches, one for the title, the oSee Sold Price
SoldMercator (Gerard) - Atlas de novo plurimis in locisthe larger format Cloppenburg edition of the Mercator/Hondius Atlas Minor, with 177 maps, of 179 listed, most engraved by Pieter van der Keere, including, double-hemisphere world, Africa, America, AsiSee Sold Price
Northern & Southern Africa. Maghreb. Orange River Sovereignty. HALL 1854 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
FRENCH COLONIAL GUINEA. Guinee Française. Conakry city town ville plan 1929 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
COLONIAL AFRICA Afrique. League of Nations Mandates. Ethnicity 1929 old mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Africa. Congo Free Trade Area. British South Africa Company. STANFORD 1896 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Northern & Southern Africa. Maghreb. Orange River Sovereignty. HALL 1856 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
FRENCH COLONIAL GUINEA. Guinee Française. Conakry city town ville plan 1931 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
FRENCH WEST AFRICA. Senegal & Mauritanie/Mauritania. Dakar plan 1929 old mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Africa. Congo Free Trade Area. British South Africa Company. STANFORD 1894 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
FRENCH SUDAN (Now Mali). Soudan Français. Bamako city plan de la ville 1938 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
FRENCH SUDAN (Now Mali). Soudan Français. Bamako city plan de la ville 1931 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
COLONIAL TOGO & BENIN (Dahomey). Porto Novo & Lomé city ville plans 1931 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
COLONIAL TOGO & BENIN (Dahomey). Porto Novo & Lomé city ville plans 1938 mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
Early colonial Africa. Inset Madeira & Aden. SIDNEY HALL 1854 old antique mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024
FRENCH WEST AFRICA. Senegal & Mauritanie/Mauritania. Dakar plan 1938 old mapJasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 28, 2024