SoldMANGBETU AFRICAN SICKLE KNIFEMANGBETU AFRICAN SICKLE KNIFE: Figural carved ivory handle, 14 3/8'' l. x 8 3/8''.See Sold Price
SoldFine African Ethnographic Sickle Knife.Fine African Ethnographic Sickle Knife. The fine sickle knife by the Mangbetu people nearSee Sold Price
SoldAFRICAN TRIBAL KNIFE MANGBETU SICKLEMangbetu (Congo) sickle, with bone handle. 16 inch total length.See Sold Price
SoldAfrican Ethnographic Knife.African Ethnographic Knife. A Mangbetu sickle knife of traditional form with hand-forgedSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Mangbetu Knife - CongoThis sickle-shapped knife, although reminiscent of a throwing knife, was not used as a weapon but as a form of currency and as a symbol of rank among the Mangbetu people. The blade is of locally forgeSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican Mangbetu Tribal Knife CurrencySickle - shaped knife with wood handle wraped in coil and steel blade. L.18. late 19th / early 20th centurySee Sold Price
SoldFine African Ethnographic Knife.Fine African Ethnographic Knife. The fine Mangbetu sickle knife with hand-forged stSee Sold Price
SoldFine African Ethnographic Knife.Fine African Ethnographic Knife. A fine Mangbetu sickle knife with a hand-forged steel blSee Sold Price
SoldA Mangbetu Sickle Blade Knife, "emambele"Sichelförmiges Messer, "emambele" Mangbetu, DR Kongo Ohne Sockel / without base Holz, Eisen. L 41 cm. Provenienz: Helmut und Marianne Zimmer, Zürich. Zeremonialwaffen zeichnen sich durch sorgfältigSee Sold Price
SoldA Mangbetu Sickle Blade Knife, "trumbash"Sichelförmiges Messer, "trumbasch" Mangbetu, DR Kongo Ohne Sockel / without base Holz, Eisen, Bronze, Kupfer. H 41 cm. Provenienz: Helmut und Marianne Zimmer, Zürich. CHF 100 / 200 EUR 86 / 172See Sold Price
SoldA Mangbetu Sickle Blade Knife, "trumbash"Sichelförmiges Messer, "trumbasch" Mangbetu, DR Kongo Ohne Sockel / without base Holz, Eisen. H 38 cm. Provenienz: Helmut und Marianne Zimmer, Zürich. CHF 100 / 200 EUR 86 / 172See Sold Price
SoldCollection of 4 African Iron Blades, DRCCollection of 4 African Iron Blades, Including: one Luba prestige axe with iron blade and wood handle, applied decorative metal sheet and tacks. Together with one Mangbetu prestige knife with sickle bSee Sold Price
MANGBETU SICKLE KNIFESlightly larger with finely forged blade (frosty rusting on black ground). Wood hilt with broad base and tapered grip, the upper portion with wire wrap, about 50% lacking. Dark glossy encrusted surfacSee Sold Price
SoldAfrican "sickle" knife early 20th centuryAfrican "sickle" knife early 20th centurySizes: L=670mmWeight (K): 0.650kgState: After checking - good condition - no restoration - no repairSee Sold Price
SoldMangbetu sickle-knifeDating: circa 1900 Provenence: Congo Lama in ferro, curva, a due fili, larga nervatura centrale, parzialmente annerita, la base con due cuspidi cilindriche; impugnatura in osso con grande pomo cilindrSee Sold Price
SoldA Mangbetu sickle-knifedating: 19th Century provenence: Congo Ampia lama con punta angolata, nervata ai margini e ornata con tre fori centrali, il tallone con arresti quadri; impugnatura in legno. Vedi esemplari simili in "See Sold Price
SoldLot of Three Ethnographic Weapons From Central ALot of Three Ethnographic Weapons From Central Africa. Comprising three assorted MangbetuSee Sold Price
SoldLot of Three Ethnographic Weapons From Central ALot of Three Ethnographic Weapons From Central Africa. Comprising three Mangbetu sickle kSee Sold Price
SoldLot of Three Ethnographic Weapons From Central ALot of Three Ethnographic Weapons From Central Africa. Comprising three Mangbetu siSee Sold Price
AN IVORY-MOUNTED MANGBETU TRIBE SICKLE KNIFE, CONGO,AN IVORY-MOUNTED MANGBETU TRIBE SICKLE KNIFE, CONGO, LATE 19TH CENTURY with steel blade of beaked form, pierced with a pair of circular apertures and with three basal lugs, rectangular forte, and carvSee Sold Price
SoldAN IVORY-MOUNTED MANGBETU TRIBE SICKLE KNIFE, CONGO,AN IVORY-MOUNTED MANGBETU TRIBE SICKLE KNIFE, CONGO, LATE 19TH CENTURYwith steel blade of beaked form, pierced with a pair of circular apertures and with three basal lugs, rectangular forte, and carveSee Sold Price
SoldA MANGBETU TRIBE SICKLE KNIFE, CONGO, LATE 19THA MANGBETU TRIBE SICKLE KNIFE, CONGO, LATE 19TH CENTURYwith steel blade of beaked form, pierced with a pair of circular apertures and with two basal lugs, and carved hardwood grip26 cm; 10 1/4 in headSee Sold Price
A MANGBETU TRIBE SICKLE KNIFE, CONGO, LATE 19TH CENTURYA MANGBETU TRIBE SICKLE KNIFE, CONGO, LATE 19TH CENTURY with steel blade of beaked form, pierced with a pair of circular apertures and with two basal lugs, and carved hardwood grip 26 cm; 10 1/4 in heSee Sold Price
SoldA Mangbetu type sickle-knifeDating: circa 1900 Provenence: Congo Lama a falce a due fili, traforata alla base; impugnatura in osso con grande pomo cilindrico. Copia di una tribù vicina dei Mangbetu, probabilmente i Boa. IllustrSee Sold Price
Antique African Fisherman's Net Knife 1880sHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
8 1/4" Antique African Fisherman's Net Knife 1800sHeartland Artifact Auctions4.6(783)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
[CRIME & PUNISHMENT]. A group of 3 wanted posters of African American men issued in St. Louis, MO,Freeman's | Hindman4.4(1.6k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Ethnographic / Native / Tribal : An African dagger / knife with a wooden handle, the blade withClaydon Auctioneers Ltd4.3(125)See Sold PriceFeb 26, 2024
Large Mangbetu figure statue sculpture Congo DRC African Tribal Art 1758Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
ZANDE AZANDE anthropomorphic terracotta vessel African art pottery 0362Jasper524.5(9.8k)See Sold PriceFeb 27, 2024
Lima Peru Decorative Knife Plaque, Ant. Victorian SP Fish Knife, African Maasai Sheath Knife, + ...Crawford Family Auctions LLC4.5(119)See Sold PriceMay 25, 2024