SoldMAHOGANY SLANT-FRONT SECRETARY, American, c. 1920MAHOGANY SLANT-FRONT SECRETARY, American, c. 1920's, the slant top opening to a fitted interior, the lower front having one large and two small drawers over square cabriole legs. Dimensions: 43.25"H xSee Sold Price
SoldCHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY SLANT-FRONT SECRETARY,CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY SLANT-FRONT SECRETARY, American, c. 1920's. The slant top falls forward to reveal a fitted interior and is centered over a rank of four serpentine-shaped drawers over ball-aSee Sold Price
SoldChippendale Style Carved Mahogany Slant Front SecretaryChippendale Style Carved Mahogany Slant Front Secretary, c. 1920, the interior with a central carved cupboard flanked by secret compartments, cubbyholes and drawers, above a shallow frieze drawer andSee Sold Price
SoldMAHOGANY SLANT-FRONT WRITING DESK, American, c. 1MAHOGANY SLANT-FRONT WRITING DESK, American, c. 1920's, the slant front over two exterior drawers and baluster-turned front legs. Dimensions: 39"H x 33"W x 18.25"D.See Sold Price
Sold20th C American Slant Front Secretary Desk20th C American Slant Front Secretary Desk. Book matched crotch mahogany front with three drawers resting on bracket feet. Original keys included. Having a hidden compartment at center. Interior fitteSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN 18TH C. SECRETARY DESKPeriod Chippendale Two-Part Slant Front Secretary, in solid mahogany, pine seconday, having a flat molded cornice, two doors with inset molded arch-top panels, concealing four shelves, with locks (noSee Sold Price
SoldCHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASE, PeCHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASE, Peck & Hills Furniture Co., Chicago, c. 1920's. The slant-front secretary has a serpentine-shaped, four-drawer front and is surmounted with a cabinet booSee Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN CHIPPENDALE PERIOD SLANT FRONT SECRETARYAmerican Chippendale period mahogany slant front secretary desk, late 18th c., hinged slant front revealing extended writing surface, interior gallery fitted with open niches, drawers, and cabinet dooSee Sold Price
SoldChippendale Style Secretary, American,Chippendale Style Secretary, American, early 20th c., mahogany veneers, broken arch pediment, slant front w/divided interior, 4 drawers, ogee bracket feet; crazing and flaking to surface throughout; 8See Sold Price
SoldClassical Revival Mahogany Slant-Front SecretaryAn American Classical Revival Mahogany Slant-Front Secretary, late 19th c., the fall front opening to a birdseye maple fitted interior, two incurvate drawers below, leaf-carved stiles, gadrooned moldiSee Sold Price
Sold19th C. American Mahogany Inlaid Drop Front DeskAmerican, 19th century. Mahogany with pine secondary woods. slant front desk or secretary in the Georgian taste, the interior with drawers and open compartments, having for conforming inlaid drawers bSee Sold Price
SoldANTIQUE AMERICAN CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SECRETARYAmerican Chippendale mahogany slant front desk, first quarter 19th c., the fitted interior with concealed storage above four drawers, rising on straight bracket feet, restorations/loss with age, 40"h,See Sold Price
Sold120: Diminutive Mahogany Slant-front DeskDiminutive Mahogany Slant-front Desk probably American, probably early 19th C, with dovetail construction, white pine secretary, fitted interior behind slant front, 2 drawer, 6 cubby holes, over 4 draSee Sold Price
Sold19th C. American Mahogany Secretary BookcaseHaving a slant drop front revealing five pigeonholes with four drawers on either side, all above three full-width lower drawers, having brass pulls, raised on bracket feet, two pieces, complete with tSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican mahogany slant top desk with serpentine fAmerican mahogany slant top desk with serpentine front and carved apron, c.1920, 26" wide, 16" deep, 47" highSee Sold Price
AMERICAN MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASE C. 1820AMERICAN MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASE, C. 1820, H 87", W 42 1/2", D 20":Having a slant drop front revealing five pigeonholes with four drawers on either side, all above three full-width lower drawers.See Sold Price
SoldAMERICAN MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASE C. 1820AMERICAN MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASE, C. 1820, H 87", W 42 1/2", D 20":Having a slant drop front revealing five pigeonholes with four drawers on either side, all above three full-width lower drawers.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Classical Mahogany Secretary BookcaseAn American Classical Mahogany Secretary Bookcase, c. 1830, upper case with triangular pediment, glazed doors, shelf interior; lower case with slant front, fitted interior, cupboard doors, bracket feeSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Classical Mahogany Secretary DeskAn American Classical Mahogany Secretary Desk , early 19th c., the upper case with a cove molded cornice above paneled doors and drawers, resting on a slant front desk with birdseye maple detailed fitSee Sold Price
SoldLate Classical Mahogany Secretary BookcaseAmerican Late Classical Mahogany Secretary Bookcase, c. 1830, cove-molded cornice, pair of glazed doors, shelf interior, slant front lid with, fitted interior, ogee drawer above 2 drawers, shaped bracSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Carved Mahogany Secretary BookcaseAmerican Chippendale Carved Mahogany Blockfront Secretary Bookcase, late 18th c., flame finialed broken arch cornice, highly figured scalloped paneled doors flanked by fluted pilasters, slant front liSee Sold Price
SoldHenkel-Harris Mahogany Secretary BookcaseAmerican Colonial-Style Mahogany Secretary Bookcase, 20th c., manufactured Henkel-Harris, cove molded cornice, arched glazed doors, shelves, slant front desk with fitted interior, four graduated draweSee Sold Price
SoldChippendale Carved Mahogany Secretary BookcaseAmerican Chippendale Carved Mahogany Secretary Bookcase , 18th c. and later, probably Southern, associated top on slant front desk with fitted interior above four graduated drawers, on ball and claw fSee Sold Price
SoldLate Classical Mahogany Secretary BookcaseAn American Late Classical Mahogany Secretary Bookcase , mid-19th c., the flat cornice above a cove molded frieze, Gothicized glazed doors flanked by engaged columns, the base with slant front writingSee Sold Price
19th C. George III Style Mahogany Bureau BookcaseNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Newport Chippendale Shell Carved Mahogany Slant Front DeskBrunk Auctions4.6(467)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
George III Mahogany Slant-Front Secretary BookcaseGreenwich Auction4.3(1.4k)See Sold PriceFeb 29, 2024
18TH C. BOSTON MA CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY OXBOW DESK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
18TH C. ENGLISH GEORGE II MAHOGANY SLANT LID DESK.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
American Mahogany Chippendale Style Fall Front DeskPremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024
WILLET 20th Century Cherry Secretary BookcasePremier Auction Galleries4.3(329)See Sold PriceMar 29, 2024
Globe-Wernicke Company (American) Mahogany Barrister Bookcase, Camed Glass Front, Ca. 1920, H 52" WDuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024