SoldMainline Railways - A Group of BR Diesel LocosOO Gauge Mainline Railways a group of BR Diesel Locos comprising 37035 Co-Co blue livery Class 56 No.56079, 37050 1Co-Co1 green livery Class 45 No.D100 "Sherwood Forester" (loco has been superdetailedSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Mainline Railways BR Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of Mainline Railways BR Diesel Locos comprising 37051 1Co-Co1 green Class 45 No.D100 "Sherwood Forester", 37041 1Co-Co1 green Class 45 No.D49 "The Manchester Regiment", 1Co-Co1 blue CSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of BR Diesel LocosGroup of BR Diesel Locos comprising, Wrenn Railways W2232 0-6-0 Class 08 Shunter renumbered 08691 and fitted with Hornby Dublo style couplings, Mainline Railways 37036 0-6-0 green Class 03 Diesel ShunSee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of BR Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of BR Diesel Locos comprising Mainline Railways 37040 1Co-Co1 blue Class 45 No.45039 "The Manchester Regiment", 37-050 1Co-Co1 green Class 45 Diesel No.D49 "The Manchester Regiment",See Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of BR Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of BR Diesel Locos comprising Mainline Railways 3 x 37051 1Co-Co1 Class 45 No.45039 "The Manchester Regiment" (one has been renumbered 45123), Airfix 54100 A1A-A1A Class 31 No.31401,See Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of BR Blue Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of BR blue Diesel Locos comprising Lima 5269 Co-Co Class 47 No.47401 "North Eastern", 5202 1Co-Co1 Class 40 No.40140, 5063 1Co-Co1 Class 40 No.40052, Mainline Railways 37035 Co-Co ClaSee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of BR Blue Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of BR blue Diesel Locos comprising Lima 5252 Bo-Bo Class 27 No.27037, 5247 Bo-Bo Class 27 No.27102, 5244 Bo-Bo Class 26 No.26027, Mainline Railways 37051 1Co-Co1 Class 45 No.45039 "ThSee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of BR Blue Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of BR blue Diesel Locos comprising Bachmann 32-102 0-6-0 Class 08 Diesel Shunter No.08623, 31-076 1Co-Co1 Class 46 No.46026, Mainline Railways 37050 1Co-Co1 BR blue Class 45 No.45039See Sold Price
SoldA Group of BR Steam and Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of BR Steam and Diesel Locos comprising Mainline Railways 37064 Bo-Bo green Class 42 Warship Diesel No.D824 "Highflyer", 37063 Bo-Bo blue Class 42 Warship Diesel No.827 "Kelly", 37073See Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of BR Steam and Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of BR Steam and Diesel Locos comprising Bachmann 31-301 4-6-0 unlined green Manor Class No.7620 "Dinmore Manor" (in 31-300 box), Mainline Railways 37062 4-6-0 lined green Jubilee ClasSee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of BR Steam and Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of BR Steam and Diesel Locos comprising Mainline Railways 37-052 4-6-0 lined black Standard Class 4 No.75006, 37-064 Bo-Bo green Warship Class 42 Diesel No.D824 "Highflyer", Dapol 092See Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge Unboxed BR Blue Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of unboxed BR blue Diesel Locos comprising Mainline Railways 1Co-Co1 Class 45 No.45048 "Royal Marines", Bo-Bo Class 42 Warship No.827 "Kelly", Lima Co-Co Class 50 No.50020 "Revenge",See Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge BR Steam and Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of BR Steam and Diesel Locos comprising Hornby Railways R239 2-6-4 lined black Fowler Class 4P Tank No.42363, R062 2-6-4 lined black Fowler Class 4P Tank No.42308, Mainline Railways 9See Sold Price
SoldGroup of BR Blue Diesel & Overhead Electric LocoA group of BR blue Diesel and Overhead Electric Locomotives comprising Mainline Railways Co-Co Class 56 large logo No.56084, Hornby Railways R360 Bo-Bo Class 86/2 Overhead Electric's No.86219 "PhoenixSee Sold Price
