SoldNH Federal Flame Birch/Mahogany Swell Front Chesthaving 13 panels of inset birch veneer, including rectangular panel in apron, in as found condition with missing and loose veneers and substantial wear, sections of rear feet broken and in drawer. 35See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Swell Front Chesthaving elaborate fan and other inlays, with veneer losses, inlay losses and breaks and repairs to feet. 45 1/4" high, 42" wide, 17 1/2" deep.See Sold Price
SoldBombay Swell Front Chest with Marble TopMeasures approx. 34"h x 47"w x 20"d. It is a two drawer chest with floral paint decoration, ornate brasses and a mottled yellow marble top. From the estate of George Meade Easby of Chestnut Hill, Pa tSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Inlaid Mahogany Swell Front Cheststring inlaid, with two short over three graduated long drawers, on French feet. Wear, veneer losses, break to skirt, lacking one pull. 40 1/2" high, 43 1/2" wide, 24" deep. Provenance: Estate of EloiSee Sold Price
SoldCT Chippendale Cherrywood Swell Front ChestConnecticut Chippendale cherrywood swell front chest having four graduated drawers on bracket base. 34 1/4" high, 41 1/2" wide, 22" deep. Condition: finish wear, loss, age cracks, small stains to top,See Sold Price
SoldNORTHERN VIRGINIA OR MARYLAND FEDERAL MAHOGANY SWELL-FRONT CHEST OF DRAWERSNORTHERN VIRGINIA OR MARYLAND FEDERAL MAHOGANY SWELL-FRONT CHEST OF DRAWERS, the modified D-shape top above a conforming case featuring four graduated cock-beaded drawers with original silver-plated oSee Sold Price
SoldHepplewhite Mahogany Swell Front ChestHepplewhite mahogany swell front chest, top edge and base with mahogany and satinwood line inlay with four drawers over scalloped apron. 36 1/2" high, 41" wide, 23 3/4" deep. Condition: finish wear, lSee Sold Price
SoldAmerican Sheraton Swell Front Chestwith veneered drawer fronts, on turned legs. Expected age and use wear. 39" high, 39 1/4" wide, 20" deep.See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Mahogany Swell Front ChestGeorge III mahogany swell front chest having two short over three graduated long drawers on flaring French feet. 41 1/2" high, 41" wide, 21" deep. Condition: repairs to case and feet, the top possiblySee Sold Price
SoldHepplewhite Inlaid Mahogany Swell Front ChestHepplewhite inlaid mahogany four drawer swell front chest, with inlaid quarter fans and flaring french feet, Portsmouth area New Hampshire, circa 1800. 37" high, 41" wide, 22" deep. Condition: some reSee Sold Price
SoldHepplewhite Inlaid Mahogany Swell Front ChestHepplewhite inlaid mahogany swell front chest, with inlaid top edge above four graduated long drawers and set on flaring French feet. 33" high, 41 1/2" wide, 23 1/2" deep. Condition: sun bleached, somSee Sold Price
SoldHepplewhite Swell Front ChestWith five drawers (two at top and three below) with oval form handles. Inlay detail at top. Height 44 inches, width 38 inches, 22.5 inches.See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Figured Mahogany Swell Front ChestGeorgian figured and inlaid mahogany swell front chest with crossbanded top above split top drawers and two graduated long drawers, set on french feet. England, 19th century. 34 3/4" high, 41 1/4" widSee Sold Price
SoldFederal Inlaid Swell Front Chestwith various inlays and interesting spade form outlined feet. 36 1/2" high, 39" wide, 20 1/2" deep. Provenance: Estate of Clyde Gatlin, Southbury CT.See Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Swell Front ChestGeorgian inlaid mahogany swell front chest, England, late 18th century, with crossbanded top above two small and three graduated long drawers, set on flaring later French feet with shaped apron. 42 1/See Sold Price
SoldMINIATURE SWELL FRONT CHEST, MAHOG. 19THC.10 1/2" WIDE X 11 1/2" TALL X 7 1/4" DEEPSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Mahogany Five Drawer Swell Front ChestGeorge III mahogany swell front chest, the top with double beaded edge over two short and three long drawers. 42" high, 42" wide, 19" deep. Condition: brasses replaced.See Sold Price
SoldAmerican Sheraton Mahogany Swell Front Chest19th century, with reeded stiles, turned legs, inlaid banding at base. Estate condition, stains, repairs, losses, replaced brass, old holes behind. 44" wide, 39" high, 22" deep. Provenance: Property oSee Sold Price
SoldNE Sheraton Swell Front Chestin old finish. 38" high, 40 1/2" wide, 19" deep. Some losses, please see photos.See Sold Price
SoldDiminutive George III Mahogany Swell Front ChestDiminutive George III mahogany swell front chest having two short over two long graduated drawers on tapering French feet. 34 3/4" high, 34 3/4" wide, 18" deep. Condition: repairs to top, small lossesSee Sold Price
SoldGeorge III Mahogany Swell Front ChestGeorge III mahogany swell front chest, with two short over three graduated long drawers, on flaring French feet. 40" high, 40" wide, 20 1/2" deep. Condition: veneer patches, wear to surface of some drSee Sold Price
Kentucky swell-front chest,Kentucky swell-front chest, four graduated dovetailed and cockbeaded drawers, probably original brass pulls, inlaid diamond escutcheons, top drawer with compartments, original yellow pine skirt with cSee Sold Price
SoldPortsmouth Hepplewhite Mahogany Swell Front ChestHepplewhite inlaid mahogany "drop panel" swell front chest, with cherry top and sides and four drawers with string inlays and original oval hardware, raised on flaring French feet centering a drop panSee Sold Price
19th C. English Mahogany Bow Front Chest of Drawers Having Cross Banded TopNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Theodore Alexander Shaped Front Chest of DrawersNorthgate Gallery, Inc.4.5(36)See Sold PriceMar 02, 2024
Birdseye Maple Partial Bow Front ChestOld Kinderhook Auction Company4.6(217)See Sold PriceMar 05, 2024
Sample Size Mahogany Bow Front ChestBroken Arch Auction Gallery NCFL#93994.6(294)See Sold PriceMar 04, 2024
Georgian Style Polychromed Bow Front Chest, 20th c., H.- 36 1/2 in., W.- 45 in., D.- 20 in.Crescent City Auction Gallery4.3(231)See Sold PriceMar 08, 2024
NEW HAMPSHIRE FEDERAL INLAID CHEST, CA. 1810.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
FEDERAL BALTIMORE SERPENTINE FRONT CHEST, CA 1800.William Smith Auctions4.6(146)See Sold PriceMar 06, 2024
Georgian Mahogany Bow Front Chest of Drawers Ca. 1790-1810, H 40" W 49" L 24"DuMouchelles4.6(829)See Sold PriceMar 14, 2024
New England Federal Inlaid Bow Front Chest of DrawwersAlderfer Auction4.6(710)$250(1 bid)291 Lots Away