SoldBR 1Co-Co1 Class 45 (Peak) Diesel Locos x 5OO Gauge a group of BR 1Co-Co1 Class 45 (Peak) Diesel Locos comprising Mainline Railways 37040 blue No.45048 "The Royal Marines", 2 x 37051 blue No.45039 "The Manchester Regiment", 37050 green No.D49See Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of Steam and Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of Steam and Diesel Locos comprising Mainline Railways 937515 BR lined black Class 2P No.40568, 37061 4-6-0 LMS crimson Jubilee Class No.5690 "Leander", 37037 0-6-0 BR green Class 03See Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of Diesel LocosOO Gauge group of Diesel Locos comprising Trix Co-Co BR blue Class 52 Western Diesel Hydraulic No.D1045 "Western Viscount", Mainline Railways 1Co-Co1 BR blue Class 45 No.45039 "The Manchester RegimentSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Unboxed Steam and Diesel LocosOO Gauge unboxed Steam and Diesel Locos comprising Mainline Railways 4-6-0 BR green Standard Class 4 No.75001, Hornby Railways 4-6-0 BR black Stanier Class 5 No.44808, 2-8-0 LMS black Class 8F No.8193See Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of Steam and Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of Steam and Diesel Locos comprising Hornby Railways R033 4-6-2 BR green Britannia Class renumbered 70015 and renamed Apollo, Mainline Railways 4-6-0 black Standard Class 4 renumberedSee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of Diesel Locos comprising Hornby Railways R370 blue/grey HST Train pack containing power and dummy Trailer Cars along with 2nd Class Mk.3 Open, Mainline Railways 37050 1Co-Co1 BR greSee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of LocosOO Gauge a group of Locos comprising Mainline Railways 37-051 1Co-Co1 BR blue Class 45 Diesel No.45039 "The Manchester Regiment", condition Good Plus to Excellent in Good Plus box, unboxed Locos comprSee Sold Price
SoldA Group of Unboxed OO Gauge Locos & CoachUnboxed Locos and Coach comprising Wrenn 2-8-0 BR black 8F Class No.48073, Mainline Railways 1Co-Co1 BR green Class 45 Diesel No.D49 "The Manchester Regiment", Airfix BR maroon Centenary Composite CoaSee Sold Price
SoldOO Gauge - A Group of Steam & Diesel LocosOO Gauge a group of Steam and Diesel Locos comprising Hornby Railways R875 0-4-0 BR green Class 06 No.D2428, R252 0-6-0 LNER green Class J83 No.8477, Mainline 0-6-0 green Class J72 in North Eastern liSee Sold Price
SoldHornby Railways - A Group of BR Diesel LocosHornby Railways a group of BR Diesel Locos comprising R348 Co-Co blue Western Class 52 No.D1058 "Western Nobleman", R319 Co-Co blue Class 47 No.47541 "The Queen Mother", R080 Bo-Bo green Class 29 No.DSee Sold Price
Alaska RR McKinley Explorer 7 Unit Diesel Loco and Passenger Car Set-Bachmann-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Santa Fe RR 15 Unit Diesel Loco and Passenger Car Set-Rivarossi-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Texas Special Diesel Loco and Passenger Car Set-Lionel-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Union Pacific RR 14 Unit Diesel Loco and Passenger Car Set-Rivarossi-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Canadian National RR Penn Line F7A-B-B-A DC Diesel Loco Set-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Chesapeake and Ohio RR Alco S2 DC Diesel Loco #9169-Atlas-HO Scale-New in BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Chesapeake and Ohio RR GP35 DC Diesel Loco #3526-Athearn-HO Scale-New in BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Chesapeake and Ohio RR Life-Like Proto 2000 GP9 II DC Diesel Loco #6018-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Chesapeake and Ohio RR SD40 DC Diesel Loco #7460-Athearn-HO Scale-New in BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Delaware and Hudson RR Alco S2 DC Diesel Loco #3021-Atlas-HO Scale-New in BoxJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Great Northern RR Bachmann Plus EMD DC F7A/B Diesel Loco Set-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
New York Central RR Bachmann Plus FTA/B/B DC Diesel Loco Set-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
New York Central RR Life-Like Proto 2000 GP 30 DC Diesel Loco #’6118-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Union Pacific RR Bachmann Spectrum Dash 8-40CW DC Diesel Loco #9372-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Union Pacific RR Bachmann Spectrum Dash DC 8-40C Diesel Loco #9183-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Union Pacific RR Bachmann Spectrum Dash DC 8-40C Diesel Loco #9194-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Union Pacific RR Life Like Proto 1000 Erie Built A/B DC Diesel Loco Set-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Union Pacific RR Life-Like Proto 2000 E6A/B DC Diesel Loco Set-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Union Pacific RR Life-Like Proto 2000 FA1/FB1 DC Diesel Loco Set-HO ScaleJM Hobby Supply and Railroad Artifact Auctions4.4(126)See Sold PriceFeb 25, 2024
Postwar American Flyer S Gauge diesel loco horns speakersElliott Auctions4.6(128)See Sold PriceFeb 24, 2024
Tenshodo HO Gauge EM D F - 7 Diesel Loco A powered and B dummyHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024
Tenshodo HO Gauge EMD F-7 Diesel Loco A powered and B dummy ready to run in Kansas CityHarris Toy and Train Auctions4.4(125)See Sold PriceMar 01, 2024